The hottest Burnout Substack posts right now

And their main takeaways
Top Health & Wellness Topics
Granted β€’ 11240 implied HN points β€’ 07 Jan 24
  1. Mental Health and Well-Being: Discover how a little therapy can lead to lasting change and how to move from languishing to flourishing.
  2. Connection and Community: Learn about the power of being like-hearted without needing to be like-minded and practical steps for unity in a divided world.
  3. Leadership and Power: Explore resources on fixing organizational problems, finding purpose after major life transitions, and improving critical thinking for wiser decisions.
Changing The Channel β€’ 8192 implied HN points β€’ 06 Dec 23
  1. Living in chronic stress from survival mode can lead to chronic illnesses and impact life expectancy
  2. Moving abroad is not just for the rich; many Americans are seeking a better quality of life due to the high cost of living and lack of a social safety net in the United States
  3. Chronic stress is normalized in America and can contribute to chronic illnesses, making it essential to address the root causes of stress in society
Sensible Medicine β€’ 2987 implied HN points β€’ 02 Feb 24
  1. Being a doctor is a challenging and high-stress job, dealing with patients and their families every day.
  2. The responsibility of being a doctor means always needing to perform at your best, even on bad days.
  3. Doctors often feel overwhelmed by the limitations in fixing the underlying societal issues that contribute to their patients' health problems.
Elena's Growth Scoop β€’ 2712 implied HN points β€’ 22 Nov 23
  1. The author quit full-time roles due to personal losses and declining health.
  2. Traditional corporate ladder may not be the only option for those passionate about their work.
  3. The author found success in solopreneurship by structuring her work, taking interim roles, and creating alternative income streams.
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The ZenMode β€’ 42 implied HN points β€’ 21 Feb 24
  1. Set clear work boundaries and create a dedicated workspace to improve productivity.
  2. Break tasks into manageable sprints, schedule breaks, and prioritize self-care for peak performance.
  3. Declutter and personalize your workspace, invest in ergonomic furniture, and optimize your sleep for better overall well-being.
Workforce Futurist by Andy Spence β€’ 341 implied HN points β€’ 02 Aug 23
  1. The lasting repercussions of the pandemic on the workforce are now being felt, with a focus on mental illness, economic injury, and burnout.
  2. The first three waves of the pandemic brought devastating impacts on health systems and mortality rates globally.
  3. Employers must address workforce challenges arising from illness, burnout, and economic inactivity by making smart decisions and implementing evidence-based solutions.
Green Graphic Design β€’ 176 implied HN points β€’ 15 Aug 23
  1. Recovering from burnout is not linear and requires different coping mechanisms.
  2. Practical realities of managing burnout may include setting boundaries and knowing when to turn down work.
  3. Use toolkits like morning pages, quitting social media, seeking help from friends, and prioritizing joy to aid in burnout recovery.
Are You Okay? β€’ 339 implied HN points β€’ 07 Feb 23
  1. Validating and practicing self-compassion are crucial to prevent caregiver burnout. It's normal to feel frustrated, guilty, and compassionate yet suffer from emotional and physical exhaustion.
  2. Shifting your mindset from feeling helpless to taking control of your life can restore your sense of agency. Accept areas you can't control and focus on what you can.
  3. Using tools like sleep, communication, proper nutrition, and movement can help manage caregiver stress. Self-care is essential, and setting boundaries and asking for help is vital.
Finding Joy β€’ 98 implied HN points β€’ 11 Mar 23
  1. Burnout is a serious issue that has negative consequences for individuals, businesses, and the public.
  2. Burnout manifests through emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and diminished sense of personal accomplishment.
  3. To address burnout, individuals can set boundaries, prioritize sleep, pause, say no, make friends outside of work, delegate, and disconnect; while organizations can engage with empathy, set an example, connect people to purpose, provide autonomy, avoid recreating pain, support employee wellbeing practically, and invest in good leadership.
10x your mind β€’ 59 implied HN points β€’ 22 Jun 23
  1. There are seven different types of rest that humans need: physical, mental, sensory, creative, emotional, social, and spiritual.
  2. Recognize the signs of each type of rest needed, like feeling physically exhausted for physical rest or lacking new ideas for creative rest, and find appropriate remedies.
  3. Prioritize taking care of yourself by understanding and fulfilling the various types of rest that you require for a more rested and revitalized self.
The Next Chapter β€’ 21 implied HN points β€’ 18 Sep 23
  1. The author is taking a sabbatical from their corporate product job due to burnout and feeling disconnected from their values.
  2. During the sabbatical, the author aims to find a new balance, explore different career options, and redefine their relationship with achievement.
  3. The decision to take a sabbatical was met with mixed responses, highlighting the privilege of being able to align work with personal values.
Granted β€’ 19 implied HN points β€’ 10 Mar 20
  1. Procrastination is often driven by the desire to avoid negative emotions like anxiety and boredom, not laziness.
  2. Showing compassion towards yourself can help reduce procrastination by acknowledging that it's a common human experience.
  3. Effective strategies to combat procrastination include creating a 'to-don't' list, scheduling tasks like meetings, and facing tasks you fear but are worth pursuing.
The Shift With Sam Baker β€’ 0 implied HN points β€’ 10 May 23
  1. Katherine May talks about burnout, meaning-making, and her midlife autism diagnosis, sharing why she believes there is a lack of wonder in society.
  2. The conversation covers Katherine May's experience of somatic illnesses and the impact they can have on daily life.
  3. The podcast with Katherine May on The Shift is popular, with a transcript available for those who prefer reading over listening.
Are You Okay? β€’ 0 implied HN points β€’ 22 Aug 22
  1. It's important to acknowledge and accept when you're not okay, especially during challenging times like a pandemic.
  2. Being healthy involves more than just physical check-ups; it's about understanding our emotional well-being, habits, and relationships.
  3. Taking care of ourselves is essential, including facing our truths, seeking support, and redefining what true health means to us.