The hottest Coping Substack posts right now

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Top Health & Wellness Topics
Development Hell β€’ 276 implied HN points β€’ 07 Mar 23
  1. Being a writer can have moments of self-doubt and feeling like a disaster, especially when facing a project that seems to have gone terribly wrong.
  2. Writers can be extremely hard on themselves, often internalizing problems with their work as personal failings.
  3. Despite the challenges and self-doubt, subscribing to platforms like Development Hell can provide insights and support in navigating screenwriting catastrophes.
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effectiviology β€’ 2 HN points β€’ 19 Mar 24
  1. Ambiguous loss occurs when someone loses connection with a loved one in a way that feels unclear and lacks resolution.
  2. Ambiguous loss can happen when a person is physically absent or present but psychologically unavailable.
  3. To cope with ambiguous loss, it's helpful to acknowledge it, use 'both-and thinking,' and focus on what you can control.
Are You Okay? β€’ 0 implied HN points β€’ 29 Aug 22
  1. Therapy is beneficial for a wide range of issues like anxiety, depression, substance use, and grief, not just for those in crisis. It's like exercising for mental health.
  2. While friends and family provide support, therapy offers unbiased professional help and a dedicated space for self-growth without straining personal relationships.
  3. Therapy doesn't aim to solve external problems but to build resilience in handling difficulties. It's important to invest emotionally and be open to change for therapy to be effective.