
Psych explores psychological concepts that inform on behavior, health, and strategies for personal development. It examines phenomena like the Diderot Effect, the Illusory Truth Effect, and attachment styles in relationships, offering insights into how these impact consumer behavior, happiness, decision-making, and more.

Consumer Behavior Happiness and Health Decision Making Sleep and Boredom Quality Management and Problem Solving Social Status and Effort Brain Function and Daydreaming Technology and Mental Performance Relationship Dynamics Workplace Mental Health

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And their main takeaways
39 implied HN points 31 Jan 24
  1. The Illusory Truth Effect is a phenomenon where repetition can make us believe something is true, even if it's not.
  2. It can influence decision-making by shaping our perceptions and beliefs.
  3. There are strategies to mitigate the Illusory Truth Effect, such as fact-checking and seeking diverse sources of information.
19 implied HN points 10 Feb 24
  1. Daydreaming may contribute to brain plasticity: Daydreams, especially after viewing images, might assist the brain in learning and adapting by guiding neural patterns.
  2. Neural activity during daydreams: Neurons in the visual cortex of mice fired similarly during daydreaming and when actively looking at images, suggesting a link between daydreams and visual memories.
  3. Predictive nature of early daydreams: Daydreams at the start of the day predicted changes in the brain's response to images, indicating that daydreams could influence the brain's future reactions to visual stimuli.
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19 implied HN points 24 Jan 24
  1. The Ishikawa Diagram is a tool used in quality management to identify potential causes contributing to a problem.
  2. It provides a visual representation of causes, categorizing them to aid in root cause analysis.
  3. This tool is effective for collaborative problem-solving and quality improvement initiatives within organizations.
19 implied HN points 17 Jan 24
  1. Using a phone as a break during tough mental tasks doesn't help the brain recharge well and might make performance worse.
  2. Taking phone breaks during tasks can lead to feeling mentally drained and performing less effectively than taking breaks using paper or computer.
  3. Phones might distract more than other devices, making it harder to focus on work and can lead to decreased performance.
0 implied HN points 27 Jan 24
  1. Mental health issues are common in the workplace and have significant costs for individuals, employers, and society.
  2. The relationship between work and mental health is complex and requires more research and inclusive approaches.
  3. It's crucial to examine working conditions and their impact on mental disorders to promote mental health among workers.