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Top Finance Topics
CalculatedRisk Newsletter 33 implied HN points 13 Mar 24
  1. Most homeowners have substantial equity in their homes, which helps prevent a surge in foreclosures that could impact house prices.
  2. The distribution of interest rates on mortgages shows that a large percentage are under 4%, making it easier for homeowners to manage financially.
  3. Understanding key housing terms like forbearance, delinquency, foreclosure, and REO (Real Estate Owned) can help navigate discussions about property ownership.
Concoda 356 implied HN points 25 Jun 23
  1. Money markets are markets for lending and borrowing money efficiently
  2. Dealers borrow cash using repo and lend it out in reverse repo to earn a profit from the spread
  3. Understanding money market rates is key to navigating financial articles and terminology
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