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Top Philosophy Topics
Atlas of Wonders and Monsters β€’ 627 implied HN points β€’ 11 Jan 24
  1. Cornucopianism suggests that human intellect and creativity can generate an abundance of resources and solutions.
  2. Malthusianism is the opposing viewpoint that argues there are limits to growth and resources on a finite planet.
  3. The metaphor of the cornucopia can be seen as a call for techno-optimists to embrace the idea of continuous progress and innovation.
Going Awol β€’ 319 implied HN points β€’ 20 Feb 24
  1. Some academics criticized Perry Hendricks without fully reading his work, showcasing the importance of engaging with content before forming opinions.
  2. Hendricks presented a conditional argument about abortion being wrong and its potential benefits in preventing morally questionable actions.
  3. While controversial, Hendricks' views touch on complex ethical debates such as moral luck and the historical context of organizations like Planned Parenthood.
David Friedman’s Substack β€’ 341 implied HN points β€’ 13 Feb 24
  1. Consider forming opinions on controversial issues based on evaluating arguments rather than just trusting the experts
  2. Experts may not always have expertise in all aspects of an issue, so it's important to critically evaluate their arguments and not just rely on their authority
  3. It's crucial to judge both arguments and arguers, as bias and incentives can influence the opinions of experts in controversial topics
The Joyous Struggle β€’ 1106 implied HN points β€’ 14 Nov 23
  1. The future for humanity is often viewed through the concept of 'the third attractor,' which aims to divert the default trajectories of collapse and dystopia.
  2. The third attractor represents a disposition not to give up on the future, encompassing diverse visionary ideas for societal transformation and renewal.
  3. Attention to the 'third reality,' encompassing the inner subjective experience, and the cultivation of spiritual sensibility, is crucial for envisioning and shaping a more sustainable and meaningful future.
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Archedelia β€’ 2555 implied HN points β€’ 23 Jul 23
  1. The idea of antihumanism is discussed in relation to systems of social control.
  2. An anecdote about a Google self-driving car facing a practical issue is shared.
  3. The impact of social norms on technology like self-driving cars is highlighted.
Going Awol β€’ 239 implied HN points β€’ 27 Feb 24
  1. Agnes Callard faced backlash for asking if it's better to suffer blamelessly than to live a nice life doing something morally horrifying.
  2. Critics questioned the timing and format of Callard's poll on slavery, suggesting it was inappropriate or limiting choices.
  3. Ayn Rand supporters like Gregory Salmieri criticized Callard's hypothetical scenario for being disconnected from actionable situations.
ailogblog β€’ 579 implied HN points β€’ 02 Jan 24
  1. Techno-pragmatism offers a balanced approach to technology, acknowledging both its potential and risks.
  2. Pragmatism emphasizes action and adequacy, rejecting fixed principles and absolutes.
  3. In the face of uncertainty with emergent technologies like AI, a pragmatic mindset that prioritizes observation and experimentation is crucial.
Trevor Klee’s Newsletter β€’ 3283 implied HN points β€’ 18 Mar 23
  1. The Catholic Church venerated Aristotle and opposed Galileo because they trusted ancient philosophy over new scientific ideas.
  2. Living in a world where science evolves, we give more weight to current evidence than ancient texts or philosophers.
  3. Lessons from history remind us of the importance of valuing empirical evidence over established theories.
Becoming Noble β€’ 996 implied HN points β€’ 12 Nov 23
  1. The qualities that define nobility have varied but always involve the concept of the genuinely superior ruling the inferior.
  2. To maintain power, the nobility must embody and be perceived as a manifestation of the Divine Will, holding the Mandate of Heaven.
  3. Incorruptibility is essential for kings to prevent them from becoming tyrants, and for a society to turn away from modern decadence and return to a traditional reality.
Bet On It β€’ 155 implied HN points β€’ 13 Mar 24
  1. The author received some harsh feedback after a debate on the merits of capitalism, with one viewer calling them a 'self-satisfied, close-minded, pompous, elitist jerk.'
  2. The author admits to smirking during the debate, but explained that the other guests were really funny, possibly explaining their expression.
  3. The full debate video is available for viewing to see the dynamics and humor of the participants.
In My Tribe β€’ 243 implied HN points β€’ 22 Feb 24
  1. The concept of equalitarianism promotes the idea that groups are equal, but in reality, this ideology leads to harmful outcomes and false narratives.
  2. Traditional economic measurements may not fully account for unpaid work like caregiving, which can distort GDP calculations and signify the need for broader economic perspectives.
  3. Philosophy, unlike settled scientific areas, remains a field of exploration for unresolved questions, making classic philosophical texts important for contemplating ongoing uncertainties.
Philosophy for the People w/Ben Burgis β€’ 159 implied HN points β€’ 11 Mar 24
  1. Susan Wolf argues against the ideal of moral saintliness, suggesting it may not be practical or necessary for everyone.
  2. Most people will not achieve moral sainthood, and that's okay because it's an unattainable level of perfection.
  3. While being a moral saint may be unattainable, striving for greater moral virtue could lead to a better society overall.
Fake NoΓ»s β€’ 226 implied HN points β€’ 24 Feb 24
  1. The post discusses why people are irrational about politics and presents an explanation for this behavior.
  2. The content is available only for paid subscribers, indicating a sense of exclusivity.
  3. The author references a publication in _Philosophy, Politics, and Economics_ as a basis for the post, showing an academic foundation.
Philosophy bear β€’ 180 implied HN points β€’ 05 Mar 24
  1. Many criticize Aella for her promiscuous sex life, but it's essential to understand differing views on sexuality and values.
  2. Aella challenges traditional norms by living authentically and making unconventional choices, aiming to achieve her own goals instead of following societal scripts.
  3. Aella's approach to sex involves exploring different facets of eroticism, like performatively de-eroticizing sex to intensify its significance and linking it with scientific exploration.
Grey Goose Chronicles β€’ 471 implied HN points β€’ 09 Jan 24
  1. The text discusses two forms of primitivism: egalitarian primitivism and hierarchical primitivism.
  2. Egalitarian primitivism seeks a return to primitive as a form of levelling, while hierarchical primitivism glorifies life and engages in a struggle.
  3. Nature is portrayed as a refuge for those seeking escape from modernity, with some using it for personal solace and others turning it into a morality play.
The Joyous Struggle β€’ 375 implied HN points β€’ 24 Jan 24
  1. Peace is a vital challenge of our time and a necessary condition for a well-governed world.
  2. There are three possible futures: two lead to global conflict, while the third envisions a more positive, evolving society.
  3. Modern-day equivalents of 'Death Stars' like nuclear weapons and Moloch symbolize threats to peace that need to be addressed to secure a peaceful future.
Desk Notes by Charles Schifano β€’ 364 implied HN points β€’ 26 Jan 24
  1. In our modern world, there is a trend of continuous judging and assessing everything we interact with.
  2. Having difficult conversations directly with individuals can be more effective than immediately seeking higher authorities.
  3. The desire for a 'real leader' can create anxiety in various aspects of life, including politics and daily interactions.
From the New World β€’ 237 implied HN points β€’ 19 Feb 24
  1. The New Soviet Man concept was imaginary, as evident from the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991.
  2. Egalitarian sentiment persists despite evidence of biological differences, leading to challenges in discussing individual disparities.
  3. Institutions like rule of law and free markets can serve as solutions to counteract egalitarian pathologies and promote rational behavior.
Erifili β€’ 219 implied HN points β€’ 22 Feb 24
  1. Yutori is a concept of intentional slowing down in life to appreciate the present moments and find contentment.
  2. Having a bias for action means favoring action over inaction, which can be a key trait for success in entrepreneurship.
  3. Learning to make decisions intuitively based on the heart rather than the ego can lead to a more fulfilling life.
rebelwisdom β€’ 2849 implied HN points β€’ 03 Apr 23
  1. Calls for ethical technology are missing a crucial element that involves a radical revisioning of our ideas about reality.
  2. The metacrisis we face involves technology outpacing our cognitive, moral, and spiritual capacities, intertwined with a lack of coherent cultural or scientific story to explain consciousness.
  3. Appealing for value-driven technology is ineffective without a deeper understanding of the metaphysical foundations that shape our culture and values, such as the concept of consciousness as fundamental to reality.
Wood From Eden β€’ 1296 implied HN points β€’ 21 Sep 23
  1. Peter Turchin studies human populations like animal populations, focusing on carrying capacity and elite overproduction.
  2. Turchin's theory involves cycles of immiseration, unrest, and epidemics in societies.
  3. Turchin's idea of macroevolution and human psychology connects to Jonathan Haidt's analogy of people forming opinions based on emotions.
Thing of Things β€’ 412 implied HN points β€’ 12 Jan 24
  1. Many modern ideas have ancient roots, showing that historical societies were not as different from us as we may think.
  2. Considering knowledge as a skill, not just a set of facts, could offer valuable insights.
  3. Consequentialism relies on being correct, highlighting the importance of ensuring accuracy in ethical decision-making.
Everything Is Bullshit β€’ 707 implied HN points β€’ 28 Nov 23
  1. Opinions are not facts, preferences, or beliefs, but a strategic game of social norms.
  2. Expressing opinions is about trying to appear superior without admitting it openly.
  3. Opinions involve covert judgments and externalizing preferences to win the 'opinion game'.
Classical Wisdom β€’ 2181 implied HN points β€’ 23 Jun 23
  1. Aristotle distinguishes between luck and chance, pointing out that luck involves events that occur unexpectedly without necessity or regularity.
  2. Luck requires conscious decisions and human intent, while chance is simply a coincidental occurrence without purpose.
  3. Understanding luck and chance can lead to philosophical questions about the universe and our existence.
David Friedman’s Substack β€’ 170 implied HN points β€’ 28 Feb 24
  1. Labeling someone as 'homophobic' for having negative views of homosexuality can falsely imply a single cause for their opinion and stigmatize them without considering other reasons.
  2. Using terms like 'racism' and 'denier' to label those with differing views can be a dishonest tactic to imply that their opinions are unreasonable without proper argumentation.
  3. Words like 'thermal pollution' and 'CO2 emission as pollution' can carry hidden value judgments, implying negativity without explicitly stating the values being used.
The Joyous Struggle β€’ 691 implied HN points β€’ 23 Nov 23
  1. The flip involves changing our understanding of reality to see consciousness and value as primary, leading to a sacred view of the world.
  2. The formation requires a shift from utilitarianism to virtue ethics, focusing on shaping desires towards higher purposes and societal good.
  3. The fun pertains to a shift in societal goals from growth to intrinsic ends like spiritual and creative fulfillment, aiming for an attractive and galvanizing future.
Egg Report β€’ 1297 implied HN points β€’ 09 Sep 23
  1. Recognizing our own agency and capacity for danger is a prerequisite for participating in public life.
  2. In our modern electronic media environment, there is pressure to always put on an act and believe in it, hindering self-reflection.
  3. Intimacy is not about absence of rules but integration; true friendship involves shared understanding and civility.
Everything Is Bullshit β€’ 904 implied HN points β€’ 24 Oct 23
  1. Being a Darwinian cynic means believing people are motivated by self-interest, family-interest, and group-interest.
  2. Darwinian cynicism challenges the idea of pure altruism, suggesting that human actions are ultimately selfish, nepotistic, or groupish.
  3. Moral progress and idealism are seen as accidental byproducts rather than deliberate desires in the lens of Darwinian cynicism.