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Wordloaf 884 implied HN points 24 Jan 24
  1. Debra Wink, a sourdough expert, recommends using pineapple juice in the initial starter mixture to create favorable conditions for lactic acid bacteria and yeast growth.
  2. Monitoring and adjusting the pH of sourdough starters can play a key role in activating yeast and preventing undesirable bacteria, leading to successful starter maintenance.
  3. Leaving starters at room temperature instead of refrigerating them for short periods can help retain their robustness and enhance their performance.
Asimov Press 174 implied HN points 03 Mar 24
  1. Asimov Press is publicly sharing ideas for essays they'd like to publish and inviting writers to contribute by emailing them at [email protected].
  2. Topics in biotechnology range from synthetic blood development to artificial wombs and synthetic nitrogen fixation, showcasing the broad spectrum of innovative research being undertaken.
  3. Biotechnology advancements aim to address a variety of issues, such as animal welfare, predictive growth models for microbes, and challenges in protein structure prediction, highlighting the diverse applications and potential impact of biotechnological research.
Asimov Press 90 implied HN points 16 Apr 23
  1. GPT-4 controlled a lab robot to conduct chemical reactions, showcasing the potential of using natural language to automate experiments.
  2. Skin microbes were engineered to activate the immune system to fight tumors when applied to the skin, offering a novel cancer treatment approach.
  3. Tobacco plants were genetically modified to produce moth sex pheromones, providing a natural way to repel male moths from crops and protect them.
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Stemble - for the love of STEM! 19 implied HN points 01 Aug 23
  1. A worm was revived after being frozen for 46,000 years, showing the incredible resilience of life.
  2. Cryptobiosis allows organisms to survive extreme conditions by entering a state of suspended animation.
  3. Studying ancient organisms like the revived worm can offer insights for conservation biology and preserving biodiversity.
Splitting Infinity 0 implied HN points 18 Aug 23
  1. Proximity to friends can enhance happiness; a startup is aiding in buying houses near friends for this reason.
  2. People tend to use tools to act more rationally, shown by the study on people's behavior and commitment systems.
  3. Generosity exists even with high financial stakes; many spend significant amounts on others and charities when given money.