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Top World Politics Topics
Astral Codex Ten β€’ 25672 implied HN points β€’ 07 Mar 24
  1. Race is often defined not just by genetics, but by a combination of formative experiences and cultural identity.
  2. The concept of race and identity can have significant implications, such as in cases of cultural appropriation and affirmative action.
  3. Judgments on race and identity can be complex and can have real-life consequences, highlighting the need for balanced considerations in such discussions.
Fisted by Foucault β€’ 356 implied HN points β€’ 20 Jan 24
  1. The idea of surnames being changed at Ellis Island is a myth; immigrants changed their names later by choice.
  2. North Korea is showing signs of potential attack on South Korea, with a focus on war preparation themes.
  3. The decline of the US machine tool industry since the 1980s has raised concerns about national industrial capabilities.
ideassleepfuriously β€’ 373 implied HN points β€’ 15 Jan 24
  1. Research suggests a positive link between IQ and socioeconomic status across ethnic groups.
  2. A study shows a growing IQ disparity between Japan and the US, with an increase in average IQ in Japan attributed to environmental improvements.
  3. Survey data indicates a decrease in the freedom to express political opinions in Germany, particularly among young people, less educated individuals, and supporters of specific political parties.
Erik Torenberg's Thoughts β€’ 429 implied HN points β€’ 28 Oct 23
  1. The concept of group narcissism can explain conflicts within society where groups exaggerate their own virtues and respond disproportionately when threatened.
  2. Vicarious group narcissism occurs when a group cannot exhibit its own narcissism, so it projects this onto another group, creating additional issues.
  3. Maintaining civility in a diverse society requires allowing old ethnic and religious bonds to fade, but current conflicts globally suggest these bonds are being strengthened, leading to rising group narcissism and vicarious group narcissism.
Julie Bindel's podcasts and writing β€’ 904 implied HN points β€’ 05 Apr 23
  1. The grooming gang issue involves the rape and pimping of vulnerable girls by men who often escape justice.
  2. The myth that fascists cracked the grooming gang cases is debunked, as it was survivors, former police, and advocates who exposed the atrocities.
  3. Ethnicity of perpetrators in grooming gangs is relevant, but not in the way racists claim; male violence towards females is the core issue.
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The Great Gender Divergence β€’ 176 implied HN points β€’ 10 Jun 23
  1. In some cultures, economic precarity leads to strict conformity through reliance on kin networks.
  2. Insecurity can also drive an intrinsic desire for norm enforcement, particularly focusing on gender control.
  3. Economic under-development does not always result in cultural conformity, as seen in Latin America's shift towards greater individualism.
In My Tribe β€’ 2 HN points β€’ 17 Feb 24
  1. American Jewish memory often overlooks the association between Jews and Communists, but for some, the entanglement holds significant personal history.
  2. Historically, as an ethnic group, Jews tend to lean toward leftist political movements due to urban living, progressive support of Jewish emancipation, and traditions that favored learning and commerce.
  3. Despite some historical ties, many Jews today are turning away from left-wing anti-capitalism, as they may feel alienated by the portrayal of Jewish entities by the left.
Trying to Understand the World β€’ 0 implied HN points β€’ 24 Jan 24
  1. Society tends to favor binary distinctions and oppositions, which can limit understanding of complex issues.
  2. Violence has been an intrinsic part of human existence and has been used pragmatically to achieve political objectives throughout history.
  3. The Nazi ideology was based on rationalizing violence as a means of survival and security, a dark example of the consequences of extreme nationalist and exclusionary policies.