The hottest Research Ethics Substack posts right now

And their main takeaways
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Rak höger med Ivar Arpi • 589 implied HN points • 10 Feb 24
  1. Samiska aktivister kritiserar Umeå universitet för kursinnehållet som handlar om samer, och anser att en icke-same som Jonny Hjelm inte borde studera detta.
  2. Akademisk frihet och öppen debatt är viktiga värden på universitet enligt fördrag som Umeå universitet har skrivit under.
  3. Det finns oro kring hur aktivister och media porträtterar en kurs om samer vid Umeå universitet, och det finns frågor kring varför det inte finns offentligt stöd från institutionen eller forskarkollegor för den kursansvarige.
Gray Mirror • 134 implied HN points • 17 Jan 24
  1. Scientists are focused on collecting viruses for their resumes, even if it means creating deadly ones in labs.
  2. The broken infrastructure of science leads to useless and dangerous research being funded and conducted.
  3. The threat of a lethal pandemic virus being created deliberately is a real concern that governments need to address with strict measures.
A Biologist's Guide to Life • 51 implied HN points • 23 Feb 24
  1. Peer review in the scientific community can be flawed, biased, and influenced by power dynamics, leading to the suppression of scientific findings.
  2. Scientific papers can face unfair rejection based on personal biases, conflicts of interest, and editorial decisions.
  3. The current scientific publishing system may hinder the open discussion and publication of research that challenges established beliefs or powerful stakeholders in the field.
Unsafe Science • 97 implied HN points • 07 Dec 23
  1. Censorship isn't just government-based, but also exists in various forms like corporate agreements and book bans.
  2. Rejection in science for not meeting standards isn't censorship - it's a common part of the scientific process.
  3. There is a rising trend of scientists facing punishment for their speech, leading to self-censorship and threats to academic freedom.
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