The hottest Data Management Substack posts right now

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Rod’s Blog 79 implied HN points 02 Oct 23
  1. Being notified when data ingestion stops is crucial for security analysts to maintain the integrity of security tools.
  2. A KQL query can be set up as an Analytics Rule to alert if a specific table has not received new data within a set timeframe, allowing for timely action.
  3. Email alerts can be configured instead of generating unnecessary security incidents, ensuring the operations team can address potential issues efficiently.
Axial 7 implied HN points 15 Mar 24
  1. LabKey provides data management solutions tailored to researchers, clinicians, and biotech companies.
  2. LabKey's evolution from a project at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center to a successful software company is inspiring for startups.
  3. LabKey's strategic shift to a tiered subscription service model helped in sustaining revenue and investing in new product development.
Sarah's Newsletter 359 implied HN points 27 Oct 22
  1. Analytics should be a first-class citizen in crafting product launches to avoid wasted time and ensure measurable success.
  2. Utilize detailed agreements like Product Requirements Documents (PRD) and Analytics Requirements Documents (ARD) to align teams, outline goals, data criteria, assumptions, and finalize expectations.
  3. Involving analytics early in the product evolution lifecycle is crucial for gathering and analyzing data effectively, helping in decision-making, and ensuring alignment across technical and business teams.
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Sarah's Newsletter 239 implied HN points 29 Nov 22
  1. Having an excessive number of dashboards can lead to inefficiency and confusion within an organization. It's important to prioritize strategic organization over creating new dashboards indiscriminately.
  2. Developing an automated dashboard deprecation strategy can help save time and maintain a clean BI instance. By automating the process, organizations can efficiently manage and delete unused visuals.
  3. Implementing a proactive maintenance plan, such as using a data catalog or automated tools, can help keep BI instances organized and optimal for data insights. Regular cleaning and organization are key to ensuring the effectiveness of analytics strategies.
Money in Transit 19 implied HN points 08 Jan 24
  1. Tokenization is a powerful way to reduce costs and secure card payments by isolating parts of payment applications for PCI compliance.
  2. Tokens are non-exploitable and require a vault to store the actual data, providing security in case of a breach.
  3. Using Tokenization as a Service providers can strengthen a startup's position by avoiding vendor lock-in and enhancing pricing power.
Rod’s Blog 59 implied HN points 05 Sep 23
  1. A Model Stealing attack against AI involves an adversary attempting to steal the machine learning model from a target AI system, potentially leading to security and privacy issues.
  2. Different types of Model Stealing attacks include Query-based attacks, Membership inference attacks, Model inversion attacks, and Trojan attacks.
  3. Model Stealing attacks can result in loss of intellectual property, security and privacy risks, reputation damage, and financial losses for organizations. Mitigation strategies include secure data management, regular system updates, model obfuscation techniques, monitoring for suspicious activity, and implementing multi-factor authentication.
Product Composition 78 implied HN points 21 Jul 23
  1. Decipad is launching its beta version, focusing on making sense of numbers in a dynamic way
  2. AI in the industry should prioritize collapsing data to enhance clarity and facilitate action-taking
  3. The future of jobs is facing a drastic shift, with issues around productivity, social contracts, asymmetrical compensation, and poor job descriptions
Tributary Data 1 HN point 16 Apr 24
  1. Kafka started at LinkedIn and later evolved into Apache Kafka, maintaining its core functionalities. Various vendors offer their versions of Kafka but ensure the Kafka API remains consistent for compatibility.
  2. Apache Kafka acts as a distributed commit log storing messages in fault-tolerant ways, while the Kafka API is the interface used to interact with Kafka for reading, writing, and administrative operations.
  3. Kafka's structure involves brokers forming clusters, messages with keys and values, topics grouping messages, partitions dividing topics, and replication for fault tolerance. Understanding these architectural components is vital for working effectively with Kafka.
Minimal Modeling 98 implied HN points 10 May 23
  1. The video discusses the historical background of relational databases, starting in 1983.
  2. Key points include the slow process of database system installation and the importance of primary keys in database design.
  3. Discussion on relational operations like join and divide, emphasizing the significance of these operations in practical database management.
Implementing 19 implied HN points 18 Dec 23
  1. Importance of continuous learning in the field of web development, especially in mastering foundational concepts like math and computer science.
  2. Key technologies like Docker, Node.js, Git, Elasticsearch, Redis, and React are essential for developers to learn for successful software engineering in 2024.
  3. Utilizing online resources like free YouTube videos, paid courses on platforms like Udemy, and official documentation can assist in gaining proficiency in various technologies.
Big Tech Digest 4 implied HN points 12 Mar 24
  1. Uber developed Docstore, a distributed database, and created CacheFront to handle over 40 million reads per second, using techniques like Redis sharding and adaptive timeouts.
  2. Walmart discusses using Database Per Service pattern and Saga pattern in microservices design for efficient data querying and handling complex transactions.
  3. Discord's blog explains the technology behind their Go Live streaming feature, addressing bandwidth constraints and using WebRTC for different scenarios.
davidj.substack 107 implied HN points 15 Feb 23
  1. Two approaches to metrics layers: wide datasets without defined data models vs. defined data model for more powerful metrics.
  2. Importance of new semantic layer by dbt Labs acquiring Transform for a universal standalone analytics solution.
  3. Opportunity for data consumption vendors to integrate with new dbt semantic layer for a ubiquitous solution.
Joe Reis 78 implied HN points 10 Jun 23
  1. Encourage kids and others to interact more in real life, consider alternatives to college, find careers that can't be easily automated, and learn to coexist with AI.
  2. Embrace lifelong learning and be open to change in order to adapt to evolving technologies and industries.
  3. Read up on interesting articles about tech, AI, data, and business topics for insights and inspiration.
Data People Etc. 88 implied HN points 27 Mar 23
  1. Active metadata is a dynamic way to manage and use metadata across different parts of the data stack.
  2. Active metadata can potentially replace triggering mechanism aspect of data orchestrators, but not the optimization intelligence.
  3. The true value of active metadata lies in empowering business users by acting as a personal data assistant.
Technology Made Simple 79 implied HN points 03 Apr 23
  1. Discord faced performance issues with Cassandra, requiring increasing maintenance effort and leading to unpredictable latency.
  2. Hot partitions were a problem in Cassandra, causing hotspotting and impacting the database's performance during concurrent reads.
  3. Garbage collection in Cassandra posed challenges, leading Discord to switch to ScyllaDB which does not have a garbage collector.
LatchBio 39 implied HN points 29 Aug 23
  1. Storing and transferring large sequencing files in biology can be challenging due to the lack of user-friendly storage solutions like AWS S3.
  2. Integrating and tracking sample metadata in biology is vital but often hindered by unintuitive systems and lack of system integrations.
  3. Setting up data pipelines and computational workflows for biology data analysis is labor-intensive, requiring user-friendly interfaces and tools.
Rod’s Blog 59 implied HN points 13 Jun 23
  1. Check for custom tables starting with 'EASM' to verify connection between Microsoft Defender External Attack Surface and Microsoft Sentinel.
  2. In Microsoft Sentinel, tables will show up in the Custom Logs Solutions area.
  3. Connecting EASM to Microsoft Sentinel involves three steps: setting up EASM, configuring permissions, and enabling the connection.
Three Data Point Thursday 19 implied HN points 05 Oct 23
  1. Analytics and Business Intelligence are about turning data into actionable insights, not just analyzing historical data.
  2. Separating data into 'hot' and 'cold' categories can lead to cost savings and less complexity in data management.
  3. Be cautious of the term 'data product' as it can have different meanings to different people, and ensure clarity in hiring, marketing, and tool usage.
davidj.substack 2 HN points 07 Mar 24
  1. Text-to-semantic layer systems can work in enterprise but text-to-SQL ones won't due to technical deficiencies.
  2. Even with infinite resources, achieving a perfect text-to-SQL system may not be enough due to the importance of how data is perceived by stakeholders.
  3. Blame and humiliation dynamics in human interactions make text-to-semantic layer systems more viable than text-to-SQL systems in corporate settings.
LatchBio 20 implied HN points 14 Sep 23
  1. Bioinformaticians face challenges in developing specialized scientific workflows due to managing large files and deploying academic tools.
  2. Snakemake, a Python-based framework, offers advantages over Nextflow in terms of Python readability, debuggability, and configuration simplicity.
  3. LatchBio now provides native support for Snakemake, enabling bioinformaticians to leverage graphical interfaces, managed infrastructure, and downstream analysis solutions.
TeamCraft 13 implied HN points 30 Oct 23
  1. Uniting data fiefdoms under one banner can be challenging due to siloed incentives and data fragmentation.
  2. Data functions often lack proprietary data but have access to all data, highlighting the importance of understanding data context.
  3. Creating a Single Customer View can be a game-changer for businesses, enabling better attribution and decision-making based on a holistic customer journey.
nonamevc 20 implied HN points 06 Sep 23
  1. Product-led growth strategy uses product usage to educate and evaluate customers.
  2. HubSpot offers CRM integration benefits for PLG startups, such as lead management and marketing automation.
  3. Establishing Revenue Ops fundamentals in HubSpot involves syncing data from tools like Stripe and creating custom objects for unique business needs.
ciamweekly 2 HN points 05 Mar 24
  1. Credentials in a CIAM system help identify users through login info, passwords, public keys, MFA, etc.
  2. User Provided Profile Data includes details users share, ranging from basic to complex attributes, gathered during registration or progressively.
  3. Consents in a CIAM system capture user permissions for marketing or legal purposes, different from other profile data as they can be explicitly granted or revoked.
Rod’s Blog 39 implied HN points 30 Mar 23
  1. Consider transitioning from Logic App connector for Open AI ChatGPT to Azure Open AI's ChatGPT for more control over data.
  2. When working with Azure Open AI models, deployments should be done in the Azure console, not Azure OpenAI Studio, and need patience for the API to become accessible.
  3. In Microsoft Sentinel, use best practices like storing API keys and endpoints in Parameters for calls to Azure Open AI deployments.
Bytes, Data, Action! 19 implied HN points 05 Sep 23
  1. Public transit and data pipelines both aim to move things from point A to point B smoothly and quickly.
  2. Issues like delays, lack of visibility, and missed connections can disrupt the experiences of both public transit and data pipelines.
  3. Efficient, transparent, and reliable practices are key to ensuring a smooth journey for both public transit users and data pipelines.
Leading Developers 3 HN points 13 Feb 24
  1. SQL skills are crucial for managers because they can help answer business questions, understand technical designs, and provide a huge return on effort invested.
  2. Don't stop with just learning joins in SQL. Advancing to using CTEs, window functions, and partitions can greatly enhance your ability to write complex queries.
  3. Window functions in SQL, such as ranking functions, aggregation functions, and positional functions, can help in advanced query writing by allowing calculations across sets of rows or returning a single value from a specific row within partitions.