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Teaching computers how to talk 68 implied HN points 05 Mar 24
  1. Large language models behave like beings rather than things, displaying strange characteristics.
  2. Instructing models doesn't involve coding; it's about guiding their actions and understanding their behavior, akin to convincing a stubborn teenager rather than traditional engineering.
  3. Similar to Isaac Asimov's fictional robots, large language models can interpret instructions in unforeseen ways, implying a need to humanize and understand them for effective interaction.
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effectiviology 0 implied HN points 20 Feb 24
  1. Precrastination involves rushing to do things too early, which can lead to worse decisions, performance, and efficiency.
  2. People precrastinate to free up mental resources, reduce worry, and increase immediate satisfaction.
  3. To avoid precrastinating, prioritize tasks, question the decision to start immediately, and find alternative activities to focus on if postponing the task.