The hottest Health Impact Substack posts right now

And their main takeaways
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Nepetalactone Newsletter 10633 implied HN points 19 Jan 24
  1. The evidence strongly supports that COVID-19 was made in a lab.
  2. There is a debate within the community on various strategies to address pandemic-related issues.
  3. The focus should shift towards examining the origins of the virus and preventing future lab leaks.
COVID Intel - by Dr.William Makis 3066 implied HN points 07 Feb 24
  1. Dr. John Woodward, an academic lawyer, who disparaged the unvaccinated and supported mandates, is now suffering from terminal brain cancer.
  2. The story highlights the consequences of words and actions, showcasing a stark turn of events for Dr. Woodward.
  3. The situation serves as a reminder of the significance of empathy and caution in judgment towards others.
Changing The Channel 8192 implied HN points 06 Dec 23
  1. Living in chronic stress from survival mode can lead to chronic illnesses and impact life expectancy
  2. Moving abroad is not just for the rich; many Americans are seeking a better quality of life due to the high cost of living and lack of a social safety net in the United States
  3. Chronic stress is normalized in America and can contribute to chronic illnesses, making it essential to address the root causes of stress in society
The Rotten Apple 283 implied HN points 15 Jan 24
  1. Food fraud perpetrators do not aim to harm consumers, as that increases the risk of getting caught.
  2. Accidental harm can occur from food adulteration, like plaster of Paris being mistakenly used instead of a harmless substance.
  3. Allergen cross-reactivity can lead to serious consequences for allergenic individuals and cause issues in food testing.
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Asimov Press 135 implied HN points 12 Mar 23
  1. A newsletter provides curated insights on scientific progress in biology and future technologies.
  2. Recent advancements include nano-scale probes for space exploration, gene-editing for heart protection, and new gene therapy trials.
  3. Challenges in genetics, predictions of protein levels from DNA sequences, and advancements in microbiome research showcase ongoing developments in the field.
Kartick’s Blog 0 implied HN points 18 Feb 23
  1. When choosing a job, don't just focus on immediate rewards like salary and perks.
  2. Consider how the job will impact your future, including skill development, career growth, and mental health.
  3. Make sure to weigh both short-term and long-term factors to avoid ending up in a worse situation after leaving a job.