The hottest Product Marketing Substack posts right now

And their main takeaways
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Cloud Irregular 2069 implied HN points 19 Feb 24
  1. Explaining complex tech products in simple language is important for understanding and adoption.
  2. Developers may value different aspects of a tech product compared to business decision-makers, causing a mismatch in communication.
  3. CloudTruth focuses on managing crucial configuration data, highlighting the importance of precision in language and clear communication.
The Unpublishable 9060 implied HN points 07 Aug 23
  1. The beauty industry heavily relies on anti-aging products for profit, perpetuating beauty standards rooted in capitalism and oppression.
  2. Terms like "pro-aging" are just rebranding of anti-aging products with the same underlying goal of combating signs of aging.
  3. There is a societal pressure to stay youthful, leading to a culture of age anxiety and promoting unhealthy practices like using anti-aging products at younger ages.
The Social Juice 19 implied HN points 26 Jan 24
  1. Long-term partnerships with influencers are more effective than short-term sponsorships for product marketing.
  2. Engaging in discussion-focused content on platforms like Reddit can drive better product recommendations and feedback.
  3. Product marketing for streaming services should focus on brand positioning and unique selling points rather than just promoting content.
Startup Business Tips 🚀 8 implied HN points 17 Feb 24
  1. Qualifying a lead involves determining if both the lead and your product are a good fit, making it a mutual decision to invest time in the sales process.
  2. Sales qualification frameworks like MEDDIC, SPIN, SUGAR, and SPICED provide structure for the sales process, improve pipeline quality, and help create a shared understanding internally.
  3. Sales discovery calls are crucial for properly qualifying leads, and using the right discovery questions in a 2-step sales process ensures a focused approach, personalized demos, and involvement of relevant stakeholders.
42 Slash 78 implied HN points 27 Apr 23
  1. Demand Generation is not just about creating content and hoping for leads, it's broader and includes customer acquisition and infrastructure.
  2. Marketing in a B2B company should be structured around three main pillars: Demand Generation, Brand, and Product Marketing.
  3. Product Marketing is foundational to a company as it connects various functions like Sales, Product, Marketing, and Customer Service.
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