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Deus In Machina 0 implied HN points 10 Aug 23
  1. Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD) started as an enhanced version of Unix with extra patches and evolved distinctively from Unix with 3BSD release.
  2. BSD's 4BSD system integrated TCP/IP protocols, leading to the development of different BSD versions like Net/1 and FreeBSD.
  3. Following legal battles and subsequent developments, FreeBSD and NetBSD emerged as major BSD variants continuing the legacy of Unix with portable designs.
Barn Lab 0 implied HN points 12 Jan 24
  1. PowerShell 7 is an updated version that runs alongside PowerShell 5, requiring configuration changes to make it default.
  2. Customize PowerShell by changing the font to add symbols and icons for a unique look.
  3. Create a startup script for PowerShell 5 by making a Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1 file to add personalized ASCII banners and prompts.
Reflective Software Engineering 0 implied HN points 01 Oct 22
  1. Configuring Zsh with Oh My Zsh and Powerline10k can add useful features like branch viewing, history searching, and better auto completion.
  2. The installation process involves setting Zsh as the default terminal, installing Oh My Zsh and Powerline10k, and configuring them.
  3. Additional plugins like Zsh autosuggestions and Autoswitch Python Virtualenv can enhance the Zsh experience further.
Deus In Machina 0 implied HN points 14 Mar 24
  1. The DOIT philosophy involves Overcoming, Iterating, and Triumphing to combat Decision Fatigue and the Paralysis of Choice. By simplifying goals and focusing on simplicity, project completion can be more effective.
  2. Decision Fatigue refers to deteriorating decision quality after prolonged decision-making sessions, leading to reduced self-control and avoidance of decisions.
  3. Paralysis of Choice occurs when faced with too many options, causing feelings of overwhelm, anxiety, and potential regret over chosen alternatives, leading to satisfaction issues.
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Joshua Gans' Newsletter 0 implied HN points 15 Feb 13
  1. The type of person you are, Mac or PC, really matters in relation to personal computing devices like tablets and laptops.
  2. Mac users tend to appreciate smooth animations, gestures, and a natural feel in their devices, while PC users value practical features like integrated keyboards and familiar software optimizations.
  3. Understanding and accepting that there are fundamental differences in consumer types helps in evaluating products better and catering to different market segments effectively.