Femstreet $10 / month

Femstreet focuses on guiding women in tech through leadership, sales, marketing, company culture, fundraising, and personal development. It includes insights on scaling businesses, navigating startup challenges, and emphasizes the significance of women's roles in leading organizations. The content blends practical strategies with discussions on industry trends and personal growth.

Leadership and Management Sales and Marketing Strategies Startup Fundraising and Growth Company Culture and Talent Retention Product Development and Market Fit Personal Development for Professionals Women in Tech and Leadership Industry Trends and Insights

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And their main takeaways
8 implied HN points 07 Mar 24
  1. Building an enduring company in 2024 involves iteratively testing ideas and speaking to customers before raising capital.
  2. An enduring business focuses on solving long-term problems, breaking down strategies into clear phases, and maintaining disciplined product development.
  3. To build an enduring company, prioritize people, product-market fit, and unit economics while embracing quick decision-making and continuous learning.
15 implied HN points 21 Jan 24
  1. Enduring company building is crucial for founders to balance pace, growth, and longevity.
  2. Product Marketing is the bridge between inspiration and practicality in an organization.
  3. Influence without authority is a vital skill for individuals at all levels in a company.
18 implied HN points 07 Jan 24
  1. Being an interim leader is like a guest star appearance in your favorite TV show.
  2. Early stage enterprise sales tactics include not having a VP of Sales in seed-stage startups and focusing on wedge strategies.
  3. Retaining top talent involves creating shared benefit quadrants to move the organization forward efficiently.
2 implied HN points 03 Mar 24
  1. Embarking on multi-product development is like exploring new territory in business, offering growth opportunities but also requiring strategic decisions for success.
  2. Internal marketing is crucial for getting buy-in on marketing efforts within a company, ensuring that the value of marketing work is effectively communicated and understood.
  3. Pricing is a powerful tool for growth often overlooked by product teams, and running willingness-to-pay studies can provide valuable insights for sustainable business growth.
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7 implied HN points 03 Dec 23
  1. The '15% + 1 level' rule for creating buy-in and moving immovable things emphasizes thinking one level higher to get buy-in for ideas.
  2. The ten commandments of consumer behavior stress understanding human nature for successful product adoption and growth.
  3. Consider hiring an interim CMO as a low-risk, high-return option to build your leadership team effectively.
9 implied HN points 11 Jun 23
  1. Hiring your first finance leader involves picking the right profile for the evolving role.
  2. Mapping your marketing funnel is crucial for improving prospect experience and fixing leaks.
  3. Understanding common term sheet terms is essential for new founders and those starting in VC.
0 implied HN points 24 Feb 24
  1. ERPs such as Netsuite are highly valued but struggle to meet evolving company needs, leading to gaps in automation and AI functionality.
  2. Mid-market companies face a lack of software tools seen at the enterprise level for accounting and cash flow management, showing a market gap for more sophisticated solutions.
  3. Companies building next-gen finance platforms with a focus on vertical challenges, orchestration layers, or fully-fledged ERPs have the potential to offer differentiated products and capture larger customer segments.