The hottest Friendships Substack posts right now

And their main takeaways
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Links I Would Gchat You If We Were Friends 718 implied HN points 10 Feb 24
  1. The Facebook party album from 2008 was a unique sociological spectacle that reflected youth relationships and friendships
  2. Social media platforms have evolved in how they enable users to navigate and express their friendships, from Facebook to Instagram Stories
  3. Modern digital signals of relational closeness, like group chats and Instagram grid posts, continue to play significant roles in mapping friendships
Passing Time 234 implied HN points 06 Mar 24
  1. Imagine your friends as celestial bodies in your social solar system, orbiting around you forming clusters and connections.
  2. Explore the fringes of your social universe like the Kuiper Belt, where you can discover new friends and expand your network.
  3. Just like the vast universe beyond our solar system, there's a whole universe of friendships and connections waiting to be explored and connected.
Wellness Wisdom by Patricia Mou 746 implied HN points 04 Sep 23
  1. The concept of a 'fourth place' is introduced as a community space for meaningful connections beyond home, work, and public areas.
  2. Creating a 'fourth place' involves fostering shared interests and contexts, multi-dimensional friendships, and spaces for inward exploration and self-expression.
  3. To establish more 'fourth places', it is essential to offer diverse programming, encourage exploration, and create environments that support collective flourishing.
Brent and Michael are Going Places 904 implied HN points 20 Mar 23
  1. Unlikely friendships can have a profound impact on our lives, even if they are brief.
  2. People are not always what they seem, and judging based on first impressions or stereotypes can be misleading.
  3. Building connections with others, especially in unlikely circumstances, can bring a unique and beautiful experience to life.
The ZIPster 26 implied HN points 23 Feb 24
  1. Unexpected happenings can occur frequently in our lives, like funny moments on the golf course, showing the charm of spontaneity.
  2. When joining clubs or groups, the experience can exceed expectations, leading to valuable friendships and unexpected joy.
  3. Golf clubs can be a place to forge new friendships and have fun, proving that age is no barrier to making meaningful connections.
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Jay's Data Stream 11 implied HN points 06 Apr 23
  1. This winter season had record-breaking snowfall in Salt Lake City, making it amazing for skiing and snowboarding
  2. Building a community and hosting trips with friends can create lasting bonds and fun memories
  3. Having a strong community is important for overall human well-being, and short-term community houses or trips can help reconnect with friends and build relationships
Penelope Trunk's Substack 0 implied HN points 30 Dec 23
  1. Research shows that reciprocal friendships are key. It's important for your best friend to consider you their best friend too.
  2. Engagement in friendship involves pride, fun, pressure, emotions, specialness, and commitment. Reflect on where your friends fall on this list.
  3. Friendships evolve over stages of life. In your 20s, you may have many friends, but by your 30s, it's common to have only a few close friends and focus on family.
Granted 0 implied HN points 08 Sep 18
  1. Making long-term decisions involves considering more than just two options. Adding a third alternative can increase the odds of success.
  2. Building real friendships takes time. On average, it requires 50 hours of interaction to move from acquaintance to friend and 200 hours to become close friends.
  3. Balancing group problem-solving with individual work leads to both good and great ideas. Intermittent collaboration between solo and group efforts is effective.
Granted 0 implied HN points 15 Nov 15
  1. Chasing happiness may actually prevent us from finding it due to the quest for it leading to unhappiness
  2. Having unsupportive husbands, not children, is what holds women back in their careers
  3. Self-deprecating humor can make high-status people look better and low-status people look worse
Granted 0 implied HN points 15 Aug 15
  1. Personality traits like being an ambivert can have a significant impact on social interactions and energy levels.
  2. The quantity of friendships in your 20s and the quality of friendships in your 30s can predict well-being in later life.
  3. Cooperative behavior in kindergarten can predict future success like graduating from college and having a stable job at 25.