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The Recovering Academic β€’ 554 implied HN points β€’ 20 Feb 24
  1. Higher education is facing challenges of scarcity in access, instruction, and credentials, leading to market power exploitation by institutions.
  2. The proposed shift towards digital education may widen the class divide in higher education rather than solving existing problems.
  3. The current trend in education, as proposed by Michael D. Smith, risks devaluing PhDs and academic jobs, leading to a potential collapse of the system.
imperfect offerings β€’ 219 implied HN points β€’ 10 Jan 24
  1. Risks to knowledge economies are being highlighted in relation to generative AI and its potential impact on universities and academic practices.
  2. The use of generative AI platforms can lead to inequalities in knowledge production and amplification of existing biases and disparities.
  3. Open knowledge projects like Wikipedia are facing challenges from generative AI, with potential impact on diversity and community-driven content creation.
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The Recovering Academic β€’ 158 implied HN points β€’ 30 Jun 23
  1. The use of AI in education is causing concerns about the impact on the human bond between teachers and students.
  2. AI technology like ChatGPT can assist in generating discussion questions but may lack the ability to spark truly engaging and original scholarly discourse.
  3. While AI can assist in certain aspects of education, there is value in the intrinsic struggle and human connection that comes with the creative and scholarly process.
Dashing Data Viz β€’ 176 implied HN points β€’ 14 Mar 23
  1. The newsletter shares articles and videos on data visualization, like creating gradient line charts in R and using Tableau for interactive dashboards.
  2. There are resources available for learning new skills in data visualization, such as an online course on Intro to R for Data Viz.
  3. The newsletter also highlights interesting projects like visualizing the first 5,000 digits of Pi and provides resources for further reading on topics like data hierarchy best practices.
Technology Made Simple β€’ 39 implied HN points β€’ 25 Jan 23
  1. The problem discusses validating a binary search tree by checking if the left subtree contains keys less than the node's key and the right subtree contains keys greater than the node's key.
  2. It's important to ensure that both the left and right subtrees of a node are also binary search trees, following specific rules for structure and key values.
  3. Validating a binary search tree involves evaluating constraints like the number of nodes in the tree and the range of node values it can contain.
Day One β€’ 159 implied HN points β€’ 26 Sep 20
  1. Day Two of the 1000 Skills Conference focused on the importance of skills - learning online, profiting from skills, and combining skills for more income.
  2. Attendees emphasized the value of uniqueness to stand out, the need to master a skill before moving to others, and the importance of focusing on attention for productivity.
  3. Resources like 'Sell your Sawdust', 'The Rule Of Five', and 'The Sales Guide' were recommended to aid in skill development, productivity, and sales proficiency.
Quantum Formalism β€’ 39 implied HN points β€’ 25 Jan 22
  1. The Group theory crash course will start soon, beginning with basic concepts like binary operations and moving to more complex ones over time.
  2. The course will cover monoids, submonoids, monoid homomorphisms, and eventually groups in a pedagogically friendly manner.
  3. To adjust the course level accordingly, participants are requested to complete a short survey about their technical background.
Quantum Formalism β€’ 19 implied HN points β€’ 05 Aug 20
  1. The upcoming quantum formalism course will have live lectures on either Tuesdays or Fridays.
  2. Initially, live lectures were planned for Tuesdays, but there may be a switch to Fridays based on feedback.
  3. A live Q&A session is scheduled for August 14 to present the course program and answer audience questions.
Quantum Formalism β€’ 0 implied HN points β€’ 19 Apr 22
  1. Registration is open for the next live session about Group Theory Crash Course.
  2. A talk by BambordΓ© about exposing Abstract Mathematical Structures to Aspiring Quantum Computing Pros will be held on May 21st.
  3. If you missed any live sessions, recordings are available on the YouTube playlist. Join the Discord community for group study sessions.
Quantum Formalism β€’ 0 implied HN points β€’ 01 Apr 22
  1. Attend BambordΓ©'s talk on Abstract Mathematical Structures for Quantum Computing on May 21st at 1:00 PM EDT by registering at the provided link.
  2. Catch up on missed live sessions of the Group Theory Crash Course by accessing the recordings on the YouTube playlist shared.
  3. Join the Discord Community at the provided link to participate in group study sessions and engage with other members.
Quantum Formalism β€’ 0 implied HN points β€’ 26 Feb 22
  1. The lecture was a replay on Group Theory crash course.
  2. Connectivity issues during the live session were faced probably due to a storm in the UK.
  3. Participants were encouraged to join the next live session and a Discord server, and take a short survey on technical background.
Quantum Formalism β€’ 0 implied HN points β€’ 15 Nov 21
  1. The crash course introducing the notion of a 'smooth manifold' has concluded, preparing participants for the next module on Lie Groups, Lie Algebras & Representations.
  2. Certificates of Attendance and Completion are available upon request for auditing the crash course live or via the YouTube playlist, with different types of certificates offered.
  3. There will be a session on the industry career fellowship scheme for those who have expressed interest.
Quantum Formalism β€’ 0 implied HN points β€’ 22 Apr 21
  1. Module II will likely start on June 25th, with a live session planned for the upcoming Tuesday to discuss the approach and required set-theoretic concepts.
  2. If you can't attend the live session, it will be available later on their YouTube channel, ensuring you don't miss out on important information.
  3. The session will cover the structure and various topics of the prerequisite to prepare quantum enthusiasts for the module, creating an opportunity for learning.
Quantum Formalism β€’ 0 implied HN points β€’ 27 Jul 22
  1. The course on Measure Theory & Functional Analysis will start on Monday, August 29 with a new format focusing on pre-recorded lectures released on YouTube and live discussion forums on weekends.
  2. The course will cover topics including Measurable Functions, Integration Theorems, and advance to topics like Normed Vector Spaces and Hilbert Spaces.
  3. James Heffers, a Postdoctoral Assistant Professor at the University of Michigan, will be the lecturer for this course aiming to scale community initiatives and offer more courses.
Quantum Formalism β€’ 0 implied HN points β€’ 26 Aug 22
  1. Group theory session today starting an hour later, registration page for attendance available
  2. Measure Theory & Functional Analysis (MTFA) course soon to release first lecture, homework challenge on GitHub
  3. QF LinkedIn page created, Discord community for group study sessions
Quantum Formalism β€’ 0 implied HN points β€’ 03 Sep 22
  1. Understanding the abstract definition of a topology on a set can help in comprehending sigma algebras, which can be generated from existing topologies like Borel sigma Algebras.
  2. MTFA offers a YouTube Playlist for reference:
  3. Joining the Discord channel provided allows participation in discussions and questions to the speakers, as well as checking out the QF LinkedIn page for more information.
Quantum Formalism β€’ 0 implied HN points β€’ 19 Sep 22
  1. The MTFA course lectures have moved to a biweekly release format, so now they will be released every two weeks.
  2. Attend the webinar 'An Optimal Entanglement Distribution Policy for a Quantum Switch' happening on Monday, September 26, by registering at the provided link.
  3. The Quantum Formalism community offers various resources like a YouTube playlist, GitHub repository for homework and solutions, Discord channel, and a LinkedIn page.
Quantum Formalism β€’ 0 implied HN points β€’ 07 Mar 23
  1. Category theory is important in various fields like functional programming, formal verification, machine learning, and quantum information science.
  2. Connecting with experts like Brian Hepler can provide valuable insights and opportunities in mathematical research.
  3. The course emphasizes sharing knowledge and encouraging more people to learn the language of Category theory.