The hottest Online course Substack posts right now

And their main takeaways
Top Education Topics
So Here’s a Thing 471 implied HN points 17 Jan 24
  1. The post is promoting an online course on herbal education by the author's wife, who is an experienced herbalist with a science background, offering practical knowledge on selecting, growing, and utilizing herbs for health.
  2. The course format includes live presentations via Zoom and additional materials, making the learning experience comprehensive and flexible for participants.
  3. The author encourages sharing the course information with interested individuals, highlighting the value of the content for anyone looking to learn about herbal remedies and gardening.
The Bigger Picture 119 implied HN points 18 Aug 22
  1. The connections we build with others are more important than understanding how things connect. Deepening these connections leads to collective insight and understanding.
  2. Improving sensemaking involves inquiry together, bringing our whole selves to conversations, and drawing on collective intelligence. It's about listening deeply and collaborating for new ideas and solutions.
  3. Sensemaking 101 offers a transformative process with world-class teachers, group interactions, and practical exercises. It aims to empower individuals to navigate a complex world collectively.
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Deep-Tech Newsletter 0 implied HN points 08 Aug 23
  1. The course aims to provide a deep understanding of quantum hardware like Quantum Optical Models, Ion Traps, and Superconductivity by clarifying basic concepts and covering key topics.
  2. Prior knowledge in quantum mechanics and optics is required for the course, which will consist of lectures and homework sections, with resources from reputable textbooks and recommended video materials.
  3. To participate in live sessions and receive certification, interested students need to apply and commit to completing the entire course, with opportunities for Q&A sessions and further engagement.