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Top History Topics
The Library of Alexandria Ultima β€’ 9 implied HN points β€’ 04 Mar 24
  1. The text discusses the fate of the Zungar empire, which clashed with the Qing Dynasty and faced challenges from Russian expansion, ultimately leading to their downfall.
  2. Russian influence in Asia is highlighted, showing how the empire impacted tribes and helped in the resettlement of peoples, showcasing their historical significance.
  3. Descriptions of encounters with the Kalmyk people, including cultural aspects and conflicts, give insight into their lives and the challenges they faced.
Cosmographia β€’ 199 implied HN points β€’ 13 Feb 23
  1. The post is part of the Atlas' Notes series, focusing on a specific location and encompassing various forms of art.
  2. The content is for paid subscribers only, with an invitation to subscribe if not already signed up.
  3. The post includes images and links to the author's profile and the subscription page for interested readers.
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Digest // Storefronts of Bangkok β€’ 39 implied HN points β€’ 22 Nov 23
  1. Share the Digest // Storefronts of Bangkok with friends to earn rewards and benefits like T-Shirts, restaurant coupons, or a Michelin Star Experience.
  2. Use the referral link to invite friends to subscribe and get credit for new subscribers. More referrals mean special benefits.
  3. You can earn rewards like a Storefronts of Bangkok T-Shirt, a 2000THB Restaurant Coupon, or a Michelin Star Experience by referring friends to subscribe.
Cosmographia β€’ 279 implied HN points β€’ 01 Oct 22
  1. Vienna is known as the City of Music and the City of Dreams.
  2. The City of Music nickname comes from its rich musical history and culture.
  3. Vienna as the City of Dreams reflects its reputation for being a place of inspiration and possibility.
The Radar β€’ 19 implied HN points β€’ 08 Jan 24
  1. Embrace uncertainty and adventure in life. Sometimes it's okay to have no plan and figure things out as you go.
  2. Travel can broaden your perspectives. Get out there, explore, and experience new things.
  3. Don't over-plan and be open to surprises. Over-planning can limit our ability to be genuinely surprised and delighted.
Cosmographia β€’ 159 implied HN points β€’ 15 Jan 23
  1. The author explores the question of why people choose to wander instead of staying in one place.
  2. Bruce Chatwin was deeply intrigued by the nomadic lifestyle after encountering a nomad during his trip to Sudan in 1965.
  3. This post is available for paid subscribers only on
Iterare β€’ 78 implied HN points β€’ 24 Mar 23
  1. Visiting historical sites can provide a sense of perspective on the transient nature of life and legacy
  2. Embrace the present moment and cherish the memories created, as they are unique and fleeting
  3. Our actions may not leave a lasting impact beyond a few generations, so focus on making meaningful memories in the present
Weekly Wisdom β€’ 19 implied HN points β€’ 30 Nov 23
  1. The author reflects on their solo Eurotrip to Europe, highlighting experiences of human kindness, self-discovery, and taking risks that shaped their life.
  2. Unexpected encounters in Paris, like missing the last train, led to memorable connections and adventures, showcasing the beauty of embracing spontaneity and connecting with others.
  3. By braving risks, embracing spontaneity, and connecting with strangers, the author encountered unforgettable experiences and life-changing moments, encouraging readers to take chances and stay open to new connections.
The Carousel β€’ 22 implied HN points β€’ 08 Nov 23
  1. Helium was once a highly valued resource, particularly in the Airship Era.
  2. Amarillo, Texas, holds significant helium reserves but locals may not be fully aware of its value.
  3. There is a resurgence of interest in blimps and airships for environmental reasons, with projects like BlimpDAO seeking to promote blimp culture.
Banana Peel Pirouette β€’ 59 implied HN points β€’ 25 May 23
  1. Camping trips can lead to altered states of consciousness by breaking away from daily routines and distractions like the internet, allowing us to explore different aspects of ourselves.
  2. Human capability to adapt and change is highlighted by observing the ever-evolving nature of deserts like Death Valley over time.
  3. Nudity serves as a unique symbol of human adaptability and creativity, showcasing our ability to mold and interact with the world around us in distinctive ways.
The Art of Enchantment, with Dr Sharon Blackie β€’ 179 implied HN points β€’ 24 May 22
  1. The Glass Mountain represents challenges that seem unattainable and difficult to overcome, holding everything you desire on the other side.
  2. The imagery of lost loves, treasures, and parts of yourself slipping away highlights the emotional weight of struggles and disappointments.
  3. The concept of the Glass Mountain can symbolize the obstacles we face in pursuing our deepest desires and the complex emotions tied to those endeavors.
Pocha Life's Learnings β€’ 58 implied HN points β€’ 07 May 23
  1. The traveler had to unexpectedly stay in Oslo for a day but found free accommodation through Bunk A Biker hosts.
  2. While exploring Oslo, the traveler enjoyed a walking tour, discovered unique architectural features, and found a tasty yet affordable meal at Subway.
  3. The experience in Oslo included receiving the passport, buying new shoe covers, and staying with a hospitable host who shared stories of bike rides and spiritual journeys.
Pocha Life's Learnings β€’ 58 implied HN points β€’ 04 May 23
  1. The author had a memorable experience of receiving help from strangers during their Europe-India trip
  2. Despite encountering snow, the author made the most of the situation, from trying to ride in it to changing a tire
  3. The day included coffee breaks, encounters with closed businesses on Labour Day, and getting expert help with a new front tire in Kristiansund
Cosmographia β€’ 79 implied HN points β€’ 03 Feb 23
  1. The author is expressing excitement about their first visit to Rome and the importance of making a good first impression when visiting a new place.
  2. The post seems to delve into the historical significance and eternal nature of Rome, highlighting phrases like 'Urbs Aeterna' and 'Imperium Sine Fine'.
  3. Access to the full post and more content seem to be limited to paid subscribers on the website.
Ulysses β€’ 39 implied HN points β€’ 12 Jul 23
  1. The human spirit thrives on challenges and the unknown, displaying a will to power for growth and overcoming obstacles.
  2. Historically, physical frontiers provided opportunities for exploration and growth, but technology has led to their shrinkage.
  3. While technology closes some physical frontiers, it opens up new frontiers in information, communication, and innovation, providing spaces for struggle and growth.
Pocha Life's Learnings β€’ 39 implied HN points β€’ 03 May 23
  1. The trip included a ride from Fjellstova to Gierangerfjord and back, meeting bikers and experiencing snow.
  2. The Fjellstova bathrooms were a notable attraction due to cleanliness and music-playing mirrors.
  3. Encountered challenging weather conditions like rain and snow, facing issues with visibility and warm tunnels.
thezvi β€’ 2 HN points β€’ 21 Feb 24
  1. Older restaurants are often selected for and reward repeat business, so trying them in your area could be valuable.
  2. Exploration and discovery of restaurants are easier and more rewarding in the review era compared to the pre-review era. Online ratings can be valuable but may not fully replace personal exploration and judgment.
  3. Yelp and DoorDash ratings may not always accurately identify exceptional dining experiences, so personal exploration and validation remain important.
MAP's Tech Newsletter. β€’ 19 implied HN points β€’ 23 Jun 23
  1. The pursuit of exploration is deeply ingrained in human nature, as shown throughout history by daring explorers like Ferdinand Magellan and David Livingstone.
  2. Accidents are a reality in risky pursuits like deep-sea exploration, but these incidents do not deter human interest in exploring the unknown.
  3. Despite the risks, the drive for exploration and discovery persists as a fundamental aspect of humanity, exemplified by individuals like Hillary and Norgay conquering Mount Everest.
Dr. Pippa's Pen & Podcast β€’ 14 implied HN points β€’ 07 Apr 23
  1. Dr. Pippa will be in Toronto, Le Mans, and Iceland for interesting discussions on the world economy and geopolitics.
  2. Car racing history includes inspiring stories of female pioneers like Maria Antoinetta Avanzo and HellΓ© Nice.
  3. Geopolitically, Iceland is significant due to its location at the GIUK Gap, making it crucial to understand the Arctic geopolitics.
the rohn report β€’ 19 implied HN points β€’ 26 Oct 20
  1. Riding a bike can be a peaceful and focusing experience, but it's important to stay alert to stay safe. Being fully present enhances your perception of your surroundings.
  2. Our senses and cognition play a crucial role in helping us understand the world around us. When you quiet the mind, your receptors function optimally, reducing the chances of being caught off guard.
  3. Exploring familiar pathways can lead to unexpected encounters and meaningful interactions, adding richness to everyday experiences. Each outing can offer unique moments and connections.
Perambulations β€’ 0 implied HN points β€’ 02 Mar 23
  1. Geeks can engage with sports through predictive models and board games that share underlying rules with sports.
  2. Exploration and exploitation in games and sports represent competing perspectives, balancing information gathering and maximizing rewards.
  3. Sports culture can promote social values and fairness, and innovating sports to be more exploratory can attract new fans and diversify competition.
Weekend Collection β€’ 0 implied HN points β€’ 09 Mar 23
  1. Explorers have delved deep into the ocean to uncover hidden wonders like bioluminescent creatures and coral forests.
  2. Books and articles have explored sea monsters, mermaid sightings, and sunken ships to reveal intriguing mysteries.
  3. Interesting studies exist about topics like slime's history and the first man who swam across the English Channel.