Singapore's economic success story could teach African nations valuable lessons in governance and economic growth.
Digital Benin project aims to digitally reconnect the Benin Bronzes with their community, setting a blueprint for cultural heritage reclamation globally.
Italy's Africa summit focuses on boosting Africa's prosperity through investments, highlighting the importance of equal partnerships over charity.
Lesley Lokko is the first African woman to win the prestigious RIBA gold medal and is revolutionizing the architectural world through academia and diversity.
Kenya received a significant financial boost from the IMF to tackle economic challenges and debts, emphasizing the country's resilience amidst crises.
Red Sea ship diversions due to conflicts in the area have increased fuel demand in African ports, creating congestion and soaring prices.
Ivory Coast's popular lΓͺkΓͺ sandals are more than just footwear, they're a fashion statement and a symbol of national pride.
Madagascar's former chief of staff attempted to leverage influence for personal gain in a gemstone scandal involving a bribe offer.
Zambia is venturing into direct copper trading to maximize economic benefits, joining other African countries in taking control of their mineral resources.
Women's rights activists in Zimbabwe challenge the ban on sex toys to advocate for sexual pleasure and autonomy.
Ugandan activists are taking French oil giant TotalEnergies to court over alleged violations of food and land rights in pipeline projects.
Sierra Leone's election sees disputed results, with incumbent President Julius Maada Bio declared the winner amid concerns raised by international observers.
Senegal's presidential election is stirring buzz with notable candidates missing from the approved list, making the race wide open.
UNDP is launching 'Timbuktoo,' a billion-dollar initiative to promote innovation and youth in Africa, aiming to boost the continent's startup culture.
Cameroon is starting to vaccinate children with a new malaria vaccine as part of a larger plan to combat the disease, despite the vaccine's imperfections.