The hottest Vitamins Substack posts right now

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Top Health & Wellness Topics
Are You Okay? 419 implied HN points 16 Feb 24
  1. CBD gummies can be a safe option for improving sleep, as they contain cannabidiol that may help with conditions like anxiety and insomnia.
  2. Quality and purity of CBD products matter, so it's important to choose reputable brands; remember that people may react differently to CBD, and consulting a doctor before use is wise.
  3. For women in their 50s, while multivitamins may seem beneficial, it's essential to consider individual dietary needs and consult a healthcare provider.
Are You Okay? 319 implied HN points 11 Aug 23
  1. Juice cleanses may not provide significant health benefits and can lead to negative side effects like headaches and irritability.
  2. Long-term, sustainable changes in diet, such as eating fruits and vegetables, three solid meals a day, and regular fullness, are recommended over juice cleanses.
  3. Vitamin B12 supplements may be necessary in certain cases, like when levels are low due to specific conditions, even though vitamins can sometimes be unnecessary.
Sustainability by numbers 241 implied HN points 07 Jun 23
  1. Plant-based milks are generally lower in calories, saturated fat, and protein compared to cow's milk.
  2. Soy milk is an exception, containing a similar amount of total protein and considered a 'high-quality' protein source.
  3. Not all plant-based milks are good protein sources, especially for infants and young children, as they may lack essential amino acids needed for proper growth and development.
Are You Okay? 199 implied HN points 12 May 23
  1. New mammogram guidelines recommend starting regular mammograms at age 40, especially important for women with increased risk of breast cancer.
  2. Low vitamin D levels can be a concern, particularly if affected by skin tone and sunscreen use. Finding alternate sources or methods can help improve bone health, mood, and immune system.
  3. Engaging in screening and managing health concerns, like caregiver burnout, proactively can help prevent negative outcomes and improve overall well-being.
The Heart Attack Diet 39 implied HN points 27 Jun 23
  1. Don't duplicate someone else's work. It's a waste of time to do the same thing twice.
  2. Create your own unique diet plan, like the 'ex150ish' diet mentioned, by using a specific recipe and approach.
  3. Consider taking vitamin and mineral supplements to ensure you're getting essential nutrients when following a specialized diet.
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Are You Okay? 0 implied HN points 04 Jun 20
  1. Boost your adaptive immune system with a vaccine or by developing neutralizing antibodies after being sick with COVID-19.
  2. Enhance your innate immune system by focusing on your general health through proper sleep, exercise, healthy eating, and stress management.
  3. Taking care of your basic health needs not only helps you fight diseases like COVID-19, but also improves overall health and well-being.