The hottest Climate & Environment Substack posts right now

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Top Climate & Environment Topics
Construction Physics β€’ 8142 implied HN points β€’ 28 Jun 23
  1. The US electrical grid is a massive machine supplying over 4 trillion kilowatt-hours of electricity annually.
  2. Challenges face the grid like the introduction of variable electricity sources and decreasing reliability.
  3. Future energy strategies may involve a mix of large-scale infrastructure development and innovative, decentralized solutions.
The Crucial Years β€’ 757 implied HN points β€’ 13 Feb 24
  1. The documentary 'Bad River' tells the story of an indigenous community fighting an oil company, highlighting the universal struggle for land rights and environmental protection.
  2. The legal and political battle between the Bad River band and Enbridge over Line 5 demonstrates the importance of building broad coalitions to address both environmental and climate crises.
  3. The documentary emphasizes the need for alliances and friendships to form to create successful movements, showcasing the power of collaboration in environmental activism.
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RESCUE with Michael Capuzzo β€’ 7567 implied HN points β€’ 28 Jun 23
  1. Whales are dying along the East Coast due to offshore wind turbines and oil & gas drilling, raising concerns about environmental impacts.
  2. There is uncertainty and disagreement among experts and agencies about the connection between offshore wind activities and whale deaths.
  3. Offshore wind projects may have limited impact on global emissions and climate change, but they are still considered integral for state plans.
The Climate Brink β€’ 1257 implied HN points β€’ 12 Jan 24
  1. 2023 experienced unexpected and unexplained warming, breaking temperature records.
  2. Various factors such as El NiΓ±o, volcanic eruptions, and human greenhouse gas emissions influence global temperature fluctuations.
  3. Predicting 2024's temperatures is challenging due to uncertainties from the unique behavior of the current El NiΓ±o event.
The Honest Broker Newsletter β€’ 726 implied HN points β€’ 12 Feb 24
  1. Europe experiences significant economic losses due to weather and climate disasters, averaging about €15 billion annually.
  2. Storms and floods are the main causes of losses in Europe, with heatwaves also impacting the region.
  3. Data collection on disaster impacts in Europe is lacking, making it challenging to assess long-term trends in weather and climate-related losses.
The Liberal Patriot β€’ 1316 implied HN points β€’ 07 Jan 24
  1. Climate discussions often mention limiting global warming to avoid the worst impacts, but there's no scientific consensus on specific limits.
  2. Focusing on the 1.5Β°C threshold as crucial is arbitrary, without solid scientific basis.
  3. Considering the costs of limiting warming is essential as it involves trade-offs and impacts on human well-being.
Airplane Mode with Liz Plank β€’ 864 implied HN points β€’ 01 Feb 24
  1. Fox News has acknowledged the reality of carbon emissions after reporting on Taylor Swift's private jet use.
  2. Private jets contribute significantly to carbon emissions, with celebrities like Swift producing much more than the average person.
  3. Progressives have proposed various solutions to address private jet emissions, but face resistance from conservatives.
The Climate Brink β€’ 845 implied HN points β€’ 31 Jan 24
  1. Recent developments and data do not support the idea that the climate is more sensitive to emissions than previously thought.
  2. Certain climate models have high sensitivity to CO2, but community reviews have suggested narrowing down the range of climate sensitivity.
  3. The exact climate sensitivity estimates can vary across studies, but regardless, the priority remains the urgent need to decarbonize our society.
Adetokunbo Sees β€’ 413 implied HN points β€’ 02 Mar 24
  1. Megacities around the world are facing the threat of land subsidence, sinking at a faster rate than sea levels are rising.
  2. Groundwater extraction is a significant factor contributing to land subsidence in various regions, such as Africa, Asia, and the eastern coast of the United States.
  3. Combining the effects of land subsidence and rising sea levels due to climate change poses a frightening challenge for coastal cities globally, emphasizing the importance of sustainable water management practices.
Doomberg β€’ 7718 implied HN points β€’ 26 May 23
  1. Living near wind farms can have negative impacts like noise pollution and disruption to farming.
  2. There can be aggressive legal tactics in the wind industry to collect tax credits, leading to conflicts with rural communities.
  3. There is a divide between urban and rural areas on climate change, with rural areas more skeptical and urban areas more supportive of climate action.
Doomberg β€’ 6650 implied HN points β€’ 18 Jun 23
  1. Norway has a successful energy policy with a focus on clean electricity and oil reserve management.
  2. Norway's oil consumption defies expectations despite high renewable energy usage and electric vehicle sales.
  3. The International Energy Agency predicts a peak in global oil demand within six years, emphasizing the importance of transitioning to cleaner energy sources.
Doomberg β€’ 8128 implied HN points β€’ 23 Apr 23
  1. The World Snooker Championship requires skill, tradition, and endurance to produce a deserving winner.
  2. Protest disruptions in events like these highlight concerns about the spread of climate alarmism among the youth.
  3. There is a call for action to address the indoctrination of the younger generation and implement needed policy changes.
HEATED β€’ 3223 implied HN points β€’ 28 Sep 23
  1. A new paper highlights the need for systemic changes in behavior to prevent ecological overshoot.
  2. Mainstream media still runs fossil fuel ads in climate reporting, undermining the message.
  3. Insurance companies promising to cut coal coverage are found secretly funding it, violating their own policies.
Doomberg β€’ 7407 implied HN points β€’ 10 May 23
  1. The article discusses the rising trend of power outages in the US due to extreme weather and how it affects different socio-economic groups.
  2. It questions the narrative that blames climate change solely for power grid instability, highlighting the role of policy decisions like investing in intermittent energy sources.
  3. The text also critiques the German approach to energy policy, emphasizing the potential consequences of their shift towards renewable energy sources.
Doomberg β€’ 6819 implied HN points β€’ 15 May 23
  1. Tires are complex products involving multiple components like rubber, steel, and nylon, crucial for driving performance and safety.
  2. End-of-life tires present a significant pollution issue due to difficulty in recycling and burning, leading to emissions of pollutants like zinc.
  3. Government policies can redefine sustainability, such as classifying spent tires as 'biomass,' raising concerns about environmental impact and green energy definitions.
Sustainability by numbers β€’ 284 implied HN points β€’ 07 Mar 24
  1. Low-carbon energy is more secure compared to fossil fuels due to different risk factors.
  2. Fossil fuel supplies pose an energy security risk due to being fuels that can be cut off or become expensive, impacting a country's energy security.
  3. Mineral inequities for clean energy transition are a separate issue, as expensive minerals may slow down the transition but do not impact the operation of existing technologies.
The Honest Broker Newsletter β€’ 1511 implied HN points β€’ 30 Nov 23
  1. Replacing 150 coal power plants with nuclear power can reduce global emissions by 25% by 2035.
  2. The cost of replacing these plants with nuclear power is significantly lower than other emissions reduction measures.
  3. If the world is to achieve net-zero carbon emissions, retiring or retrofitting coal plants is necessary, and nuclear power provides a feasible alternative.
The Crucial Years β€’ 906 implied HN points β€’ 09 Jan 24
  1. Protest outside the Department of Energy in early February against permitting new LNG export terminals
  2. Arguments against granting new export licenses include high greenhouse gas emissions and negative impact on local communities
  3. Participate in peaceful civil disobedience or support rallies, with options for training sessions and online nonviolence training
Adetokunbo Sees β€’ 206 implied HN points β€’ 16 Mar 24
  1. Illegal wildlife trade, including poaching of songbirds, elephants, and tigers, is a significant issue contributing to species depletion and biodiversity loss worldwide.
  2. The demand for ivory and tiger parts remains high, driving the continued poaching and trafficking of these animals despite conservation efforts.
  3. Improving legislation, creating awareness about the consequences of wildlife crime, and promoting alternative livelihoods can help combat illegal wildlife trade and protect endangered species.
The Crucial Years β€’ 1395 implied HN points β€’ 03 Dec 23
  1. UN Secretary General emphasizes the need to phase out fossil fuels completely to limit climate change to 1.5 degrees
  2. Using carbon capture to 'abate' emissions from fossil fuels is not effective and just a way for the industry to continue business as usual
  3. The focus of climate negotiations should be on stopping the flow of greenhouse gases by transitioning to renewable energy sources
The Crucial Years β€’ 1494 implied HN points β€’ 19 Nov 23
  1. The planet's temperature crossed the 2.0 degrees Celsius mark for the first time, highlighting the urgent need to address global warming
  2. The conflict in Palestine is exacerbating environmental issues, with the region facing challenges like water scarcity and desertification due to climate change
  3. Addressing conflicts like the one in Palestine is crucial to redirecting attention towards combating climate change and preserving a livable planet for all
The Crucial Years β€’ 966 implied HN points β€’ 22 Dec 23
  1. There is a potential victory on pausing LNG exports, which could impact Biden's campaign and the planet positively.
  2. Campaigners and new data have highlighted the detrimental impact of LNG exports on the climate and American consumers.
  3. The administration's decision on LNG exports can be a crucial win for climate action and Biden's re-election efforts.
The Crucial Years β€’ 2421 implied HN points β€’ 18 Sep 23
  1. Participants showed up in force for the March to End Fossil Fuels in Manhattan despite the ongoing pandemic.
  2. The event was organized by individuals like Jean Su who worked hard to bring people together, despite differing views.
  3. The march was a public demonstration of determination to continue the fight against climate change, with speakers emphasizing the urgency of the situation.
eugyppius: a plague chronicle β€’ 205 implied HN points β€’ 10 Mar 24
  1. Independent auditors warn that German energy transition is unsustainable due to lack of reliable backup power for intermittent renewable sources.
  2. Germany is far behind in reaching renewable energy installation targets, needing a significant increase in wind and solar project installations.
  3. Massive grid expansions required for the energy transition in Germany are still inadequate, leading to doubts about the project's feasibility and affordability.
HEATED β€’ 2004 implied HN points β€’ 09 Oct 23
  1. Billionaires are not necessarily the smartest, but they excel at using the capitalist system for their benefit.
  2. The climate solutions proposed by billionaires often aim to preserve the status quo that keeps them in power.
  3. Indigenous activists advocate for reciprocal climate solutions that benefit both humans and the environment.
Public β€’ 260 implied HN points β€’ 01 Mar 24
  1. Climate activists argue that halting natural gas exports from the US is crucial for combating global warming.
  2. There was pressure from various sources, including activists, politicians, and celebrities, for President Biden to pause new LNG export approvals.
  3. The study that influenced Biden's decision to halt LNG exports had inaccuracies and was quietly corrected, raising questions about the initial campaign against LNG.
Adetokunbo Sees β€’ 206 implied HN points β€’ 09 Mar 24
  1. Consumerism, deforestation, and overfishing are major factors leading fishes like Java Stingaree and other animals to the brink of extinction.
  2. Global consumption patterns show a significant rise in freshwater usage fueled by increasing population and per capita spending over the years.
  3. To address climate change and prevent the extinction of species like the vaquitas porpoise, sustainable consumption, responsible fishing, and forest regeneration are vital.