Prime Cuts Newsletter

Prime Cuts Newsletter focuses on simplifying life and health for improved well-being, covering key truths for thriving, the illusion of complexity, healing, sustainable weight loss, and healthy eating habits. It emphasizes simplicity, mindfulness, and practical approaches to physical and mental health, along with financial insights into the food industry.

Simplicity and Complexity Health and Wellness Sustainable Weight Loss Mindfulness and Self-care Healthy Eating Physical Activity Financial Insights in the Food Industry Parenting and Health Habits

The hottest Substack posts of Prime Cuts Newsletter

And their main takeaways
393 implied HN points β€’ 16 Apr 23
  1. We are moving through space at incredible speeds, yet it doesn't impact our daily lives.
  2. Life may seem complex with advancements and new research, but at the core, it remains simple.
  3. Despite the appearance of increasing complexity, focus on making simple moves in life.
334 implied HN points β€’ 25 Apr 23
  1. Junk food companies are thriving financially and making all-time highs in the stock market.
  2. The rise in obesity rates suggests a concerning health pandemic, with Americans more obese than ever before.
  3. To prioritize long-term health, it's important to adopt a contrarian approach to eating, focusing on real, healthy foods.
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275 implied HN points β€’ 07 Feb 23
  1. Focus on simplicity and consistency in daily routines.
  2. Prioritize elements like morning sun, movement, work, nourishment, and rest.
  3. Tune in to internal cues like hunger, rest, and mood for self-awareness.
216 implied HN points β€’ 25 May 23
  1. Popular weight loss approaches may not be sustainable, leading to the YoYo Effect.
  2. The NoYo Protocol offers a blueprint for sustainable weight loss without the YoYo cycle.
  3. The protocol includes specific behaviors like eating high protein and fats, avoiding calorie restrictions, intermittent fasting, and focusing on the psychology of creating a lean self-concept.
117 implied HN points β€’ 16 May 23
  1. The author created a simple, one-page keto cheat sheet to make it easier to understand what to eat and avoid on a keto diet.
  2. The cheat sheet includes information on what to eat, what to avoid, and when to eat in one printable format.
  3. The author recommends going deep into the topic by reading 'The Keto Bible' for a more detailed understanding.