The hottest Coding Substack posts right now

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Rod’s Blog 19 implied HN points 06 Feb 24
  1. A major security breach has occurred with sensitive data stolen, leading to a need for urgent action to track down the threat actor.
  2. Jordan quickly jumps into action, using KQL queries to analyze data and identify patterns associated with the suspected threat actor.
  3. The story leaves readers with a cliffhanger, hinting at upcoming developments and ensuring engagement for the next chapter.
Basta’s Notes 204 implied HN points 19 May 23
  1. Reusing code can be beneficial, but be cautious of reusing business logic as it can lead to unexpected dependencies.
  2. When rewriting code, consider extending existing functionality rather than reusing entire systems to prevent potential issues.
  3. Make sure to thoroughly understand the business logic behind the code to avoid unintended consequences, especially when dealing with complex systems.
Rod’s Blog 39 implied HN points 12 Dec 23
  1. The hacker in the story had a personal connection to one of the characters, making the situation more intense and personal.
  2. Using Kusto Query Language (KQL), the characters tried to analyze the hacker's network traffic and database activity to uncover clues about the hacker's identity and location.
  3. Despite challenges in decoding the hacker's data, the characters discovered a message from the hacker in the database logs, prompting them to solve a mysterious puzzle involving numbers.
Rod’s Blog 119 implied HN points 03 Aug 23
  1. Giving your Copilot a personal name can help solicit prompt responses. Azure AI Studio makes this customization easy by adjusting the System Message.
  2. After naming your Copilot and redeploying the new configuration, the Copilot will comply with the name adjustment.
  3. Having fun and sharing your Copilot's given name on platforms like Twitter can add an engaging element to the experience.
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Aayushya’s Substack 1 HN point 20 Apr 24
  1. Hex encoding is essential for storing or transmitting binary data in formats like json, xml. It is widely used for checksums, hash digests, and ensuring data integrity.
  2. Minimizing memory allocations can significantly improve performance in operations involving heavy processing of data, like databases or real-time data processing.
  3. Using dedicated crates like hex and faster-hex in Rust can provide substantial speed enhancements compared to traditional string concatenation methods for hex encoding.
Technology Made Simple 99 implied HN points 01 Aug 23
  1. Software dependencies are vital relationships where one component relies on another to function properly.
  2. There are two types of software dependencies: direct dependencies, where we directly call packages, and transitive dependencies, where we indirectly use tools created by others.
  3. Improperly managed software dependencies can lead to conflicts and errors when updating or changing the software, creating what's known as Software Dependency Hell.
The Cognitive Revolution 137 implied HN points 27 May 23
  1. AI builders use accessible, AI-first tools with good UI in their daily work.
  2. Developers recommend tools like ChatGPT, CoPilot,, Layup, MusicLM,,, and EzDubs.AI.
  3. Podcast episodes feature guests discussing AI tools, foundational models, coding techniques, chip design, and language models.
Technology Made Simple 99 implied HN points 28 Jun 23
  1. The Jolt Approach provides a simple yet powerful method to detect and escape infinite loops by monitoring program progress and identifying loop iterations that produce the same state, which is an indication of being stuck in a loop.
  2. It's crucial to address the limitations of the Jolt Approach, especially in scenarios where programs cycle between different states, by implementing strategies like storing each state, breaking if a seen state recurs, and having code that accounts for these situations.
  3. To safeguard against infinite loops, ensure your code progresses in every step, have clearly defined exit strategies, use kill-switches like iteration limits, and implement thorough logging for observability.
HackerPulse Dispatch 8 implied HN points 20 Feb 24
  1. Understanding popular Stack Overflow questions reveals insights on efficiency, mastering tools, and effective problem-solving in coding.
  2. Monitoring Stack Overflow questions can provide developers with valuable signals for documentation improvements and API enhancements.
  3. The emergence of AI, like OpenAI's Codex and GitHub Copilot, is impacting traditional coding platforms like Stack Overflow, causing a decline in traffic and engagement.
Technology Made Simple 119 implied HN points 26 Apr 23
  1. Compile time evaluation can help execute functions at compile time instead of run time, saving memory and CPU time.
  2. Dead code elimination removes unused code, enhancing code readability and reducing executable size.
  3. Strength reduction is a compiler optimization technique that replaces expensive operations with simpler ones, making localized code changes easier.
Brain Bytes 19 implied HN points 27 Dec 23
  1. Imposter Syndrome can make you doubt your abilities as a beginner coder, but it's important to set small, achievable goals, seek feedback, and believe in yourself.
  2. Creating a structured roadmap with daily tasks and clear goals is crucial for effective self-teaching in programming. It helps in visualizing progress and staying on track.
  3. Balancing theory with implementation by working on real projects is key. Dedicate time to writing code, fixing issues, and consistent practice to become a proficient programmer.
CodeFaster 72 implied HN points 23 Jul 23
  1. The Unix one-liner uses commands like cat, tac, cut, and less to process a CSV file.
  2. Using 'cat' reads the file, 'tac' prints it in reverse, 'cut' selects specific columns, and 'less' displays data page by page.
  3. This one-liner is handy for quickly examining and navigating through large CSV files in the terminal.
Technology Made Simple 99 implied HN points 04 May 23
  1. The post discusses Problem 85: Count Complete Tree Nodes [Amazon], focusing on recursion, trees, and data structures.
  2. It is about solving a problem related to counting the number of nodes in a complete binary tree efficiently.
  3. The post mentions the importance of community engagement in choosing problems to discuss and the growth of the author's newsletter.
Brain Bytes 19 implied HN points 13 Dec 23
  1. Invest time in personal coding projects, starting with small ones and progressing to more complex ones. Quantity is crucial in the beginning, followed by a focus on quality.
  2. Define clear, measurable goals and work backward to plan your learning journey. Reverse engineering your goals helps to track progress and stay motivated.
  3. Develop not just technical skills but also soft skills like communication and teamwork. Networking and surrounding yourself with other developers can lead to valuable opportunities.
Machine Economy Press 3 implied HN points 15 Mar 24
  1. Devin, a tool by Cognition AI, is being hailed as a breakthrough in computer reasoning, utilizing generative AI like GPT-4.
  2. Despite claims that Devin can make thousands of decisions, recall context, learn, and correct code mistakes, skepticism exists among software engineers.
  3. The tech sector is witnessing an increase in AI startups and coding assistants/agents like Devin, showcasing the growing interest in machine learning, particularly among Asian developers.
Technology Made Simple 259 implied HN points 25 May 22
  1. Easy Leetcode problems are beneficial because they help you cover a lot of volume quickly, develop coding skills, and build familiarity with new concepts.
  2. Medium and hard Leetcode problems are important for improving problem-solving abilities and understanding how concepts can be applied in different contexts, but they require more time and energy to master.
  3. A balanced study plan that includes easy, medium, and hard questions can help you maximize your preparation for coding interviews, focusing on different aspects of learning and problem-solving.
Technology Made Simple 119 implied HN points 11 Jan 23
  1. Clean code is essential for software engineering success, especially in large companies where code reviews play a crucial role in promotions.
  2. Using pure functions, named parameters, and meaningful variable names are key techniques to ensure cleaner code.
  3. Avoid hard-coding values and utilize default values to improve code readability, maintainability, and reduce complexity.
Technology Made Simple 79 implied HN points 13 Apr 23
  1. The post discusses a problem about packing robots with specific arrangement requirements that can help in developing problem-solving techniques.
  2. It emphasizes the importance of consistency in learning by providing weekly problems for practice and solutions.
  3. The author encourages sharing content and referrals as they help in personal growth and reaching more people.
Daily bit(e) of C++ 78 implied HN points 21 Feb 23
  1. The post discusses the common C++ interview problem of serializing and de-serializing an n-ary tree.
  2. Format choice is important, each node in the tree has a uint32_t value and a vector of weak pointers to children.
  3. Serialization is achieved with a recursive pre-order traversal and terminal value format, deserialization involves reading input until a negative value.
Axis of Ordinary 78 implied HN points 20 Feb 23
  1. GitHub Copilot is generating over 46% of developers' code on average across all programming languages.
  2. AI skeptics are revisiting the p-zombie argument to question AI uniqueness and capabilities.
  3. Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) has the potential to revolutionize labor, automation, and wealth distribution.
Technology Made Simple 59 implied HN points 14 Apr 23
  1. To solve complex problems efficiently, focus on variable reduction, ordering, and systematic problem solving.
  2. Practice quick problem-solving to excel in interviews, especially as the trend steers away from traditional Leetcode questions.
  3. Mastering the right methods for solving simpler questions can greatly help in tackling more challenging problems in the future.
Technology Made Simple 59 implied HN points 05 May 23
  1. The post discusses a problem related to counting the number of nodes in a complete binary tree, emphasizing the importance of understanding recursion, trees, and data structures.
  2. It mentions starting with a brute force solution to count nodes but highlights the need for optimization to achieve time complexity better than O(n).
  3. The approach for solving the problem involves using a recursive template to count nodes efficiently by considering the root and the number of nodes in the left and right subtrees.
The Hive 39 implied HN points 24 Jul 23
  1. Sometimes things may seem hard or impossible, but seeing others do it can change your perspective.
  2. Try short spikes of work to test if something is actually as difficult as it seems.
  3. Competition in your space can be beneficial, as you can learn from others' mistakes and plans.