The hottest Culinary Substack posts right now

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let them eat cake 219 implied HN points 07 Apr 23
  1. The author's unique background and lack of traditional culinary training shaped their journey into becoming a cook.
  2. Working in a French restaurant led to valuable lessons and mentorship from experienced staff members.
  3. Experiencing the closure of a restaurant during Chinese New Year taught the author an important lesson in the industry.
Thái | Hacker | Kỹ sư tin tặc 19 implied HN points 03 Oct 15
  1. The post discusses the beauty of fruit trees along the road and prompts readers to appreciate the unknown fruits in the distance.
  2. There is a famous city with orange trees but not in Orange County, hinting at a fun way to guess the country and city.
  3. The author shares a desire for Saigon to be as renowned for coconut or mango rows as the city with orange trees.
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Snaxshot 11 likes 13 Mar 24
  1. Sophia Cheng has had a diverse career path, starting from studying journalism to working in finance and consulting before pursuing her plant-based jelly product, Oddball.
  2. The inspiration behind Oddball comes from Sophia's Asian upbringing, highlighting the importance of texture in Asian foods and the balance and moderation in the Asian diet.
  3. The journey of building Oddball has been challenging, especially in terms of fundraising, but Sophia emphasizes the importance of simplicity in product creation and the values of embracing healthier snacking choices.