Glenn Loury $7 / month

Glenn Loury's Substack explores themes around race, inequality, freedom of expression, and the complexities of identity politics in the United States and globally. Loury, an economist, engages with controversial topics while challenging prevailing narratives on systemic racism, affirmative action, censorship, and the role of traditional values in addressing social issues.

Race and Inequality Freedom of Expression Identity Politics Systemic Racism Affirmative Action Censorship and Media Education and Academic Freedom Political Narratives Social Justice and Activism Family and Community Dynamics

The hottest Substack posts of Glenn Loury

And their main takeaways
3518 implied HN points β€’ 18 Jun 23
  1. The Supreme Court is expected to end racial preferences in college admissions, but the fight for racial equality will continue.
  2. Advocates suggest shifting preferences from race to socioeconomics to better address disparities in access to education.
  3. Maintaining racial preferences based on outdated assumptions about disadvantages faced by black students may actually hinder progress towards equality.
3930 implied HN points β€’ 11 May 23
  1. Glenn Loury discussed social dysfunction in black America and the importance of proper child-rearing.
  2. He emphasized the urgency to address the issues in black communities instead of making excuses.
  3. Loury highlighted the need to move forward from historical challenges to create a better future.
2830 implied HN points β€’ 04 Jul 23
  1. The pandemic may have originated from a lab leak due to gain-of-function research.
  2. Fauci and others believed they were doing good by conducting this research, but it had unintended consequences.
  3. Cooperation and transparency from both Chinese and American authorities could have potentially prevented the pandemic from reaching a global scale.
1906 implied HN points β€’ 13 Aug 23
  1. Racial discrimination has been a part of America's history but is being addressed through legal decisions.
  2. Limited affirmative action may have been necessary in the past, but now it's time for a more race-neutral approach.
  3. The Supreme Court's decisions on affirmative action highlight the importance of upholding the principles of equality and individualism.
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786 implied HN points β€’ 14 Nov 23
  1. Race is a social construct that some are trying to do away with, aiming towards a future of racelessness.
  2. We live in a society where race is a reality and needs to be addressed, finding a middle ground to identify with racial or ethnic communities without confining oneself to them.
  3. Creating opportunities for interaction across different racial groups is key to breaking down prejudices and building understanding.
609 implied HN points β€’ 22 Nov 23
  1. Jewish students on college campuses may feel unsafe due to the conflict between Israel and Palestine.
  2. It's essential to consider historical context and empirical evidence when discussing complex political situations.
  3. Institutions need to address issues like antisemitism alongside diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts.
2555 implied HN points β€’ 23 Apr 23
  1. Embracing discomfort is necessary for personal growth and development.
  2. Encountering diverse ideas and perspectives is crucial for a well-rounded education.
  3. Seeing representation in positions of power can impact one's comfort and success, but true progress lies in embracing diversity beyond one's own identity.
609 implied HN points β€’ 07 Nov 23
  1. Iran is facing a crisis of legitimacy due to internal strife, a bad economy, and repressive government.
  2. Iran should not have nuclear weapons, and diplomacy is key to preventing proliferation.
  3. Foreign policy is driven by self-interest, and nations like Iran work against American interests to pursue their own.
471 implied HN points β€’ 09 Nov 23
  1. Iran is currently ruled by a hardline theocratic regime led by Ayatollah Khomeini.
  2. Reza Aslan explains how Ayatollah Khomeini's radical version of Shi'a Islam became dominant in Iran.
  3. To access the full episode and exclusive content, subscription to Glenn Loury's channel is required.
2496 implied HN points β€’ 29 Nov 22
  1. People are silenced and shunned for innocent comments in the name of 'antiracism'.
  2. Speaking out against unfair treatment in the name of 'antiracism' can be courageous but risky.
  3. Hostile behaviors in the name of 'antiracism' may become normalized, stifling open dialogue and professionalism.
1729 implied HN points β€’ 27 Nov 22
  1. Criticism, when respectfully and honestly applied, can be a higher form of tribute than praise.
  2. Encouraging individuals to take responsibility for their lives and communities is a key focus for personal and societal development.
  3. Promoting open dialogue on politically sensitive topics, even if politically incorrect, can lead to meaningful progress.
589 implied HN points β€’ 24 Aug 23
  1. Some believe black poverty is caused by factories leaving cities, leading to a cycle of poverty. Others, like John McWhorter, are skeptical of this deindustrialization narrative.
  2. The debate over the impact of deindustrialization on African Americans has been ongoing for decades and is still being reopened today.
  3. There are differing perspectives on how the decline of industrial jobs has affected the economic situation of African American communities.
1592 implied HN points β€’ 04 Dec 22
  1. Racial solidarity is a debated concept among Black leaders.
  2. The definition of blackness and leadership in Black America is evolving.
  3. Challenges facing Black America include leadership, institutions, and societal perceptions.
412 implied HN points β€’ 15 Aug 23
  1. The conflict in Ukraine has caused division in the US
  2. Writer Haim Shweky believes Putin must be stopped
  3. A writer can be both a poet and a warrior
1336 implied HN points β€’ 23 Aug 22
  1. Amy Wax's criticisms of affirmative action raise important questions about academic freedom and institutional contradictions.
  2. The debate around affirmative action highlights the challenges of maintaining intellectual integrity and consistency in academic institutions.
  3. There is concern over the influence of far-left ideologies in universities and the impact it has on the education and indoctrination of students.
668 implied HN points β€’ 06 Dec 22
  1. Socialism is often misunderstood and associated with extreme regimes like Stalin's Soviet Union, but functional social democracies in Europe show that socialism can coexist with markets and social safety nets.
  2. In the debate between socialism and capitalism, the exclusion of Marxist ideas from mainstream economics is not due to a capitalist conspiracy, but rather the lack of advanced techniques and data-driven research among Marxist economists.
  3. While mainstream economics focuses on specialized technical approaches, Marxist economists who employ advanced techniques and speak the language of modern economics can contribute to academic discourse.
923 implied HN points β€’ 21 Aug 22
  1. When discussing race, there is a dominant narrative that attributes all issues in black communities to historical racial oppression.
  2. Challenging this dominant narrative often leads to personal attacks and labels like 'racist' or 'sellout'.
  3. The consequences of not addressing real issues like crime, education gaps, and family structure in black communities are dire and must be taken seriously.