The hottest Literature Substack posts right now

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Top Literature Topics
Software Design: Tidy First? β€’ 1903 implied HN points β€’ 11 Jan 24
  1. The new companion model called Rent-a-Kent combines blog posts with a trained language model to promote reader interaction.
  2. Creating the companion model felt more like programming than writing a blog post, with less control over the model's responses.
  3. This new form of literature allows for immediate questions and comments without the delay of waiting for replies, but may lack the human connection found in traditional comment sections.
The Common Reader β€’ 1311 implied HN points β€’ 05 Feb 24
  1. Iris Murdoch's novels explore a unique and intriguing blend of strange characters, philosophical ideas, and the eternal struggle between good and evil.
  2. Murdoch's personal experiences greatly influenced her novels, which delved into complex themes like love, sexual fluidity, and the complexity of human morality.
  3. Murdoch's writing style focuses on creating fully-realized fictional worlds where philosophical musings and moral lessons blend seamlessly with character-driven narratives.
MILLER’S BOOK REVIEW πŸ“š β€’ 1159 implied HN points β€’ 10 Feb 24
  1. Joan Didion's early writing experiences shaped her as a writer since childhood, emphasizing the importance of practicing and developing writing skills from a young age.
  2. Joan Didion's keen attention to sentence structure and style was influenced by authors like Hemingway, Conrad, and James, showcasing how studying others' works can inform one's writing.
  3. Joan Didion viewed writing as an integral part of her thought process, using writing as a tool for exploration and self-discovery, and recognizing the impact of her writing tools on her thought process.
Letters of Note β€’ 1611 implied HN points β€’ 19 Jan 24
  1. 10-year-old John F. Kennedy asked for a raise of 30 cents in a formal letter to his father.
  2. The letter explained his need for more money to buy scout items and be responsible with his spending.
  3. His father required a written request for the raise, teaching John a quick business lesson.
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Granted β€’ 10821 implied HN points β€’ 01 Jun 23
  1. The book "Hidden Potential" by Adam Grant explores how progress is more about motivation and opportunity than talent.
  2. We all have hidden potential, and it's not just for underdogs or late bloomers, but for everyone in schools, teams, and workplaces.
  3. The focus should be on the progress made along the way towards achieving goals, not just reaching peaks.
MILLER’S BOOK REVIEW πŸ“š β€’ 1238 implied HN points β€’ 03 Feb 24
  1. Alice Walker's 'The Color Purple' is beloved, banned, and has won prestigious awards.
  2. The book faced controversy due to its explicit content, anti-religious sentiment, and depiction of domestic violence.
  3. Despite being a source of offense, the novel has deeply resonated with readers, including individuals who have experienced trauma.
Counter Craft β€’ 490 implied HN points β€’ 15 Mar 24
  1. Short stories are integral to American literature and are considered a quintessential American literary form.
  2. The declining prestige of short stories is noted, despite the vibrant and alive nature of the form in American letters.
  3. Short stories face challenges due to lack of space in magazines, minimal big publisher support, and the popularity bias towards novels.
Holly’s Newsletter β€’ 1061 implied HN points β€’ 06 Feb 24
  1. The author describes the comforting ritual of coming home and warming up halfway up the stairs, associating it with the Danish concept of 'hygge'. It's a sensory experience that brings deep comfort.
  2. Rituals are highlighted as calming and grounding. They help relax the part of the brain that deals with constant anxiety and serve as a way to connect with the present moment.
  3. The post discusses the author's journey from being addicted to Coke Zero to finding solace in the ritual of preparing and drinking hot tea instead, despite previous attempts with coffee.
sweater weather β€’ 6171 implied HN points β€’ 17 Aug 23
  1. Some argue that certain elements in art, like sex scenes, are unnecessary, but they actually serve to broaden the depth and concerns of the work.
  2. The concept of necessity in art is subjective and varies based on individual preferences and reading agendas.
  3. What may seem unnecessary in a piece of art to one person could be crucial to another's interpretation or understanding.
Pen>Sword β€’ 1737 implied HN points β€’ 30 Dec 23
  1. Gaza's resistance is deeply rooted and not for show; it is about survival and dignity, not media attention.
  2. The essence of Gaza lies in its relentless resistance despite hardships, symbolizing a powerful and unwavering spirit.
  3. Mahmoud Darwish's depiction of Gaza highlights its unique value, strength, and significance to its people and the world.
History, etc β€’ 1788 implied HN points β€’ 21 Dec 23
  1. The writer expressed gratitude to the readers for their support throughout the year.
  2. The newsletter has grown to over 12,000 readers with various engaging content like Q&A, interviews, and history quizzes.
  3. Future plans for the newsletter include more content like monthly interviews, history quizzes, and maintaining subscription prices until 2025.
The Biblioracle Recommends β€’ 1179 implied HN points β€’ 21 Jan 24
  1. Arts criticism is becoming less important in our day-to-day lives due to algorithms taking over the role of critics.
  2. Criticism plays a role beyond just recommending what to buy; it offers unique perspectives and interpretations.
  3. Subscription platforms like Substack may offer hope for supporting sustainable work, but there are challenges in finding space and audience for new writers.
Sarah Kendzior’s Newsletter β€’ 3554 implied HN points β€’ 11 Oct 23
  1. The author is starting a Substack newsletter to share ideas, announcements, and essays with subscribers.
  2. The author is planning to publish articles on a frequent basis and appreciates financial support from subscribers.
  3. The author spent the last year writing a book called 'THE LAST AMERICAN ROAD TRIP', which will be published in early 2025. It covers travel destinations with a mix of travelogue, history, and memoir.
The Common Reader β€’ 389 implied HN points β€’ 15 Mar 24
  1. Traditional concepts of metrical feet like iambs and trochees may not fully capture the complexity of English meter in poetry.
  2. Defining meter in English poetry, especially iambic pentameter, involves understanding the varying degrees of stress in syllables and challenging traditional rules.
  3. While exceptions exist, the majority of English poetry adheres to metrical patterns, showcasing the importance of common sense in analyzing poetic meter.
Chuck Palahniuk's Plot Spoiler β€’ 805 implied HN points β€’ 10 Feb 24
  1. The post is about a story written in 590 words by Chuck Palahniuk, dedicated to Shirley Jackson.
  2. The content seems to be behind a paywall, as it specifies 'This post is for paid subscribers.'
  3. Readers can subscribe to Chuck Palahniuk's Substack to access the post and other exclusive content.
Glenn Loury β€’ 786 implied HN points β€’ 11 Feb 24
  1. The reading list on Israel-Palestine conflict includes diverse perspectives and historical accounts from authors like Norman Finkelstein, Rashid Khalidi, and Benny Morris.
  2. The list delves into topics such as the historical roots of conflict, political dimensions, peace efforts, and the impact on Palestinian society.
  3. Authors like Avi Shlaim and Michael Oren provide insights into strategies, regional context, and key personalities during significant events like the Six-Day War.
read β€’ 8294 implied HN points β€’ 15 Apr 23
  1. Beatrix Potter's fascination with mushrooms led to groundbreaking scientific discoveries.
  2. The relationship between European countries and their food reputation is complex and tied to historical influences.
  3. Poetry can be deeply inspired by personal stories and historical events, leading to powerful expressions of emotions and experiences.
Life Since the Baby Boom β€’ 918 implied HN points β€’ 01 Feb 24
  1. Pitching literary agents for fiction work is challenging, with low acceptance rates.
  2. Receiving rejections in the publishing industry is common, even with limited feedback.
  3. Personal stories and experiences can influence career choices and life decisions.
The Contender β€’ 1100 implied HN points β€’ 19 Jan 24
  1. The post contains a curated reading list of favorite pieces
  2. It highlights articles about creative friendships, diners, old restaurants, and more
  3. The content includes a recommendation for an inspiring book on Francis Ford Coppola