The hottest Market conditions Substack posts right now

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The Overshoot 373 implied HN points 01 Sep 23
  1. Central banks should consider being more active in making markets for government debt directly.
  2. During the Covid crisis, bond dealers did not step in to stabilize markets, prompting central banks to intervene.
  3. Constraints on dealers may have led to market instability, prompting discussion on potentially revising regulatory choices.
Ecoinometrics 58 implied HN points 22 Jan 24
  1. Inflation, especially from the services sector, is not returning to pre-COVID levels.
  2. Financial markets are adjusting their expectations for rate cuts in 2024.
  3. Loose financial conditions may benefit Bitcoin and risk assets, but watch for potential reversals signaling a recession or inflation issues.
Apricitas Economics 57 implied HN points 18 Mar 23
  1. The Federal Reserve lent over $300B in emergency funds to American banks to stabilize the financial system.
  2. Most of the emergency lending was short-term, with a majority of the funds coming from the discount window.
  3. Reforms to the discount window have helped reduce stigma around borrowing from the Fed during financial crises.
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