The hottest Climate & Environment Substack posts right now

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Top Climate & Environment Topics
Public β€’ 260 implied HN points β€’ 01 Mar 24
  1. Climate activists argue that halting natural gas exports from the US is crucial for combating global warming.
  2. There was pressure from various sources, including activists, politicians, and celebrities, for President Biden to pause new LNG export approvals.
  3. The study that influenced Biden's decision to halt LNG exports had inaccuracies and was quietly corrected, raising questions about the initial campaign against LNG.
eugyppius: a plague chronicle β€’ 205 implied HN points β€’ 10 Mar 24
  1. Independent auditors warn that German energy transition is unsustainable due to lack of reliable backup power for intermittent renewable sources.
  2. Germany is far behind in reaching renewable energy installation targets, needing a significant increase in wind and solar project installations.
  3. Massive grid expansions required for the energy transition in Germany are still inadequate, leading to doubts about the project's feasibility and affordability.
The Crucial Years β€’ 926 implied HN points β€’ 08 Dec 23
  1. The COP negotiations serve as a way to talk and pressure each other but do not have legislative authority
  2. The outcomes at COP reflect the current state of the world and political pressure from mobilized people
  3. Language and agreements at COP do not immediately translate into tangible action, requiring further activism at the local level
Uncharted Territories β€’ 3930 implied HN points β€’ 09 May 23
  1. Seaflooding can help mitigate the impact of rising sea levels while creating new habitats and boosting the economy.
  2. Flooded areas can lead to the growth of vibrant ecosystems, capturing carbon and attracting wildlife.
  3. Potential locations for seaflooding include the Dead Sea and the Sahara desert, with benefits such as lowering ocean levels and increasing economic activity.
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Adetokunbo Sees β€’ 206 implied HN points β€’ 09 Mar 24
  1. Consumerism, deforestation, and overfishing are major factors leading fishes like Java Stingaree and other animals to the brink of extinction.
  2. Global consumption patterns show a significant rise in freshwater usage fueled by increasing population and per capita spending over the years.
  3. To address climate change and prevent the extinction of species like the vaquitas porpoise, sustainable consumption, responsible fishing, and forest regeneration are vital.
This Week in MCJ (My Climate Journey) β€’ 609 implied HN points β€’ 09 Jan 24
  1. Advocate for sustainability within your current company to unlock opportunities for climate jobs for yourself and your colleagues.
  2. Consider working on sustainability as part of your current job, even if your ultimate goal is to transition to a full-time climate job.
  3. Start making small changes towards working on climate within your current role, viewing it as a gradual journey rather than an immediate shift.
The Crucial Years β€’ 1096 implied HN points β€’ 18 Nov 23
  1. Efforts by TikTokers and influencers are gaining momentum in advocating for environmental causes.
  2. Older individuals are also making a difference by using traditional methods like letter writing campaigns.
  3. Department of Energy should pay attention to both younger and older generations advocating against fossil fuel projects.
The Crucial Years β€’ 1454 implied HN points β€’ 18 Oct 23
  1. We have the potential to power our world with renewable energy like solar and wind, which are not only abundant but also provide a cost-effective solution.
  2. The rapid growth of solar and wind power is crucial to reducing our reliance on fossil fuels and lowering carbon emissions globally.
  3. Transitioning to renewable energy sources like solar can have significant environmental benefits, such as reducing carbon dioxide emissions and preserving natural habitats.
The Crucial Years β€’ 1295 implied HN points β€’ 24 Oct 23
  1. False information spreads quickly, like rumors about electric vehicle fires, aided by social media and anti-environmental amplifiers.
  2. Compared to fossil fuel vehicles, electric vehicles are significantly less likely to catch on fire.
  3. It's important to consider the larger picture and relative impacts when evaluating new technologies or risks, like the benefits of windmills in reducing fossil fuel use.
The Climate Brink β€’ 353 implied HN points β€’ 08 Feb 24
  1. A new study suggests the need for a Category 6 hurricane classification due to intensified storms from global warming.
  2. Hurricane intensity is not solely about wind speed, as factors like storm surge and rainfall play a significant role in damage.
  3. Adding a Category 6 could provide better information for emergency planning, but some argue the current scale already covers the impact.
The Climate Brink β€’ 412 implied HN points β€’ 29 Jan 24
  1. Expanding LNG infrastructure may reduce emissions short-term by displacing coal, but it locks in higher emissions in the long run.
  2. U.S. consumers now pay global prices for natural gas due to increased LNG exports, exposing them to international price fluctuations.
  3. Exporting LNG compromises U.S. energy security, as global pricing allows foreign powers to influence prices and threaten economic stability.
Sustainability by numbers β€’ 545 implied HN points β€’ 09 Jan 24
  1. The book offers a data-driven look at environmental problems and how to solve them with a cautiously hopeful tone.
  2. It promotes urgent optimism in tackling solvable environmental issues relying on focused human effort and data-driven solutions.
  3. The book covers various environmental challenges and highlights the interconnected solutions to address them.
The View from Rural Missouri by Jess Piper β€’ 895 implied HN points β€’ 26 Nov 23
  1. CAFOs in Missouri have caused water and air pollution due to lack of regulations since 2019
  2. Corporate agriculture practices harm rural communities by displacing small farmers and increasing corporate control
  3. Decay in rural areas is interconnected, linked to corporate takeover of farming, decline in water and air quality, and community disinvestment
Field Guide to the Anthropocene β€’ 373 implied HN points β€’ 02 Feb 24
  1. Environmental consequences of another Trump administration could be dire due to dismantling regulations and environmental protections.
  2. The Project 2025 plan outlines radical changes including anti-science bias, climate denial, and drastic rollbacks on environmental regulations.
  3. The plan not only threatens environmental protection but also could have serious impacts on climate, air and water quality, wildlife, and even government structure.
HEATED β€’ 1670 implied HN points β€’ 12 Sep 23
  1. Climate scientist Rose Abramoff took a personal risk to protest against the Mountain Valley Pipeline construction.
  2. The Mountain Valley Pipeline faces opposition due to its environmental impact, regulatory violations, and public health concerns.
  3. Despite facing consequences, Rose Abramoff remains committed to civil disobedience as she believes direct action is effective in combating fossil fuel projects.
The Planet β€’ 452 implied HN points β€’ 18 Jan 24
  1. Greenland's ice loss is 20% higher than previously estimated, with one trillion metric tons of ice lost since 1992.
  2. Melting ice sheets in Greenland can affect global ocean currents like the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation.
  3. Defamation lawsuits against climate skeptics are important to protect scientists and ensure factual climate change discussions.
The Honest Broker Newsletter β€’ 274 implied HN points β€’ 16 Feb 24
  1. Setting clear goals is crucial for progress, even if there are debates around the specifics. Policies should focus on addressing the root causes of issues, not just consequences.
  2. Decarbonization of the economy can happen through improving energy efficiency and transitioning to low-carbon energy sources. These are essential to meet atmospheric carbon dioxide targets.
  3. Efforts to reduce carbon emissions should consider the balance between economic growth and environmental impact. Decarbonizing energy supply is crucial for significant progress.
Field Guide to the Anthropocene β€’ 393 implied HN points β€’ 26 Jan 24
  1. In the Anthropocene era, humans must protect and restore the Earth given our excessive impact on its ecosystems.
  2. We need to become rational and compassionate managers of the planet to address climate change and ecological disruptions.
  3. Storms, while disruptive and dangerous, also serve as a reminder of our place in nature and the need to prepare for managing the impacts of extreme weather.
The Land Desk β€’ 432 implied HN points β€’ 19 Jan 24
  1. Headlines often focus on calamities related to clean energy, overlooking the more deadly impacts of oil and gas infrastructure.
  2. Oil and gas incidents, like hazardous material spills and pipeline failures, occur regularly and have significant environmental and societal consequences.
  3. Media coverage tends to sensationalize clean energy accidents while downplaying the frequent and impactful mishaps in the oil and gas industry.
The Planet β€’ 353 implied HN points β€’ 30 Jan 24
  1. Scotland's renewable energy sector surpassed 100% of electricity demand, a 26% increase from the previous year
  2. The fossil fuel industry funded early climate science, including the development of the iconic 'Keeling curve'
  3. China installed a record-breaking 216.9 gigawatts of solar capacity in 2023, surpassing any other nation
Tilting At Windmills β€’ 334 implied HN points β€’ 02 Feb 24
  1. Climate change models have not accurately predicted outcomes despite drastic measures being proposed.
  2. Temperature readings used to support climate change claims may be inaccurate due to biases in monitoring stations.
  3. There is skepticism around the credibility of climate scientists and their data collection methods.
The Crucial Years β€’ 1574 implied HN points β€’ 08 Sep 23
  1. The video illustrates the impact of climate change through unprecedented floods in Greece.
  2. The urgency to take action against climate change is emphasized, as we witness extreme weather events becoming more common.
  3. Global efforts to meet climate targets, such as the Paris Agreement, are falling short and require more substantial commitments.
The Crucial Years β€’ 1375 implied HN points β€’ 25 Sep 23
  1. The fossil fuel industry is pushing to export large amounts of fossil gas to preserve their profits, even though renewable energy sources are cheaper and cleaner.
  2. The rapid expansion of LNG export terminals could cause American greenhouse gas emissions to remain stagnant since 2005, impacting global warming.
  3. It is crucial to stop the continued expansion of LNG build-out to accelerate the transition to clean and renewable energy sources worldwide.
Adetokunbo Sees β€’ 206 implied HN points β€’ 24 Feb 24
  1. Big Oil companies lie about their plans to zero out greenhouse gas emissions and their efforts to address plastic waste challenges.
  2. Despite making colossal profits, Big Oil companies like Shell, ExxonMobil, and Aramco continue to spread misinformation about their environmental impact.
  3. Developing a circular economy, reducing plastic and private vehicle usage, and holding corporations accountable for lies about recycling and pollution can lead to significant positive changes in addressing climate crises.
The Planet β€’ 255 implied HN points β€’ 11 Feb 24
  1. The global sea surface temperatures hit a new modern record high, which is a serious concern for climate change.
  2. Research suggests that the Atlantic overturning circulation (AMOC) is moving towards a tipping point, which could have catastrophic consequences for Europe's climate.
  3. It is crucial to appreciate and protect nature's beauty while also being mindful of the urgent climate concerns and potential tipping points.
The Crucial Years β€’ 1365 implied HN points β€’ 05 Sep 23
  1. Burning fossil fuels in Asia is reducing life expectancy by an average of five years due to air pollution.
  2. Climate change is leading to a new wave of diseases and deaths in countries like Pakistan.
  3. Transitioning to renewable energy in Asia, Africa, and South America would have significant health and environmental benefits.