The hottest Positive thinking Substack posts right now

And their main takeaways
Top Health & Wellness Topics
My Sweet Dumb Brain 1493 implied HN points 07 Mar 23
  1. Creating a nightly routine of sharing something good can help rewire your brain to focus on the positive.
  2. Even in challenging times, finding and sharing a bright moment before bed can bring joy and connection.
  3. Prioritizing moments of positivity with loved ones can offer respite from the overwhelming negativity of the world.
Everything is Light 687 implied HN points 20 Mar 23
  1. Negativity bias influences us to focus on bad news over good news, shaping our worldview.
  2. Young people face mental health challenges due to factors like heavy smartphone use, social media, and lockdowns.
  3. It's important to recognize the progress and positive advancements happening in the world, rather than solely focusing on negative narratives.
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Wayne's Earth 0 implied HN points 29 Dec 22
  1. Positive thinking involves choosing to stay away from negative thoughts and replacing them with positive ones to bring more joy into life.
  2. The benefits of positive thinking include increased resilience, improved mental health, better problem-solving skills, higher self-esteem, improved relationships, greater motivation, better physical health, and improved overall mood.
  3. Practical steps to incorporate positive thinking in everyday life include getting enough sleep, practicing mindfulness or visualization, and surrounding oneself with optimistic people to foster a culture of positivity.
Wayne's Earth 0 implied HN points 29 Dec 22
  1. Positive thinking can be used as a coping mechanism in difficult situations by shifting focus from negativity to solutions, strengths, and self-confidence.
  2. To leverage positive thinking in everyday life, monitor and replace negative thoughts, engage in activities like meditation or journaling, and use affirmations to promote positivity and personal growth.
  3. Practicing positive thinking takes time and effort, but integrating techniques like affirmations and mindfulness exercises can lead to improved mental well-being and a more positive outlook over time.
Wayne's Earth 0 implied HN points 29 Dec 22
  1. Negative thoughts can drag us down, leading to doubt and pessimism, impacting overall happiness. It's crucial to combat negative thoughts before they become overwhelming.
  2. Positive thinking brings benefits to physical and mental well-being, fostering optimism, action-taking, and improved health. It also helps in building meaningful connections.
  3. To develop positive thinking habits, work on reframing negative situations, adopt practices like journaling or meditation, and surround yourself with supportive individuals. Train yourself out of negative thought patterns for better mental health and happiness.