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The ZIPster 17 implied HN points 15 Mar 24
  1. The author rediscovered the joy of a simple jacket potato meal and its history, showcasing how food preferences can change over time.
  2. Recipe boxes with step-by-step instructions can offer variety and reduce food waste, making meal preparation easier for those not fond of cooking.
  3. The story also touches on the evolution of food trends, from the humble jacket potato shops to modern gourmet takes on this classic dish, reflecting changing consumer preferences.
illyanna Maisonet's Newsletter 275 implied HN points 05 Sep 23
  1. The Emigh family has been in the Solano County area since the 1800s, running Emigh Livestock and Emigh Lamb.
  2. Emigh Lamb raises Rambouillet/Suffolk cross lambs in dry hill ground, ensuring quality through breeding and feeding practices.
  3. The Emigh Lamb and Last of the Summer Tomatoes recipe includes ingredients like lamb, zucchini, onions, tomatoes, and spices for a flavorful dish.
Austin's Analects 19 implied HN points 07 Mar 24
  1. Having a specific date on the calendar for a goal increases the likelihood of actually achieving it.
  2. Most of the food Americans eat is produced by big corporations, which can be harmful. Support local food sources and communities for better health.
  3. When taking advice, prioritize personal stories and insights from people you admire or aspire to be like over generic advice.
Who is Robert Malone 19 implied HN points 29 Feb 24
  1. In the past, the USA faced a beef shortage resulting in high prices, leading to marketing campaigns like 'Beef, it's what's for dinner'.
  2. Currently, the US is experiencing another beef shortage, with factors like reduced cattle herds, farmer loss, and regulatory burdens influencing prices.
  3. Switching to a plant-based diet might not always be as healthy as it seems, as processed plant-based foods dominate the market and can contribute to health issues like obesity.
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Mister Branzino's Newsletter 19 implied HN points 08 Dec 23
  1. People are opting to eat from hot bars at grocery stores more than at restaurants due to the macro-economy, so cooking at home can be a good money-saving option.
  2. National Cookie Day was celebrated last week, and there's a delicious peanut butter cookie recipe featured that's worth trying.
  3. Food & Wine's 2023 Holiday Gift Guide is recommended for Christmas shopping, with gift ideas like the Yeti Rambler being appealing. Still enough time to get gifts.
The Rotten Apple 42 implied HN points 12 Jun 23
  1. Mystery toxin in tara flour was possibly identified by toxicologists after causing numerous illnesses.
  2. Food scientists may contribute to making highly processed foods addictive, but the blame lies with the profit-driven food industry.
  3. Cleaning and sanitizing harvest equipment, especially for raw vegetables, is crucial for preventing foodborne illness outbreaks.
The Rotten Apple 42 implied HN points 24 Apr 23
  1. Risk management in food safety is more of a political process than a scientific one.
  2. Most wasabi paste we consume is fake, made with horseradish, but still has antibacterial properties.
  3. Synthetic biology in food production and the term HFSS (high in fat, salt, sugar) are emerging concepts in food science.
Snaxshot 18 likes 06 Mar 24
  1. Kylie Jenner's RTD drink faced skepticism from Gen Z due to brand expansion into various products.
  2. Consumers are increasingly drawn to premium pet pantry items, indicating a rise in spending on pets.
  3. Food and beverage industry trends include the popularity of status chips, innovative toothpaste flavors, and the emergence of blood sugar-friendly products.
Snaxshot 20 likes 17 Apr 24
  1. There is controversy surrounding Better Brand's product misrepresentation, causing disappointment among customers and raising questions about company integrity.
  2. The company's growth and valuation do not seem to align with the quality of its products, leading to skepticism and disappointment among consumers.
  3. Issues like false advertising in the food industry showcase a disconnect between company growth goals and product quality, emphasizing the importance of maintaining honesty and quality in consumer products.