The hottest Online Culture Substack posts right now

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Do Not Research 319 implied HN points 22 Apr 24
  1. The book 'A Cyberarchaeology of Checkpoints' by Ruby Thelot delves into the vanished online community of 'Checkpoints,' which were personal life updates shared in a now-deleted YouTube video's comments section.
  2. While the original video was removed, a user named Rebane2001 meticulously archived the 'Checkpoints,' preserving a decade of human experiences and emotions captured in these digital narratives.
  3. The book not only contains the archived 'Checkpoints' but also includes a reflective essay on their cultural significance, an interview with Rebane2001, and an exploration of digital memory in the modern era, challenging readers to consider what remains of our digital footprint.
One Thing 395 implied HN points 14 Dec 23
  1. Neighborhood restaurants like Tail Up Goat focus on a coherent vision, care, and unexpected surprises, qualities desired in media publications.
  2. One Thing newsletter aims for reliability with interest, focusing on quality, specificity, and texture in the content.
  3. The project explores a new form of 'corner-store microblogging' to move away from formulaic content creation, prioritizing authenticity, creativity, and discussions among cultural friends.
Drezner’s World 786 implied HN points 31 Mar 23
  1. Twitter is changing their verification program and making it tied to subscribing to Twitter Blue for $8 a month.
  2. There is controversy and dissatisfaction among users about having to pay to keep their blue checkmark.
  3. Elon Musk's decisions regarding Twitter's verification system and revenue generation strategies have faced criticism and led to speculation about his ability to run the company.
Close-reading the reruns with Phoebe Maltz Bovy 235 implied HN points 25 Apr 23
  1. The post discusses a tweet involving a white woman and a shirt slogan in a Pilates class - there's a void at the core of the story.
  2. The narrative explores how social media posts can project feelings onto situations and individuals.
  3. The author questions the meaning behind a shirt slogan stating "Literally nothing I do is for men" and the implications it carries.
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Do Not Research 19 implied HN points 18 Jan 24
  1. The video features 3D scans of clay sculptures, digital art, and AI-generated content, with unique audio creation methods.
  2. The themes touched upon in the video include human subjectivity in digital space, online culture, and references to historical government involvement in digital infrastructures.
  3. The visual elements include a clay figure interacting with images, and a floating head narrating haikus and poetic monologues about digital culture.
The Leftovers 199 implied HN points 04 Jan 23
  1. Fools convinced of a supposed revelation can be dangerous, leading to calamity if they believe they see hidden truths others can't.
  2. Conspiracy theories often oversimplify and focus on baroque explanations for obvious phenomena, when the real issues are visible to everyone.
  3. The Matrix, a movie from the '90s, is relevant even today as it symbolizes a collective alienation that still exists, highlighting society's struggles for credible answers.
Zero HP Lovecraft 25 implied HN points 25 Oct 23
  1. The spirit of '16 represents a right-revolutionary consciousness poised to challenge and change the prevailing leftist ideologies.
  2. Emancipation and feel-good vibes shaped the spirit of '68, while the spirit of '16 confronts uncomfortable realities and 'hate facts' for necessary change.
  3. Messianic Onlineism reflects a passive online culture jumping from savior to savior, with Donald Trump as a central figure embodying the spirit of '16.
Reboot 22 implied HN points 26 Jul 23
  1. Reboot has introduced 6 new people to its editorial board
  2. The new board members come from diverse backgrounds and bring a wide range of expertise to Reboot
  3. Each new member shared a bit about themselves and their interests in tech and writing
Tom Thought 19 implied HN points 10 Jun 23
  1. Apologies aim at restoring relationships within a community, not necessarily at being perfectly sincere or compensating fully for harm.
  2. Communities function best when conflicts are resolved judiciously; regular expulsion of members can lead to community fracture.
  3. Online apologies can lack satisfaction as internet outrage is diffused with no clear leadership; each person decides for themselves if an apology is sufficient.
Do Not Research 19 implied HN points 16 Oct 22
  1. The current generational gap leads to a crisis where older governing systems clash with the beliefs and needs of the younger generation, especially Gen Z.
  2. Femcel z-dolls navigate a digital world filled with information overload, developing a keen eye for discerning truth from propaganda.
  3. Online communities provide an outlet for femcel z-dolls to fulfill their urge for transgressive behavior in a memetic way, seeking relief and connection in a futureless reality.
Links I Would Gchat You If We Were Friends 19 implied HN points 23 Oct 20
  1. Twitter sweepstakes organized by Bill Pulte have taken a darker turn during the pandemic, evoking stories of desperation and hardship from participants.
  2. The phenomenon of @pulte, with 3.1 million followers, reveals a tragic trend of people reaching out online for financial help, reflecting a dire situation.
  3. Despite some positive transactions, many followers appeal directly to Pulte, raising questions about the overall impact and sincerity of the assistance provided.
Do Not Research 0 implied HN points 15 Sep 21
  1. The author's political journey was heavily influenced by their personal experiences as a transgender individual, which led them to radical politics.
  2. Discovering folk-punk music in middle school sparked the author's interest in anarchism and DIY culture, shaping their political views.
  3. Engaging with online communities and content creators, such as leftist YouTubers and anarchist subreddits, played a significant role in the author's evolving political ideologies.
Do Not Research 0 implied HN points 15 Sep 21
  1. Online culture often portrays gamers in a negative light, highlighting stereotypes such as being socially inept and aggressive.
  2. The _Gamer Keyboard Wall Piece_ series reimagines the gamer stereotype using gamer subculture visuals to give it a new political identity.
  3. The artwork _Gamer Keyboard Wall Piece #1_ uses RGB lit keys of gamer keyboards as pixels in a video installation that addresses themes like loneliness and anxiety.
Links I Would Gchat You If We Were Friends 0 implied HN points 06 Apr 15
  1. Social networks use nostalgia for financial gain, but it also offers psychological benefits to users.
  2. Being the target of an internet joke can be hurtful, especially when there's a personal story behind the image.
  3. Even when exposing information for a perceived good cause, like doxing, it's important to consider the impact and potential harm.
Links I Would Gchat You If We Were Friends 0 implied HN points 19 Dec 14
  1. Infomania refers to hoarding digital content, which can be less funny due to privacy concerns.
  2. Some people have witnessed the development of social networking from its early days in the '90s.
  3. The Boston Globe reconstructed the life of Amazon's top reviewer who declined an interview.
Links I Would Gchat You If We Were Friends 0 implied HN points 17 Sep 14
  1. The internet hit one billion websites milestone. Not all of them are great, but the ones that are bring us unique and fun content.
  2. Nowadays, having a Fitbit and aiming for 10,000 steps on top of other Type-A behaviors is the new standard for success.
  3. Even long-time Twitter users like Erin Kissane are considering leaving the platform due to its troubles.
Links I Would Gchat You If We Were Friends 0 implied HN points 03 Jun 14
  1. The internet is full of wicked things like the creepy character Slender Man, started as an internet meme but turned into a real-life horror story.
  2. Desktop computers, thought to be outdated, surprisingly seem to be making a comeback in the era of cloud computing, showing that tech trends can be unpredictable.
  3. Too much time spent on computers can contribute to weight gain; taking regular breaks from digital screens could help with weight management.
Links I Would Gchat You If We Were Friends 0 implied HN points 24 Apr 14
  1. Telecom companies and phone manufacturers resist better theft protections for smartphones, possibly to benefit financially.
  2. Review sites like Yelp may not accurately represent the views of the general public, but rather a privileged few.
  3. The concept of the sharing economy might be driven by both trust and desperation, blurring lines between motives.
Do Not Research 0 implied HN points 16 Oct 22
  1. Network Spirituality was a collaborative exhibition at University of California, Riverside in April of 2022, exploring algorithmic domination, 'content mirage,' and religious signifiers in the online world.
  2. The exhibition featured works that combined seemingly unrelated source material to create new cultural forms referencing past influences, like a chair reupholstered with ads or lamps transformed into stickers.
  3. Art has the potential to influence real-world events, as seen when Olivia Rodrigo became Glossier's first celebrity brand ambassador and a 'Praying for Olivia Rodrigo' purse was released as tour merchandise after being featured in the exhibition.