The hottest Theater Substack posts right now

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Both Are True 357 implied HN points 15 Feb 24
  1. Participating in a murder mystery dinner theater can be a thrilling and unique experience, blending acting with interactive storytelling.
  2. Stepping into a different persona at work or in social situations can bring a sense of liberation and freedom from societal expectations.
  3. Embracing the opportunity to be whoever you want to be every day can lead to a more authentic and fulfilling existence.
Common Sense with Bari Weiss 78 implied HN points 14 Mar 24
  1. The story of Stephen Glass, a journalist involved in a major scandal, continues to be retold in different forms over the years.
  2. Despite his past mistakes, Stephen Glass has led a life focused on redemption, showing dedication to ethical work and helping others.
  3. Society may struggle to grant second chances, despite the potential for growth and positive change by individuals like Stephen Glass.
Safety Propaganda 216 implied HN points 11 Jan 24
  1. The theater industry has lost touch with originality and bold vision since Sarah Kane's time.
  2. Sarah Kane's work confronted the brutality of humanity and challenged audiences to reexamine their understanding of violence and love.
  3. Kane's plays retained a classical structure while introducing a radical form of storytelling, emphasizing the beauty in despair.
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quite useless 334 implied HN points 23 May 23
  1. Visiting storied restaurants for lunch at off-peak times can offer the same menu at a discount.
  2. Opera at the Metropolitan Opera showcases phenomenal music and acoustics, making it a must-visit for Mozart enthusiasts.
  3. Attending live performances, like the play 'A Doll's House,' can provide an intense emotional experience and a chance to see brilliant acting.
The Recovering Academic 217 implied HN points 28 Feb 23
  1. The author reflects on the challenges faced as an adjunct theatre professor and the lack of recognition or support received after many years of service.
  2. The narrative highlights the profound impact of the decision to leave, detailing the mixed reactions and emotional moments during the announcement.
  3. Despite the author's anticipation of theatrical reactions to their resignation, the reality was met with unexpected, mostly silent responses during a faculty meeting.
Gideon's Substack 14 implied HN points 01 Sep 23
  1. The play Richard II is a tricky one to stage due to its political and poetical language.
  2. The current production of Richard II at Stratford Festival portrays the title character as the king of Studio 54, engaging with a contemporary interpretation.
  3. The adaptation of the play attempts to revalue Richard as queer, Black, and fabulous, but the original flaws in the character as a king remain evident.
Grist Potentia 19 implied HN points 05 Jun 23
  1. Trunk songs are pieces written for a show but set aside for later use.
  2. Songwriters often save trunk songs for future projects.
  3. Subscription to Grist Potentia gives access to full post archives.
Gideon's Substack 9 implied HN points 10 Aug 23
  1. The traditional not-for-profit regional theater model is facing challenges due to rising costs and falling revenue.
  2. One proposed solution is to have artists create their own work independently, forming partnerships and renting spaces.
  3. Direct funding of artists by foundations or government may face challenges, and alternative funding models like crowdfunding require exceptional marketing skills.
Gideon's Substack 7 implied HN points 12 Sep 23
  1. The article discusses two plays, Much Ado About Nothing and Grand Magic, both dealing with the theme of jealousy.
  2. In Much Ado About Nothing, the director added a dialogue to address the problem of male jealousy and mistrust within the story.
  3. Grand Magic presents a unique take on the theme of jealousy, exploring the idea of illusion, faith, and the consequences of mistrust in relationships.
startupdreams 0 implied HN points 18 Feb 24
  1. Finding activities that clear your mind can bring real joy and peace.
  2. Creating a home theater setup can offer an immersive movie-watching experience in the comfort of your home.
  3. Investing in high-end AV equipment for a home theater can greatly enhance the sound and picture quality, providing a cinematic experience that streaming services may not match.