The hottest Transition Substack posts right now

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The Art of Enchantment, with Dr Sharon Blackie 6689 implied HN points 29 Jul 23
  1. The midlife transition is a period of questioning and self-discovery, often coinciding with perimenopause, leading to existential angst and a search for meaning.
  2. Emotional correlates of the midlife transition can include a decline in happiness, aimlessness, self-doubt, boredom, and concerns about aging and death.
  3. Navigating the midlife transition involves embracing the challenges and exploring synchronicities, dreams, and solitude to find a new story and purpose in life.
Sustainability by numbers 284 implied HN points 07 Mar 24
  1. Low-carbon energy is more secure compared to fossil fuels due to different risk factors.
  2. Fossil fuel supplies pose an energy security risk due to being fuels that can be cut off or become expensive, impacting a country's energy security.
  3. Mineral inequities for clean energy transition are a separate issue, as expensive minerals may slow down the transition but do not impact the operation of existing technologies.
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The Recovering Academic 435 implied HN points 16 Feb 24
  1. Academia being viewed as a business can help job seekers transition to industry with a new mindset.
  2. The perception of a PhD as 'just a job' and academic institutions as commercial entities is crucial for adapting academic experience to industry expectations.
  3. For many faculty members, especially non-tenure track ones, the idea of a PhD as merely a job no longer aligns due to low pay and challenging work conditions.
kamilkazani 314 implied HN points 18 Oct 23
  1. Gorbachev's rule started with Neo-Stalinist policies, but shifted with the drop in oil prices leading to Perestroika
  2. Brezhnev's era saw the decline of future-oriented goals like building Communism and the rise of past-oriented values
  3. Andropov, critical of the system, initiated reforms against corruption and promoted Gorbachev to power, breaking established rules
Vivid Leaves 4 implied HN points 26 Jul 23
  1. The collapse of the Soviet banking system birthed the modern Russian banking system through a series of rebellions and creation of new banks.
  2. The Soviet economy transitioned from a market vacuum to a market economy due to cooperative entities and the birth of private commercial banks.
  3. Formation of the Central Bank of Russia and rapid bank privatization led to a banking system with significant infrastructure challenges and financial instability.