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Top Health & Wellness Topics
Bentham's Newsletter 353 implied HN points 02 Aug 23
  1. Caplan argues that if something is responsive to incentives, it can't be a mental illness.
  2. Preferences can be irrational and harmful, making them akin to mental illnesses.
  3. Mental illness can be a complex judgment based on normative considerations and other factors.
Freddie deBoer 2 HN points 19 Jan 24
  1. The concept of being weird but loved and popular is explored, challenging the idea that weirdness and lonliness go hand in hand.
  2. The text discusses the complexities of mental illness and the challenges of societal perceptions, especially focusing on the need for compassion and understanding.
  3. There is a critique of the modern tendency to medicalize behavior, like with disorders such as ARFID, and the importance of not losing sight of genuine human struggles and complexities.
Affective Medicine 1 HN point 15 May 23
  1. Many factors contribute to suicide risk, including social isolation, perceived burdensomeness, and acquired ability to enact self-harm.
  2. There is a need for better theories of suicide that consider various risk factors like impulsivity, access to firearms, and chronic pain.
  3. Policies and interventions targeting factors like social media use, substance abuse, and firearm access could help mitigate suicide risk.
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