Think Future

Think Future is a Substack by Cassidy Steele Dale focused on futurism, offering forecasts, insights, and reflections aimed at preparing readers for potential futures. It covers a wide array of topics from political dynamics, spiritual and religious perspectives, societal trends, environmental challenges, and personal anecdotes to foster a better understanding of the present and future.

Futurism and Forecasting Religious and Spiritual Beliefs Political Dynamics and Election Forecasts Societal Trends and Challenges Environmental Issues and Wildlife Conservation Data Analysis and Critical Thinking Human Behavior and Psychology Media and Entertainment Influences Personal Growth and Community Building

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And their main takeaways
159 implied HN points β€’ 18 Apr 24
  1. The movie 'Civil War' presents a dystopian-horror road movie with haunting vignettes and no clear good vs. bad sides.
  2. The film's message is a cautionary tale about the dangers and consequences of wishing or inciting a civil war.
  3. The movie serves as a stark reminder of the potential horrors and complexities of a civil war, urging viewers to be wary of the consequences.
738 implied HN points β€’ 25 Jan 24
  1. Different religions have exoteric and esoteric approaches to death and the afterlife, which influences their views on heaven and the divine.
  2. Mystic beliefs often emphasize the presence of the divine in everyday life and the idea that we are part of The Beyond, both while alive and after death.
  3. According to mystics, individuals reunite with the divine and loved ones after death, and their presence continues to impact the world through memories and teachings.
99 implied HN points β€’ 04 Apr 24
  1. Cassidy Steele Dale writes to equip readers with tools for creating a better world by explaining and providing foresight skills.
  2. Despite current cynicism and existential dread, Dale emphasizes hope for the future and the possibility of positive change.
  3. The candle logo symbolizes the nearing end of a dark age and the potential for a brighter future, with the idea that individuals play a key role in shaping this transformation.
139 implied HN points β€’ 22 Feb 24
  1. The newsletter provides forecasts, perspectives, and tools to create a better world.
  2. Topics discussed in upcoming newsletters include the 2024 presidential election scenarios and ramifications of Supreme Court decisions.
  3. Other intriguing topics include a giant clock in the desert, Swedish death cleaning, and personal stories about hope and future.
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79 implied HN points β€’ 07 Mar 24
  1. Forecasting the outcome of the 2024 Presidential campaigns is complex due to numerous variables and uncertainties.
  2. Futurists find it easier to predict the general trends and movements in society rather than specific details.
  3. Developing a 'chunk ahead' phased timeline approach helps in forecasting possible scenarios and making strategic plans for key events.
159 implied HN points β€’ 01 Feb 24
  1. Grandma showed remarkable bravery by punching out an armed man in defense of her family.
  2. In times of crisis, the calmest and most stable individuals tend to be sought for leadership and guidance.
  3. Being a calming influence in chaotic situations can have a significant impact, guiding others towards solutions and positivity.
59 implied HN points β€’ 14 Mar 24
  1. The movie 'Civil War' is an illustration and warning about a potential future, not a forecast or prediction.
  2. Do not expect the sides in the movie to make sense; they are purposely meant to be nonsensical to emphasize the chaos of a civil war.
  3. The movie 'Civil War' is likely designed as a dystopian road movie, aiming to unsettle viewers with various scenes and portray violence-makers as foolish rather than heroic.
19 implied HN points β€’ 11 Apr 24
  1. Cassidy Steele Dale is starting a series on sensitive topics to equip readers with the skills needed to create a better world.
  2. The author will review Alex Garland's film _Civil War_ and discuss why they believe a second American Civil War is not imminent.
  3. Readers are encouraged to explore the author's previous scenarios on American democracy to understand the possible futures and outcomes.
6 HN points β€’ 25 Apr 24
  1. There is no modern circumstance for American states to go to war with each other. Geographic areas won't battle one another.
  2. The National Guard forces in American states won't act as military forces. The U.S. military will stay on base.
  3. Concerns about a Second Civil War are fueled by fears, but there are no real plans, organization, or large-scale armies for such a conflict.
59 implied HN points β€’ 04 Mar 24
  1. Joyce Slocum, President of Texas Public Radio, has passed away after a prolonged illness, leaving a legacy of love and influence.
  2. People who work in public radio believe in the public and strive to inform and uplift listeners with every program.
  3. Joyce Slocum's dedication to public radio for decades showcased her belief in the power of an informed public to do good.
59 implied HN points β€’ 15 Feb 24
  1. The post discusses the concept of 'Them F*ckers Need Jesus' as a way to address certain evil behaviors and potentially stop them.
  2. The writer aims to equip readers with skills and tools to create a better world, including explaining why some people may resort to harmful actions in the name of religion.
  3. A key message from the post is understanding the root causes behind harmful behaviors and exploring ways to address them, such as through 'Combat Theology: How to Weaponize and De-Weaponize a Religion'.
119 implied HN points β€’ 28 Dec 23
  1. The TV show Doctor Who is a long-lasting British classic that embodies the triumph of intellect and reason over brute force and cynicism, offering a mix of genres and themes.
  2. The Doctor, a key character in Doctor Who, is portrayed as an alien who embodies endless wisdom, kindness, and the resilience to never give up, with the show's unpredictability keeping viewers engaged.
  3. Doctor Who's longevity and impact serve as a model for facing challenges with bravery, kindness, and a commitment to helping others, inspiring viewers to act with courage and empathy in the real world.
59 implied HN points β€’ 08 Feb 24
  1. The outcome of the 2024 Presidential Election is highly influenced by who wins the presidency and how political parties handle the aftermath.
  2. Current legal battles faced by Trump, such as his court cases and potential convictions, may impact his chances at winning the election.
  3. The next few weeks will bring significant developments in Trump's legal situations, potentially affecting the election and the future of American democracy.
79 implied HN points β€’ 11 Jan 24
  1. Refusing to adapt and move forward can lead to being trapped in the past, like a vampire unable to cross thresholds or change.
  2. Fear of the future can darken your soul, so embrace change and be open to new eras.
  3. Avoid living in nostalgia or too much fear of the unknown; stay present and prepared for what lies ahead.
159 implied HN points β€’ 21 Oct 23
  1. No Republican can currently get the 217 votes necessary to become Speaker of the House, leading to a potential deadlock in the selection process.
  2. Republicans may need to compromise with Democrats to elect a Speaker, which could be a challenging task due to the current political dynamics.
  3. The House may enter a period of internal scrum until they come to terms with reality and make a decision on electing a Speaker, possibly causing delays and uncertainty in the legislative process.
219 implied HN points β€’ 31 Aug 23
  1. The book 'The Great Dechurching' discusses why many Americans have stopped going to church since the early 1990s and proposes how churches can bring them back.
  2. Church membership decline doesn't necessarily mean a loss of faith; many people are evolving spiritually in ways that churches haven't addressed yet.
  3. American churches are facing challenges and closures, but this doesn't indicate a decline in faith - instead, the country may be on the brink of a new spiritual awakening.
119 implied HN points β€’ 09 Nov 23
  1. Identifying trends involves looking for patterns over time, both increasing and decreasing, in various aspects of society and industry.
  2. Reading news for trends involves focusing on 'real news' that provides deep insights and understanding of issues, rather than temporary headlines or human interest stories.
  3. Deep-lying trends impact many surface-level changes, with monitoring deep trends providing valuable insights for forecasting the future.
179 implied HN points β€’ 07 Sep 23
  1. Unintended consequences can arise from seemingly simple solutions - like how the World Health Organization's DDT spray led to a plague outbreak among the Dayak tribe.
  2. Understanding individuals' natural tendencies in different contexts is crucial - like the successful 'beaver-nature' of beavers in creating fire breaks.
  3. Careful planning and consideration are essential to avoid potential disasters - like the mismanagement of the Great Emu War in Australia.
119 implied HN points β€’ 12 Oct 23
  1. Forecasting the 2024 Presidential Election involves considering a range of possibilities beyond a simple Trump versus Biden rematch.
  2. Forecasts often rely on data and trends, but sometimes accurate forecasting requires looking beyond the present reality and positing potential scenarios.
  3. The 2024 election could play out in multiple ways, such as Trump being too damaged to win, Trump not running as the GOP nominee, or new candidates fielded by both parties, making it a complex and unpredictable political landscape.
79 implied HN points β€’ 16 Nov 23
  1. Government shutdowns are looming as the GOP hardliners are pushing for their own agenda, potentially leading to legislative hurdles.
  2. Trump's legal battles might significantly impact his future, with his civil fraud case being a key factor to watch out for.
  3. The winter forecast indicates a snowier season, which could pose challenges to the power grid, so it's important to be prepared.
39 implied HN points β€’ 04 Jan 24
  1. Futurists use acronyms like STEEPM and EPISTLE to analyze trends for future forecasting, considering factors like Social/Cultural, Technological, Economic, Political, and more.
  2. The 2024 Presidential Campaign's key focus areas include Political, Legal, Economic, Social/Cultural, and Religious arenas, potentially shaping the future of the United States.
  3. Factors affecting the support for Trump and Biden in the 2024 election include legal cases, criminal convictions, voter demographics, and overall political landscape.
79 implied HN points β€’ 02 Nov 23
  1. The importance of expertise in interpreting data findings - data can sometimes lead to nonsensical conclusions without proper expertise to guide the analysis.
  2. Be cautious of drawing conclusions solely based on data - critical thinking is essential to avoid errors in analysis, like the case of Trip Advisor's BBQ city rankings.
  3. Consulting with longtime experts is crucial before accepting data-driven findings as 'rock-solid' - having seasoned professionals review results can help prevent misinterpretations and errors.
39 implied HN points β€’ 14 Dec 23
  1. Forecasting nightmare scenarios about a second Trump term reflects the current political landscape.
  2. Trump's nightmare scenario might actually be a utopian dream for his base, promising defense and correction of the system in their favor.
  3. Despite the prevalence of nightmare scenarios, positive futures are still possible, and current issues-based polling may offer insights into potential outcomes.
39 implied HN points β€’ 07 Dec 23
  1. Differentiate between reports of facts, forecasts, and nightmare scenarios when analyzing a candidate's potential actions.
  2. Forecasts can contain a mix of facts and nightmare scenarios, providing varied perspectives on what may happen.
  3. Understanding the overlap between these perspectives helps grasp possible outcomes of political scenarios.
39 implied HN points β€’ 22 Nov 23
  1. Avoid discussing controversial topics like future, religion, and government during Thanksgiving to keep interactions positive.
  2. Watch comforting videos with family, like historical recipes, ASMR, and instructional clips to enjoy the holiday spirit.
  3. Find joy and gratitude in the beauty of the world and the moments shared with friends and family during Thanksgiving.
59 implied HN points β€’ 21 Sep 23
  1. Smart clothes have a multitude of capabilities like temperature regulation, radiation protection, and power generation through solar collection and motion.
  2. Star Trek fans are being called upon to imagine the futuristic capabilities of Starfleet uniforms like self-cleaning features, flexibility for temperature adjustments, and basic biomonitoring powered by clothing batteries.
  3. Starfleet minimalism reflects a broader value system within the Federation, where personal possessions are reduced to meaningful mementos like photos, totems, tools, and toys.
79 implied HN points β€’ 03 Aug 23
  1. Identify if you're a Chaos Muppet or an Order Muppet to understand your approach to change and problem-solving
  2. Chaos Muppets are disruptors with breakthrough insights who challenge existing systems for improvement
  3. Order Muppets believe in the current system, strive for stability, and focus on building within the organization
59 implied HN points β€’ 14 Sep 23
  1. Forecasting the future involves arranging knowns and unknowns in smart ways.
  2. Professional futurists provide multiple forecasts and help plan for different scenarios.
  3. To predict the future, identify major trends, critical variables, and generate structured scenarios.
79 implied HN points β€’ 27 Jul 23
  1. There are two different versions of Christianity in the U.S.: Knights and Gardeners, based on different worldviews and beliefs about the universe.
  2. Knights see the universe as a cosmic struggle between good and evil, while Gardeners view it as a cosmic garden where all living things should be nurtured.
  3. Identifying whether someone is a Knight or Gardener can help forecast their behavior in various aspects of life, including relationships, conflict resolution, and soul matters.
39 implied HN points β€’ 26 Oct 23
  1. Watch for important events like who becomes Speaker of the House, federal government shutdown possibility, and Virginia state elections outcome.
  2. Consider subverting cruelty and hopelessness in ministry and daily life to create a better future.
  3. Have faith that a better future is possible and work towards it, even in the face of challenges.
79 implied HN points β€’ 13 Jul 23
  1. Cassidy Steele Dale forecasts possible futures for American democracy from 2023-2040, helping us understand and prepare for what may come.
  2. Forecasting American democracy is based on major trends, scenario planning, and understanding critical variables such as voting, governance, freedoms, rights, and demographic shifts favoring Democrats.
  3. Trends over the past 40 years, responses to them, and party actions define the potential paths for American democracy, leading to either Democratic majorities reshaping the political landscape or GOP securing minority rule.
39 implied HN points β€’ 19 Oct 23
  1. Who will be the next Speaker of the House is uncertain, with potential shifts in power dynamics and strategic plays by different factions.
  2. The possibility of a federal government shutdown looms, influenced by the decisions and negotiations within the House of Representatives.
  3. Virginia's upcoming elections may indicate future political trends, especially in a closely divided state, highlighting the importance of the outcome for both parties.
39 implied HN points β€’ 05 Oct 23
  1. The future will be different from the present, in both better and worse ways. It's hard to accept when we're scared or cynical.
  2. The world could change drastically in a short period of time. Events like political shifts, technological advancements, or weather challenges may reshape our reality.
  3. Expect significant changes like the end of political polarization, shifts in news consumption, and a focus on climate-related national security threats. Personal interactions with technology may also evolve, impacting how we perceive information and reality.
19 implied HN points β€’ 30 Nov 23
  1. Cassidy Steele Dale aims to equip readers with foresight skills to create a better future.
  2. Future political developments to watch include the Democratic majority theory, potential government shutdown showdowns, and GOP nomination dynamics.
  3. Potential impacts on American democracy in 2024 include court cases, media deception, and threats to the Voting Rights Act.