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Boring AppSec 84 implied HN points 05 Sep 23
  1. The post discusses a framework for securely using LLMs like ChatGPT and GitHub Copilot in companies.
  2. It highlights key risks and security controls for ChatGPT, focusing on data leakage and over-reliance on AI-generated output.
  3. For GitHub Copilot, it addresses risks like sensitive data leakage and license violations, along with suggested security controls.
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Mythical AI 58 implied HN points 17 Mar 23
  1. AI tools are making our lives easier and more fun, from simple toys to advanced APIs.
  2. Various AI tools are available for different tasks like running prompts on different models, converting paper forms to computer text, and summarizing videos with automatic chapter markers.
  3. Advancements in AI technology are leading to the development of innovative tools like text-to-song generators, text-to-vector image converters, and color book page generators.