The hottest Regime Change Substack posts right now

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Top World Politics Topics
Caitlin’s Newsletter β€’ 1965 implied HN points β€’ 16 Jan 24
  1. The 'Rules-Based International Order' enabled violence and conflict in various regions like Gaza, Yemen, and Ukraine.
  2. This order allowed for deceptive military actions, regime changes, and destabilization in countries like Syria, Libya, and Iraq.
  3. The 'Rules-Based International Order' led to the suppression of journalism, civilian casualties, and the dominance of powerful interests over ordinary people.
Peter Navarro's Taking Back Trump's America β€’ 923 implied HN points β€’ 24 Jan 24
  1. Issues related to Communist China's economic aggression and military rise are crucial in national policy debate.
  2. Investigation into the 2020 election is essential to maintain election system integrity.
  3. Recognition of medical and political dangers related to COVID-19 vaccines and authoritarian measures is vital.
Gray Mirror β€’ 89 implied HN points β€’ 12 Mar 24
  1. The article discusses the importance of understanding historical events beyond myths and legends, pointing out the need to delve deeper into actual history to gain a more accurate perspective.
  2. It emphasizes the significance of moving beyond ideological narratives and recognizing the complexities of past revolutions and political structures to learn valuable lessons.
  3. There's a call for a deeper understanding of the nuances in historical events to avoid getting caught up in superficial or false representations of the past and to make informed decisions for the future.
The Upheaval β€’ 1032 implied HN points β€’ 05 Sep 23
  1. Historian Neil Howe predicts a significant shift in America's society and governance, likening it to previous generational historical cycles.
  2. Howe's model suggests a coming crisis leading to the birth of a new national order, potentially involving revolutionary regime change and great societal transformation.
  3. The book presents an optimistic outlook for America's future after the impending crisis, envisioning a new golden age albeit with concerns about potential outcomes and implications.
Stark Realities with Brian McGlinchey β€’ 880 implied HN points β€’ 01 May 23
  1. America's first black president left a legacy of slavery in Africa due to regime change in Libya.
  2. Obama's war power hypocrisy was evident in his actions in Libya, contrary to his earlier stance on military attacks.
  3. The intervention in Libya was based on false pretenses, such as claims of an imminent genocide in Benghazi, and served various ulterior motives.
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Geopolitical Economy Report β€’ 697 implied HN points β€’ 10 May 23
  1. Mexico's President AMLO criticized US 'interventionism' and funding opposition groups, feeding tension between the two countries.
  2. CIA-associated organizations like USAID have a history of supporting right-wing opposition groups in various countries to challenge governments that challenge US foreign policy interests.
  3. AMLO advocates for cooperation and friendship in US-Mexico relations, opposing far-right US politicians who push for military intervention in Mexico over issues like drug trafficking.
Fisted by Foucault β€’ 250 implied HN points β€’ 28 Feb 23
  1. The series delves into regime change and color revolutions, emphasizing the importance of understanding the subject thoroughly.
  2. Samantha Power's visit to Budapest focused on initiatives like supporting independent media, addressing corruption, and promoting civic engagement.
  3. Samantha Power is portrayed as a powerful advocate of humanitarian intervention, believing in spreading liberalism globally, even through force.
Geopolitical Economy Report β€’ 338 implied HN points β€’ 10 Nov 22
  1. France's President Macron, US's John Kerry, and Portugal's PM met with Venezuela's President Maduro to discuss lowering oil prices, despite past coup attempts.
  2. The West, including the US, France, and Portugal, is seeking alternatives to Russian oil as the EU faces a deadline to cut off imports and cope with high energy costs.
  3. Western powers, after years of trying to overthrow Venezuela's government, are now engaging in friendly dialogue with President Maduro due to economic interests and the need to reduce oil prices.
Geopolitical Economy Report β€’ 358 implied HN points β€’ 25 Jun 22
  1. The US government's Helsinki Commission held a Congressional briefing to discuss breaking up Russia in the name of decolonization.
  2. Participants at the briefing proposed supporting separatist movements within Russia and advocated for the independence of regions like Chechnya, Tatarstan, Dagestan, and Circassia.
  3. The briefing reflects a trend of using left-wing rhetoric to advance imperial interests by the US government, similar to other instances where progressive themes have been co-opted for political motives.
Geopolitical Economy Report β€’ 299 implied HN points β€’ 04 Apr 22
  1. Pakistan's Prime Minister Imran Khan is facing a foreign-backed regime-change attempt due to his opposition to US foreign policy and his effort to strengthen Pakistan's relations with China and Russia.
  2. Khan's vocal support for Palestinian liberation and his anti-colonial voice on the international stage have made him a target for hostile global elites.
  3. The regime-change efforts in Pakistan reflect a geopolitical power play involving Western interests seeking to assert control and discipline Pakistan amidst its growing alliances with China and Russia.