Vasu’s Newsletter

Vasu's Newsletter explores a wide range of topics including technology, business, leadership, personal growth, software engineering, productivity tools, effective communication, and life philosophies. It provides insights, frameworks, and advice on career development, reading recommendations, and reflections on life and work, aimed at fostering personal and professional growth.

Technology Business Leadership Personal Growth Software Engineering Productivity Tools Effective Communication Career Development Reading Recommendations Life Philosophies

The hottest Substack posts of Vasu’s Newsletter

And their main takeaways
13 implied HN points 07 Jan 23
  1. The importance of understanding the people we don't know
  2. Effective strategies for management and motivation in work and life
  3. The value of receiving feedback well and pursuing less for greater impact
26 implied HN points 03 May 22
  1. The post shares a simple 'Hello World' project written in Swift for iOS.
  2. The project triggers an alert with 'Hello World' message when a button is clicked.
  3. The post also covers basic concepts in Swift like constants, variables, loops, arrays, dictionaries, and optionals.
13 implied HN points 26 Mar 22
  1. Two main reasons why it's hard to say 'no': unclear priorities and social pressure.
  2. Separate the decision from the relationship when saying 'no.'
  3. 7 graceful ways to say 'no' like taking an awkward pause or using humor.
13 implied HN points 20 Dec 21
  1. Excalidraw simplifies drawing on a laptop.
  2. Notion makes writing enjoyable with quick tools for documents, pictures, and code.
  3. To Do Apps like MinimaList and Microsoft To Do help manage tasks efficiently with syncing across devices.
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2 HN points 18 Mar 22
  1. System design interview resources include various Github repositories, YouTube channels, courses, and books.
  2. Coaching and mock interview platforms like and Pramp can help in preparing for system design interviews.
  3. Stay updated with newsletters and blogs focused on technology and system design to enhance your knowledge.
0 implied HN points 23 Dec 22
  1. Maintain calm and composure under pressure
  2. Never give up on your dreams and keep pushing hard
  3. Emphasize teamwork over individual heroism and recognize everyone's efforts
0 implied HN points 12 Dec 22
  1. Appreciation is essential for new employees to build motivation and self-esteem.
  2. Coaching helps individuals learn and grow by providing advice and guidance.
  3. Evaluation informs individuals of their performance levels and if they meet expectations.
0 implied HN points 03 Dec 22
  1. Believe in your ideas and validate their usefulness.
  2. Have realistic expectations - most ideas will fail, but the successful ones are worth it.
  3. When you have an idea, share it, quantify its value, validate with a proof of concept, and be ready to fail fast.
0 implied HN points 21 Jan 24
  1. Weight loss drugs like Ozempic and Mounjaro made significant impact in 2023.
  2. ChatGPT and AI technology have been game changers in 2023, improving conversation quality.
  3. The rise of AI applications could lead to new consumer hardware and potential market disruption.
0 implied HN points 05 Mar 22
  1. List of 10 LinkedIn influencers recommended for insights on product building, team management, leadership, and hiring engineers.
  2. Each influencer has a different expertise and background.
  3. Following these influencers can provide valuable knowledge and perspectives in the professional sphere.
0 implied HN points 13 Feb 22
  1. The PAPER framework for writing a book includes Problem Area, Principles, Evidence, and Recap.
  2. The framework suggests dedicating chapters to explaining the problem area, laying out principles, providing evidence, and recapping key points.
  3. Well-known books like Atomic Habits and Hooked follow similar frameworks to present principled solutions to problem areas.
0 implied HN points 06 Feb 22
  1. Good sleep improves memory and focus
  2. Sleep boosts creativity and problem-solving skills
  3. Quality sleep reduces anxiety, depression, and enhances relationships
0 implied HN points 02 Jan 22
  1. Productivity tools like Airtable and Notion are worth checking out for collaborative work.
  2. In the HR and Recruiting space, companies like Lattice and Gusto offer useful solutions for people management.
  3. For finance-related needs, companies like Simply WallSt and Atom Finance provide valuable stock market data analysis tools.
0 implied HN points 22 May 22
  1. Satisfaction and dissatisfaction at work are determined by different factors
  2. Hygiene factors like status and compensation prevent dissatisfaction
  3. Motivators like challenging work and recognition lead to job satisfaction
0 implied HN points 11 Jan 23
  1. When giving feedback, mindset is key.
  2. Avoid mindsets of relying solely on a script, just pointing out problems without solutions, and assuming employees can't change.
  3. Instead, embrace a growth mindset and believe in the potential for employees to develop and improve.
0 implied HN points 26 Dec 21
  1. The most important day in your life is today.
  2. Learn how to build and sustain strong teams.
  3. What you believe is what you see.
0 implied HN points 30 Dec 22
  1. In mindful conversation, speak openly with authenticity and vulnerability.
  2. Connect deeply by striving to understand others and being patient to listen.
  3. Talk about what truly matters in mindful conversation.
0 implied HN points 12 Mar 22
  1. Essentialists focus on doing only what is essential
  2. Essentialists make wise choices and prioritize what really matters
  3. Non-Essentialists try to do everything and end up feeling overwhelmed
0 implied HN points 20 Feb 22
  1. Stay active and keep doing things of value to maintain a sense of purpose in life.
  2. Life is a marathon, so take it slow and enjoy the journey.
  3. Eat in moderation, surrounding yourself with good friends, maintaining your body, and finding joy in the present moment are essential for a fulfilling life.
0 implied HN points 09 Jan 22
  1. Identify internal triggers that make users open your app.
  2. Utilize external triggers like notifications to prompt app usage.
  3. Reward users for taking actions within the app to keep them engaged.
0 implied HN points 19 Dec 21
  1. Vasu Pasupuleti's weekly newsletter covers various topics like technology, business, and productivity.
  2. The newsletter shares interesting things learned during the week.
  3. The content is focused on growth, leadership, and mindset.