The Overshoot $18 / month

The Overshoot focuses on understanding and analyzing global economic dynamics, financial market trends, and policy decisions. It addresses macroeconomic challenges, bank bailouts, effects of sanctions, bond yields, globalization shifts, and central bank strategies. It aims to dissect complex issues impacting economic growth, productivity, trade, and inflation.

Macroeconomic Trends Financial Markets Economic Policy and Regulation Global Trade and Sanctions Interest Rates and Inflation Globalization and Deglobalization Banking and Fiscal Crises Productivity and Economic Growth

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1316 implied HN points 20 Jan 24
  1. Despite high mortgage rates, construction and renovation spending in the US housing market have been holding steady or accelerating.
  2. Housing sales and construction are greatly impacted by changes in monetary policy and credit availability.
  3. The rebound in house prices and construction reflects the broader growth and asset price acceleration in the US economy post-pandemic.
452 implied HN points 27 Jan 24
  1. The U.S. Economy is showing strong growth and may not need rate cuts despite controlled inflation.
  2. Traders anticipate interest rates to decrease, but data suggests a period of faster growth akin to past economic booms.
  3. Initial forecasts of a U.S. recession were proven wrong, with the economy growing over 3% and showing resilience against negative predictions.
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235 implied HN points 31 Jan 24
  1. European leaders are exploring financial warfare against Hungary due to obstruction over aid to Ukraine
  2. Inflicting financial pain on Hungary may not work as the country has developed defenses against external pressure
  3. Hungary has had a persistent large current account surplus since the 2008 financial crisis
1120 implied HN points 16 Mar 23
  1. Interest rates have been low due to various social challenges.
  2. Decrease in population growth leads to lower interest rates.
  3. Encouraging fathers to take parental leave can benefit both men and women in the workplace.
550 implied HN points 08 Mar 23
  1. The global economy faced crises in different time periods, revealing government responses can impact recovery.
  2. Excessive debts before a crisis can hinder growth post-crisis, affecting employment and national income.
  3. Governments borrowing and spending during emergencies can lead to positive outcomes, improving sectors and reducing debt burdens.
511 implied HN points 13 Feb 23
  1. The Bank of England is grappling with the challenges of high inflation, low GDP, and rising unemployment due to tight labor and energy markets.
  2. There is significant uncertainty in economic forecasts, leading to a cautious approach in monetary policy decisions.
  3. Brexit has had a major impact on the UK's productivity growth and economic performance, with factors like weak business investment and health-related inactivity contributing to the situation.
471 implied HN points 18 Feb 23
  1. The U.S. economy is showing strong growth despite persistent inflation and may accelerate further.
  2. Inflation is returning for manufactured goods, potentially putting upward pressure on prices.
  3. Interest rates may need to rise more than expected, leading to a disconnect with recent declines in real yields.
452 implied HN points 07 Feb 23
  1. Global economic integration peaked around 2008 with differences among countries
  2. China has been championing deglobalization, decreasing reliance on imports and exports
  3. Recent U.S. policy shift reflects a desire for reciprocity in trade
373 implied HN points 10 Feb 23
  1. About $300 billion may have left China in ways not captured by conventional balance of payments statistics.
  2. China's current account surplus may be under-reported due to discrepancies in goods trade surplus estimates.
  3. The investment income deficit in China has raised questions as the numbers don't align with the country's net foreign asset position.