The hottest Job Satisfaction Substack posts right now

And their main takeaways
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Elena's Growth Scoop 1474 implied HN points 17 Oct 23
  1. Career blues are real and can leave you feeling tired, unfulfilled, and restless.
  2. Regularly reevaluate your job and career options to ensure you're in the best possible position.
  3. Explore different avenues like public speaking, newsletters, contracting work, and advising to complement your full-time job and avoid career stagnation.
Boundless by Paul Millerd 130 implied HN points 11 Nov 23
  1. Purpose within companies can sometimes become convoluted and disconnected from the core product or service.
  2. Employees and consumers are seeking more clarity and sincerity in company communications.
  3. The pursuit of purpose in work can lead to burnout if it doesn't align with personal values and goals.
Mike Talks AI 19 implied HN points 10 Sep 23
  1. Don't underestimate the value of solving real problems even if it means using older technology.
  2. Repeating tasks can help you become an expert in a specific area, leading to career advancement and satisfaction.
  3. Understanding and exploring different roles like sales and management can provide valuable lessons and career growth opportunities.
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Kartick’s Blog 0 implied HN points 18 Feb 23
  1. When choosing a job, don't just focus on immediate rewards like salary and perks.
  2. Consider how the job will impact your future, including skill development, career growth, and mental health.
  3. Make sure to weigh both short-term and long-term factors to avoid ending up in a worse situation after leaving a job.