The hottest Allergies Substack posts right now

And their main takeaways
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The Forgotten Side of Medicine 6800 implied HN points 21 Jan 24
  1. Over the past years, data suggests that unvaccinated individuals may become ill when in close contact with vaccinated individuals; mechanisms for this transmission involve exosome shedding, COVID-19 shedding, and potentially transfected bacterial shedding.
  2. Efforts to unravel the mysteries of mRNA vaccine shedding have revealed concerns such as shedding's impact on sexual shedding, odor emission, blood transfusions, cancer, and mitigation methods.
  3. Various factors can influence shedding reactions, such as sensitivity levels, timing post-vaccination, symptoms experienced, and potential links to the gut microbiome and pheromones.
The Rotten Apple 21 implied HN points 11 Mar 24
  1. Downloadable back issues are available for readers to catch up on past content.
  2. Improper handwashing and contaminated food led to a man in the US developing tapeworm larvae in his brain, highlighting the importance of food safety practices.
  3. The chocolate supply chain is facing a crisis due to rising cocoa prices caused by global supply pressures from climate change, impacting chocolate production and potentially leading to product frauds.
Klement on Investing 1 implied HN point 08 Mar 24
  1. Hay fever affects about one in five people in the UK, with higher rates in countries like Brazil and Australia.
  2. Hay fever can lead to accidents and injuries, especially when operating heavy machinery or engaging in physical activities.
  3. A study in Japan estimated that a 10% increase in pollen count leads to thousands of additional accidents, costing the economy billions of dollars.
The Shift With Sam Baker 19 implied HN points 23 Mar 23
  1. Gardening can be a fulfilling hobby even if you're new to it. It's never too late to start growing plants and enjoying the process.
  2. Gender stereotypes may have influenced your interests in the past, but it's important to challenge and explore new activities that bring you joy.
  3. Past negative experiences shouldn't define your current preferences. It's alright to reassess and find new appreciation for things you once disliked.
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Gutsphere - Your Ultimate Guide to Optimal Gut Health 0 implied HN points 05 Jun 23
  1. Certain probiotics during pregnancy can reduce eczema risk in children, C-section births may increase allergy risk, and breastfeeding may protect against allergies.
  2. Growing up on a farm or closer to nature can decrease allergy risk, playing outside reduces allergies, and hand washing dishes can lower allergy rates.
  3. A diet high in processed foods increases allergy risk, while a high-fiber diet may reduce it. Consuming local honey can help manage pollen allergies, and early introduction of peanuts can decrease peanut allergy risk.
Joshua Gans' Newsletter 0 implied HN points 15 Feb 13
  1. The story humorously outlines the steps of a child's first allergy attack, showcasing the chaos and challenges involved.
  2. The child's behavior during the allergic reaction involves resisting treatment, creating a scene at the doctor's office, and ultimately calming down after receiving medical care.
  3. The specific trigger of the allergic reaction was the Indian masala sauce, indicating the importance of being aware of food allergies and their potential consequences.
Gutsphere - Your Ultimate Guide to Optimal Gut Health 0 implied HN points 06 Jun 23
  1. Allergies can vary widely in severity from mild reactions to life-threatening emergencies like anaphylaxis.
  2. Factors like the hygiene hypothesis, genetics, and lifestyle changes contribute to the increasing prevalence of allergies.
  3. The gut microbiome plays a crucial role in influencing immune responses, potentially impacting susceptibility to allergies.