Thinking Out Loud

Thinking Out Loud explores personal growth, creativity, and mindfulness, with an emphasis on navigating modern technology, embracing discomfort, and balancing internal conflicts. The author reflects on nomadic life, career development, and the interplay between mind, body, and environment to cultivate a fulfilling life.

Personal Growth Creativity Mindfulness Technology's Impact Nomadic Lifestyle Career Development Mind-Body Connection Internal Conflicts

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And their main takeaways
31 implied HN points ā€¢ 14 Mar 24
  1. Familiarity can hold us back from changing for the better, as what feels right and natural may not always be the most constructive choice.
  2. Stepping into new and unfamiliar territories can feel uncomfortable and even wrong, but it's often a sign of growth and progress.
  3. It's important to distinguish between just feeling unfamiliar, which can lead to positive change, and feeling actually bad, which should be avoided.
48 implied HN points ā€¢ 17 Feb 24
  1. Identity can be viewed through the lens of sincerity, authenticity, and 'profilicity', each representing different societal influences and perspectives on self-expression
  2. Authenticity suggests being true to oneself beyond societal roles, while 'profilicity' involves shaping identity based on how one is perceived by a larger, often anonymous audience, especially in today's hyper-connected online world
  3. Coexisting, overlapping, and sometimes conflicting identities such as sincerity, authenticity, and 'profilicity' can impact personal growth and self-understanding, urging individuals to navigate and reconcile these different aspects of their identity
23 implied HN points ā€¢ 08 Apr 23
  1. Consider spending less time on fast-moving platforms like Twitter and more on platforms that encourage deeper thought and refinement.
  2. Reflect on how the platforms you choose to engage with impact your creativity and the quality of your work.
  3. Embrace platforms that align with your values and allow you to express different traits of creativity that you want to cultivate in yourself.
20 implied HN points ā€¢ 15 Apr 23
  1. Be mindful of how much time you spend on technology early in the day and its impact on your focus and productivity.
  2. Taking a break from technology in the morning can lead to a more calm, present, and productive day.
  3. Choosing what truly feels rewarding, aligned with your long-term goals and values, can lead to a greater sense of fulfillment at the end of each day.
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10 implied HN points ā€¢ 11 Feb 23
  1. The author reflects on a year of nomadic adventures and coming back home to London.
  2. The importance of embracing and weaving new stories while acknowledging the old ones.
  3. The idea of 'home' as a collection of meaningful stories overlaid on a single place.
0 implied HN points ā€¢ 04 Feb 23
  1. Discovering the benefits of breath re-patterning in Bali.
  2. Exploring Hindu tantra for personal growth and emotional expression.
  3. Reflecting on a silent retreat in Bali to disconnect and reset.
0 implied HN points ā€¢ 04 Feb 23
  1. Embracing creative cycles involves understanding natural rhythms and not forcing productivity at all times.
  2. Avoid becoming 'that guy' by being mindful of how you present your success and expertise online.
  3. Consistency in output is important for beginners, but focusing on craft and quality is key for more seasoned creators.
0 implied HN points ā€¢ 04 Feb 23
  1. Shadow work involves acknowledging hidden desires that influence behavior.
  2. Experimenting with new formats in writing can lead to personal growth and authenticity.
  3. Self-reflection may reveal underlying fears and behaviors that hinder success.
0 implied HN points ā€¢ 04 Feb 23
  1. The concept of Deep Okayness involves banishing self-loathing and embracing self-acceptance.
  2. Embracing constraints in life can lead to growth and new opportunities.
  3. Deciding to live within limitations can enhance creativity and fulfillment.
0 implied HN points ā€¢ 04 Feb 23
  1. Meeting online friends in person can create strong, real relationships
  2. Making friends is a skill that can be learned and practiced
  3. Balancing short-term needs with long-term goals is important for personal growth
0 implied HN points ā€¢ 04 Feb 23
  1. Michael Ashcroft is embarking on a nomadic year of world travel starting in Mexico and then Austin, TX.
  2. This edition marks the 50th release of Thinking Out Loud and over two years since starting to write online.
  3. Ashcroft is launching a new email-based course called Playful Creativity to help unlock natural creativity in people.
0 implied HN points ā€¢ 04 Feb 23
  1. Feeling tired could be a sign of unresolved stressors triggering a shutdown mechanism.
  2. Avoiding introspection leads to being a 'fugitive from ourselves.'
  3. Being present with our feelings and experiences is essential to feel at home and overcome avoidance tactics.
0 implied HN points ā€¢ 04 Feb 23
  1. Feeling torn between long-term travel and settling down is a real internal conflict
  2. Embracing both the desire to travel and the desire to build a home is important, even if balancing them is a challenge
  3. Having a base for travel and a home can coexist if financially feasible, but honoring both desires is key
0 implied HN points ā€¢ 04 Feb 23
  1. Embracing discomfort in online marketing can lead to fluctuations in sales, highlighting the need to find a balance in promoting products.
  2. Reframing motivations for work beyond just financial gain can bring more fulfillment and a sense of purpose.
  3. Prioritizing serving others and contributing to causes bigger than oneself can be more motivating than solely focusing on monetary rewards.
0 implied HN points ā€¢ 04 Feb 23
  1. Buddhist teachings aim for beings to be happy and free from suffering
  2. There's a difference between feeling good and just not feeling bad
  3. Exploring new positive experiences above just avoiding negative ones
0 implied HN points ā€¢ 04 Feb 23
  1. Crypto is attracting many 'Very Online' people due to its perceived gravity and excitement.
  2. Self-employed online entrepreneurs are drawn to crypto for its world-shaping potential and as a part of the 'Great Online Game'.
  3. The rise of feral free agents and flexible free time is increasing interest in crypto for those seeking broader perspectives and opportunities.