The hottest Celebration Substack posts right now

And their main takeaways
Top Faith & Spirituality Topics
Common Sense with Bari Weiss 3348 implied HN points 25 Dec 24
  1. Many famous Christmas songs, like 'Let It Snow!' and 'The Christmas Song', are not about religious themes but focus on winter, romance, and festive activities.
  2. These beloved songs were often written by Jewish Americans, blending their cultural influences into the music that celebrates Christmas in America.
  3. Even if someone doesn't celebrate Christmas, the music can still be enjoyed as a part of the holiday spirit and tradition.
Tech and Tea 772 implied HN points 09 Dec 24
  1. Celebrating big changes doesn't always mean throwing a party. Sometimes, just having time to relax and think is the best way to celebrate.
  2. It's okay to do things that seem unimportant. These little joys can make us happy and should be valued too.
  3. We often push ourselves to be productive all the time. It's nice to take breaks and enjoy simple pleasures without the pressure to always be working.
Vittles 282 implied HN points 23 Dec 24
  1. Delia Smith's recipes are a reliable choice for traditional Christmas dinners. Many people rely on her approach to make sure their meals turn out well.
  2. Celebrating Christmas can involve a mix of personal traditions and modern adjustments. It's important to adapt holiday meals to fit family and cultural backgrounds.
  3. Cooking for Christmas can bring back memories and connect us with our loved ones. It’s often about creating a warm atmosphere, regardless of the methods or ingredients used.
Men Yell at Me 192 implied HN points 15 Dec 24
  1. The author originally planned to keep Christmas simple and fun without stressful traditions. They wanted to avoid feeling overwhelmed like their mom did in the past.
  2. They cherish Christmas for its lights, decorations, and family time, remembering their childhood tradition of Christmas Eve pizza.
  3. The author aimed to create enjoyable traditions for their kids, starting with a reusable advent calendar filled with candies to avoid holiday stress.
Glenn’s Substack 1375 implied HN points 28 Jan 24
  1. The post celebrates Bill Barton's 80th birthday and his performance at a Scottish whiskey bar.
  2. The event was filled with friends, family, and acquaintances who sang along with the music.
  3. The photos shared in the post were captured using an iPhone and showcase impressive quality.
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Unpopular Front 60 implied HN points 28 Nov 24
  1. The newsletter has been successful and is about to celebrate four years. The writer is grateful for the support from readers during this time.
  2. Starting the newsletter was a big risk after losing a job and facing rejections, but it turned out to be a great decision.
  3. The writer aims to keep providing understanding and entertainment to the readers in the future, especially during challenging times.
Splattern 179 implied HN points 13 May 24
  1. Seeing the graduation was a surprise. The students really embraced the moment and had a lot of fun, even if it meant pushing their limits.
  2. People often feel uncertain during big life changes, like graduation. This makes them focus more on enjoying the present instead of worrying about the future.
  3. Family gatherings can change over time. It was nice to see everyone getting along and sharing laughs while helping each other, showing how relationships evolve.
The Big Yard 353 implied HN points 11 Jan 24
  1. The author shares their experience with birdwatching from their home, especially during icy weather.
  2. Despite freezing temperatures, the author marvels at the resilience and survival strategies of the Anna's Hummingbirds.
  3. The narrative includes personal reflections on marriage and baking, intertwined with observations of bird species in the yard.
The Watch 874 implied HN points 20 Oct 23
  1. For $450, you can honor a controversial sheriff at an event with Jeff Sessions.
  2. The sheriff, Chad Bianco, has faced criticism for various actions, including issues with law enforcement practices.
  3. The event highlights a trend of celebrating law enforcement officials for their harsh tactics, even when faced with serious controversies.
L'Atelier Galita 299 implied HN points 15 Jan 24
  1. The Atelier is celebrating its 4th anniversary with ideas for themed celebrations and offer promotions to subscribers
  2. Sharing a reader's recommendation on a book about housekeeping and decluttering
  3. Considering various themes like favorite videos, influential books, preferred press, impactful emails, and life changes from 4 years of the Atelier
Philosophy for the People w/Ben Burgis 259 implied HN points 24 Dec 23
  1. A certain group believes atheists dislike Christmas, but data shows 85% of non-religious Americans still celebrate the holiday.
  2. Christopher Hitchens took a Grinch-like stance on Christmas, but atheists can find reasons to enjoy the season.
  3. There is a case for atheists to appreciate and participate in Christmas or other holiday traditions without religious beliefs.
Mind & Mythos 79 implied HN points 31 Oct 23
  1. Halloween is not traditionally celebrated in Australia, but it is becoming more popular. Many kids now expect to celebrate it, including going trick-or-treating.
  2. The author is unsure how Halloween became such a big event in the US. They find it a bit confusing but recognize its growing acceptance in Australia.
  3. This update is mainly for paid subscribers, highlighting that the content is intended for a specific audience.
Ladyparts 179 implied HN points 06 Oct 22
  1. Yom Kippur is a day of atonement where you reflect on your wrongdoings and strive for self-improvement.
  2. It's essential to acknowledge our mistakes, apologize, and consider how to do better, regardless of religious beliefs.
  3. Baking a special dessert with an old friend can be a meaningful way to reconcile and connect, even during solemn occasions.
JoeWrote 29 implied HN points 15 Mar 24
  1. St. Patrick's Day was initially a respectful commemoration of the patron saint of Ireland, but it evolved into a secular celebration of Irish culture internationally, with green becoming a key symbol.
  2. Before the 1800s, Ireland's national color was blue, but the rebellion of 1798 against British rule led to green becoming the color of Irish nationalism.
  3. The history of Ireland's struggle for independence teaches the importance of symbols like the color green as declarations of resistance against oppression and commitment to freedom.
Murray Bridge News 19 implied HN points 22 Jan 24
  1. Australia Day celebrations in Murray Bridge and Tailem Bend include barbecues, awards, and citizenship ceremonies.
  2. Murray Bridge will host a free community breakfast with guest speaker Samela Harris and awards for deserving locals.
  3. Federal MP Tony Pasin encourages Australians to celebrate the nation's success on Australia Day and offers patriotic bumper stickers.
The ZIPster 26 implied HN points 23 Feb 24
  1. Unexpected happenings can occur frequently in our lives, like funny moments on the golf course, showing the charm of spontaneity.
  2. When joining clubs or groups, the experience can exceed expectations, leading to valuable friendships and unexpected joy.
  3. Golf clubs can be a place to forge new friendships and have fun, proving that age is no barrier to making meaningful connections.
Side Maker 19 implied HN points 05 Mar 23
  1. The author participated in a 'Build Weekend' event where participants worked on their projects from Friday afternoon to Sunday.
  2. The author shares about the projects of fellow participants from an MVP Bootcamp, including ideas like a solopreneur calculator and an AI-powered gift idea picker.
  3. The event also celebrated the 3rd anniversary of the #100daysofnocode challenge, acknowledging the journey and participation of all involved.
The Flawed Yogi Report 19 implied HN points 05 Nov 21
  1. Celebrating and honoring the dead through rituals and remembrance can help us appreciate and keep their memories alive.
  2. Grief for lost loved ones can be a transformative experience, leading to personal growth and self-reflection.
  3. Reflecting on the lives of those who have passed can inspire us to live meaningfully, fostering kindness and appreciation for each other.
And It Don't Stop 0 implied HN points 27 Oct 23
  1. Family organized a memorial event combining mourning with celebration.
  2. The event featured Joy Harvey's art, photographs, and a diverse playlist encapsulating her life.
  3. Gwen and Juan engaged in music throughout their lives, creating a salsa combo and organizing jam sessions.