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Erdmann Housing Tracker 252 implied HN points 02 Feb 24
  1. Homeownership rates can be misleading if not adjusted for changes in household formation and age demographics.
  2. The reported increase in homeownership rates may be due to an aging population rather than a true rise in homeownership.
  3. The shift towards renting and living with roommates may continue unless changes are made in housing supply and mortgage regulations.
CalculatedRisk Newsletter 43 implied HN points 26 Feb 24
  1. In January 2024, new home sales were reported at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 661,000, showing a positive trend compared to the previous year.
  2. The median new home price has dropped by 15% from its peak, indicating potential shifts in the real estate market.
  3. Inventory levels for new homes show variations, with completed homes for sale at a level close to the norm, while homes under construction are high but below previous peak levels.
Erdmann Housing Tracker 63 implied HN points 28 Sep 23
  1. In expensive cities, people oppose public amenities because they can lead to displacement when bundled with scarce housing.
  2. A city's housing demand can be categorized into shelter, neighborhood amenities, metropolitan area scarcity, and endowments.
  3. Metro area scarcity causes prices to rise uniformly across neighborhoods, impacting affordability for households with lower incomes.
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