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Subconscious 947 implied HN points 23 Jun 23
  1. The OODA loop consists of observe, orient, decide, and act, crucial for agency in a cybernetic system.
  2. Fast transients and maintaining awareness are key to disorienting adversaries and maintaining agency.
  3. Tools for thought expand awareness, build memory, and increase bandwidth for synthesis, essential for navigating complex environments.
Binh’s Archive 39 implied HN points 12 Feb 24
  1. UpYouth Vault is a knowledge management system at UpYouth accessed through a chatbot called Bob on Telegram.
  2. At UpYouth, there was a need for a system like UpYouth Vault to prevent valuable knowledge from getting lost in group chats.
  3. Bob, the chatbot, supports features like semantic search and Retrieval Augmented Generation to enhance user experience.
The Incrementalist 6 implied HN points 10 Jan 24
  1. Building a system to store, manage, and act on information is essential for Personal Knowledge Mastery.
  2. Efficiently managing long-form notes and organizing them with tags can streamline information retrieval.
  3. Extracting insights from stored information and visualizing connections can lead to better decision-making and deeper understanding.
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