Political Currents by Ross Barkan

Political Currents by Ross Barkan features original essays on political, social, and cultural topics, with a focus on media dynamics, the nuances of American culture, the complexities of the media industry, critiques on contemporary art and literature, and observations on political movements and societal shifts.

American Culture Media Industry Political Movements Societal Shifts Art and Literature Technology and Innovation Local and National Politics Cultural Critique

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71 implied HN points β€’ 12 Jan 24
  1. The Macroculture includes mainstream media, major record labels, and Hollywood, shows wealth but also vulnerability in the 21st century.
  2. The Microculture, like TikTok and YouTube, represents bottom-up content creation and massive growth in online platforms, but also lacks stability and can be a hustle culture.
  3. The Mesoculture is the missing middle ground between the Macroculture and Microculture, emphasizing physical communion, demand for alternative infrastructure, and a resurgence in literary and artistic events.
11 implied HN points β€’ 15 Mar 24
  1. Chuck Schumer called for new elections in Israel, highlighting a shift in his stance towards the Israeli government.
  2. The pro-Palestine movement influenced Schumer's speech, signaling a growing impact on American politics.
  3. Schumer's stance reflects a changing landscape in American foreign policy towards Israel, paving the way for potential shifts in the Democratic Party.
12 implied HN points β€’ 13 Mar 24
  1. Governor Kathy Hochul sent in 750 National Guard troops to patrol the New York City subway system due to rising crime, aligning herself as a law-and-order Democrat.
  2. Hochul's decision to deploy troops has faced criticism from various power elites, the NYPD, and Democrats, potentially impacting tourism and the image of New York City.
  3. The deployment of troops in response to subway crimes raises questions about safety, proportionality, and the leadership style of Governor Hochul, with potential long-term consequences on public perception and tourism.
20 implied HN points β€’ 21 Feb 24
  1. Adverbs and adjectives enrich writing by adding meaning, specificity, and style. They make language vivid and compelling.
  2. Writing advice advocating for cutting adverbs to achieve brevity may not always hold true in the digital age. Lengthier, in-depth pieces can actually perform well and engage readers.
  3. Finding your own writing style is crucial. Not all writers need to adhere to a strict minimalist approach; embracing your unique voice and style can set you apart in a crowded marketplace.
11 implied HN points β€’ 04 Mar 24
  1. Writing a novel can be a long, evolving process, with Andrew Boryga spending ten years to develop 'Victim,' which started as college short stories and transformed into a multilayered narrative.
  2. Characters in novels don't need to be fundamentally good; Boryga intentionally crafted complex, imperfect characters like Javi in 'Victim' to avoid traditional, simplistic portrayals.
  3. Authenticity in storytelling is crucial; Boryga aimed to portray the Bronx as he knew it, weaving the beauty, pain, and humor of the community into his novel 'Victim.'
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9 implied HN points β€’ 07 Mar 24
  1. The Democratic Socialists of America operate within and beyond the Democratic Party, aiming to establish socialism and overthrow capitalism.
  2. DSA views the Democratic Party as a vehicle to be exploited for their socialist goals, rather than supporting it outright.
  3. Despite its decentralized nature with various member factions, DSA primarily focuses on competing in Democratic primaries and is cautious about forming a separate 'worker's party.'
12 implied HN points β€’ 28 Feb 24
  1. New York City has improved from the depths of the pandemic and compares favorably to other American cities in terms of homeless issues and safety.
  2. The city remains a vibrant cultural hub with remarkable diversity, offering a wide range of activities for residents and tourists.
  3. Despite its strengths, New York City faces major challenges such as elevated crime rates in certain categories, including theft.
7 implied HN points β€’ 12 Mar 24
  1. Dragon Ball Z, created by Akira Toriyama, was a hugely influential series that left a lasting impact on a generation with its complex characters and thrilling story arcs.
  2. Character development was a key strength of Dragon Ball Z, with characters like Vegeta undergoing significant transformations from villain to antihero to protector throughout the series.
  3. The unexpected twists and deep emotional moments in Dragon Ball Z set it apart, offering a level of pathos rarely seen in contemporary animation.
13 implied HN points β€’ 23 Feb 24
  1. Israel defenders endorse asymmetrical response in conflicts with Hamas, potentially leading to total warfare.
  2. Writing about Israel and Palestine is complex and polarizing, with differing perspectives based on political beliefs.
  3. Israel's future actions in Gaza remain uncertain, with questions about the endgame and the impact of internal political dynamics.
17 implied HN points β€’ 12 Feb 24
  1. Blue Liberals and Palestine Leftists are two distinct factions within the Left, existing in separate universes and showing significant ideological differences.
  2. Blue Liberals prioritize electoral politics, fear Trump's threat to democracy, and focus on mainstream media criticism, while the Palestine Left is more concerned about issues like Gaza and the Israeli occupation.
  3. The chasm between Blue Liberals and Palestine Leftists is primarily driven by disagreements over the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, leading to tensions over voting decisions and priorities in the upcoming elections.
15 implied HN points β€’ 16 Feb 24
  1. The article discusses the challenges Joe Biden is facing in the 2024 election cycle, including his age and lack of a strong vision for the future.
  2. The piece highlights the potential risks of Biden's re-election, such as potential stagnation with an 82-year-old president and a Republican-controlled Senate.
  3. It suggests that while Biden may have a chance of winning, there are concerns about his ability to lead effectively in the upcoming years, especially considering the current political climate.
9 implied HN points β€’ 29 Feb 24
  1. The internet is deeply ingrained in our daily lives and will likely continue until our lifetimes.
  2. Artificial Intelligence is transforming the internet experience, with concerns about fake content and the impact on various professions.
  3. AI may bring about significant changes in human history, but there are uncertainties regarding its effects on industries and the economic sustainability of AI companies.
20 implied HN points β€’ 01 Feb 24
  1. Surviving in the media industry requires standing out and being very good or very lucky.
  2. Diversification and staying relevant in various platforms is necessary for success in today's media landscape.
  3. Tenacity, talent, and adaptability are crucial in navigating the challenging and ever-changing media industry.
6 implied HN points β€’ 14 Feb 24
  1. Democrat Tom Suozzi won the race to replace George Santos comfortably, surprising some with the margin of victory.
  2. The outcome of one special election in February may not accurately predict broader political trends or implications.
  3. The analysis and speculation surrounding Suozzi's victory in the House race should be approached with caution due to the unique circumstances of the election.
9 implied HN points β€’ 26 Jan 24
  1. Some people want the media to die because they think it's too liberal and biased.
  2. Local newspapers in rural areas are disappearing, leaving regions without reliable sources of news.
  3. Reviving local news is crucial to counter political polarization and can be supported by federal subsidies.
8 implied HN points β€’ 18 Jan 24
  1. Scott Stringer is running against Mayor Eric Adams because he believes the city is deteriorating and he sees an opportunity to win.
  2. Stringer is in a better position to run this time compared to his previous mayoral campaign where he faced allegations of sexual misconduct.
  3. While Adams has more resources and support, Stringer still has a real shot at winning the primary election in June 2025.
6 implied HN points β€’ 30 Jan 24
  1. The Board of Elections in New York is targeting the Democratic Socialists of America for alleged campaign finance violations.
  2. The case revolves around a campaign committee set up by the DSA to support their candidates running for state office.
  3. The enforcement counsel is seeking an unprecedented fine of $300,000, which could severely impact the DSA's financial resources.
9 implied HN points β€’ 08 Jan 24
  1. The Messenger online news site failed due to lack of viable business model and inability to monetize traffic.
  2. The Washington Post is facing financial struggles and losing traffic, possibly due to heavy focus on anti-Trump content.
  3. Politico has succeeded by focusing on politics and policy from an establishment perspective, offering privileged information to subscribers.
14 implied HN points β€’ 09 Jul 23
  1. Agreeing with the argument that every banal and creative act can seem meaningless from birth to death.
  2. Acknowledging the enjoyment and memories gained from travel, even though it does not fundamentally change who we are.
  3. Reflecting on personal experiences of limited travel in youth and rediscovering the joy of travel in later years.
12 implied HN points β€’ 17 Jul 23
  1. The essay discusses the novelist Bret Easton Ellis and his latest novel, revealing the impact of his podcast on his work.
  2. The mention of Walter Kirn in the essay raises questions about the categorization of individuals based on their political views and affiliations.
  3. Literary publications should strive to go beyond categorizing writers based on political leanings and instead focus on their contributions to literature.
12 implied HN points β€’ 28 Apr 23
  1. Japan features advanced public transportation infrastructure like high-speed trains and clean, efficient metro systems.
  2. Japan's historical significance and economic growth have shaped societal norms and attitudes towards outsiders.
  3. Despite economic challenges and political stagnation, Japan maintains a unique cultural identity and commitment to technological innovation.
12 implied HN points β€’ 17 Apr 23
  1. Broadcast news anchors in New York City show more moderate to conservative political leanings compared to younger print or online journalists.
  2. Reporting on crime by local broadcast TV can create a misleading perception of the city's safety and overlook other important issues.
  3. The political beliefs and reporting style of veteran broadcast journalist Marcia Kramer demonstrate a conservative approach influenced by generational, locational, and income factors.
12 implied HN points β€’ 06 Mar 23
  1. The article explores the intersection of dissident right and far left in Western rural areas.
  2. There is a socioeconomic story of inequality in rural areas that often gets overshadowed by other political narratives.
  3. While some focus on political controversies, many people are more concerned with everyday life, work, and family.
12 implied HN points β€’ 23 Feb 23
  1. To succeed in writing, be polite but don't be afraid to be aggressive in pitching ideas and networking.
  2. Being reliable and meeting deadlines consistently is a key factor in building trust and advancing in the writing world.
  3. Embrace your uniqueness and find your voice; don't be afraid to be different in a field that often rewards conformity.
11 implied HN points β€’ 16 Feb 23
  1. Access journalism has been a longstanding issue in media, allowing powerful individuals to influence reporting.
  2. Public relations professionals, like Risa Heller, cultivate relationships with media to shape favorable coverage.
  3. Journalists should maintain independence and critically assess the impact of their relationships on their reporting.