The hottest Movement Substack posts right now

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Top U.S. Politics Topics
Insight Axis β€’ 1402 implied HN points β€’ 04 Feb 24
  1. Think of movement as more inclusive and sustainable than just exercise - align with your biology rather than work against it.
  2. Make movement a meaningful ritual instead of just a habit - care for your body intentionally.
  3. Remember that movement is constant in life - from everyday tasks to intentional workouts, aim for a sustainable approach for long-term health.
Dilan’s Newsletter β€’ 393 implied HN points β€’ 01 Mar 23
  1. Cheating is a significant issue on the Left, affecting various areas like academic testing and benefits programs.
  2. Enforcing rules against cheating is crucial to maintain fairness and prevent resentment among those who follow the rules.
  3. The Left, while supporting programs to help disadvantaged individuals, often struggles with implementing effective enforcement mechanisms against cheaters.
Weekly Wisdom β€’ 139 implied HN points β€’ 23 Feb 23
  1. Having a good morning routine sets the tone for your whole day by ensuring your sleep, purpose, and passion are aligned.
  2. Key elements of a morning routine include light exposure, cold exposure, breathwork, movement, meditation, and journaling.
  3. Flexibility in your routine allows for adjustments based on time availability, and focusing on meaningful activities is more crucial than a perfect routine.
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