The hottest Corporations Substack posts right now

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Dan Davies - "Back of Mind" 294 implied HN points 09 Feb 24
  1. Bankruptcy rules differ for individuals and corporations, with implications for creditors and stakeholders.
  2. Bankruptcy can have significant economic consequences, especially for employees, suppliers, and other parties dependent on the company's operations.
  3. Some companies without operations can exploit bankruptcy laws to avoid liabilities, highlighting issues with the limited liability system.
Public 303 implied HN points 22 Dec 23
  1. Corporations withdrew advertising from platforms that embraced free speech due to concerns over associating with offensive content
  2. Some companies offended by free speech have no problem investing in countries with repressive speech environments
  3. The trend of corporations prioritizing 'brand safety' over free expression raises questions about their commitment to democratic values
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Who is Robert Malone 19 implied HN points 15 Mar 24
  1. American capitalism has transformed into corporatism where government and large corporations have intertwined interests, blurring the lines between the public and private sectors.
  2. Tech companies and big corporations now cater to government demands and hold immense power over various aspects of daily life, such as information dissemination, consumer choices, and even surveillance.
  3. The shift from a consumer-driven economy to one dominated by corporatism has led to economic disparities and challenges in identifying true power dynamics, presenting a significant contemporary societal challenge.
Geopolitical Economy Report 418 implied HN points 14 Apr 23
  1. Before the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank, it lobbied to remove regulations and then received a bailout, benefiting billionaires. Americans are angry at the corruption.
  2. US banks collapsed in March 2023, leading to massive bailouts for wealthy depositors, showing a pattern of blatant corruption and regulatory capture in Washington.
  3. The banking crisis is far from over as unrealized losses on investment securities have reached over $600 billion, indicating a potential larger collapse ahead due to rising market interest rates.
GOOD INTERNET 3 implied HN points 19 Feb 24
  1. Air Canada argued that its chatbot is a separate legal entity responsible for its own actions, sparking debates about AI personhood.
  2. AI systems are not legally considered persons; corporations developing AI are responsible for their actions.
  3. Recognizing legal personhood for AI could make AI accountable for its actions and open up possibilities for lawsuits.
The Carousel 25 implied HN points 25 May 23
  1. A brand video called 'It's Never Over' was made as a response to the current culture war in the private sector
  2. The video aims to promote 'Based Marketing' as a strategy to counter toxic ideologies in corporations
  3. Creatives behind the video found a voice on Twitter and emphasize the need for honest and truthful marketing for the people
Douglass’s Newsletter 19 implied HN points 09 Jun 23
  1. Temperatures are rising due to fossil fuel burning, leading to interconnected problems like soil, food, and poverty.
  2. Survival strategy involves a complex Gardenworld approach for localized food and security, combined with big tech for management.
  3. Urgency is stressed in understanding and addressing societal collapses, suggested readings like Tainter and Toynbee provide deeper insights.
Anxiety Addiction & Ascension 19 implied HN points 16 Aug 22
  1. Historically, American companies like Ford and General Motors symbolized industrial might and democratic victory, inspiring pride and unity.
  2. Modern corporations like Facebook, Google, and Amazon represent a new era where digital services are designed to foster addiction and instruct thinking.
  3. The power and influence of today's big companies have shifted to control information flow, promote specific ideologies, and shape societal narratives, unlike the tangible progress epitomized by older companies.
Michelle Rempel Garner 0 implied HN points 06 Jul 23
  1. The Liberal government's attempt to stop news bans and save Canadian journalism by cutting ad spending on Google and Meta platforms is seen as a political stunt.
  2. The hypocrisy of the government pulling federal ads but not their political party's ads was criticized.
  3. There is a need for a reevaluation of Bill C-18 to support investigative journalism and sustainable news coverage in Canada.