Yong’s Newsletter

Yong's Newsletter explores the intricacies of entrepreneurship, focusing on strategy, failure, resilience, and innovation within tech and startup ecosystems. It offers insights into lessons learned from industry giants, personal branding, customer-centric product development, and the dynamics of self-funded startups.

Entrepreneurship Startup Strategy Product Development Customer Engagement Innovation Self-Funding Resilience and Failure Market Trends Personal Branding Technology and IIoT

The hottest Substack posts of Yong’s Newsletter

And their main takeaways
0 implied HN points 11 Jul 23
  1. Identifying and targeting the correct target customer group is crucial for business success.
  2. Understanding customer needs and preferences is essential for delivering value and aligning products/services with the market.
  3. Iterative testing, learning from mistakes, and adapting to customer feedback are key for aligning products/services with the right target customer group.
Get a weekly roundup of the best Substack posts, by hacker news affinity:
0 implied HN points 26 Jul 23
  1. Astute entrepreneurs exhibit composure and silence amidst challenges, like Elon Musk.
  2. Successful entrepreneurs, such as Oprah Winfrey, value and benefit from solitude for self-reflection.
  3. Entrepreneurs like Steve Jobs show resolute decisiveness in the face of adversity, never wavering in their vision.
0 implied HN points 11 Jul 23
  1. Identifying and targeting the right customer base is crucial for business success.
  2. Understanding customer needs and preferences is essential to provide a compelling value proposition.
  3. Iterative testing, learning from mistakes, and adapting to customer feedback are key to aligning products with the appropriate customer base.