Val's Pals

Val's Pals explores personal development, mental health, creativity, and the challenges surrounding productivity and self-improvement. It delves into themes of self-compassion, overcoming insecurities, and the pursuit of authenticity in personal and professional realms. The content ranges from personal anecdotes to practical advice on networking, writing, and navigating life's uncertainties.

Personal Development Mental Health Creativity and Writing Productivity and Self-Improvement Networking and Professional Growth Cultural Identity Personal Anecdotes and Reflections

The hottest Substack posts of Val's Pals

And their main takeaways
1179 implied HN points 01 Jan 23
  1. Jealousy can be rooted in personal insecurities and past experiences.
  2. Comparing oneself to others can lead to feelings of jealousy and inadequacy.
  3. Understanding the root causes of jealousy can lead to better self-acceptance and compassion.
550 implied HN points 04 Feb 23
  1. Never prioritize the small details over the big picture
  2. Trust your logical brain over emotional intuition
  3. Live in constant fear of unlikely negative outcomes
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432 implied HN points 07 Dec 22
  1. The desire for a stable, structured life with a family can be appealing for some, providing a sense of order and happiness.
  2. Growing older is often associated with seeking inner peace and less self-criticism, as well as longing for a life with less uncertainty.
  3. Exploring life's uncertainties and challenges, while terrifying, can also be thrilling and essential to shaping one's own path.
393 implied HN points 17 Dec 22
  1. Negative self-talk can be harsh and critical
  2. Comparing oneself to others can lead to feelings of failure
  3. It's important to take a step back and listen to self-criticism with a sense of humor
137 implied HN points 09 Feb 24
  1. Jealousy often stems from insecurity, and it's important to remember that the people we envy are also just humans with their own insecurities.
  2. Interacting with those we're jealous of can reveal that our perceptions are not always accurate, and they may even seek advice from us despite our feelings.
  3. Taking concrete steps to confront and navigate jealousy, such as interacting with those we envy and addressing our insecurities, can help us tame this complex emotion.
275 implied HN points 05 Mar 23
  1. Networking is important for growth and can be enjoyable and genuine.
  2. Recommendations from others can significantly boost a Substack's subscribers.
  3. Engaging in networking activities can lead to collaborations and professional connections.
117 implied HN points 17 Jan 24
  1. The post discusses the experience of being a high-achieving Asian student and the pressure it puts on others.
  2. It highlights the tactics employed by Asian parents to ensure their children succeed.
  3. The importance of strategic secrecy and withholding information to maintain a competitive edge is emphasized.
373 implied HN points 13 Sep 22
  1. People in intense corporate jobs may struggle with feelings of meaninglessness and mental health issues
  2. It's important to question idealized versions of success and balance personal goals with career aspirations
  3. Balancing a demanding career with desires for family life can pose challenges and create internal conflicts
569 implied HN points 13 Apr 22
  1. Getting things done is more important than perfection.
  2. Even if it's not perfect, completing a task is better than doing nothing.
  3. Don't let perfectionism stop you from finishing and moving forward.
314 implied HN points 09 Oct 22
  1. Quality is better than sloppiness in work and writing
  2. Good work takes time, effort, and care
  3. Some tasks, like parenting and writing, require active effort and cannot be rushed
255 implied HN points 25 Nov 22
  1. Finding meaning in life often comes from small, routine moments.
  2. Seeking meaning through achievements may not always bring fulfillment.
  3. Viewing the meaning in one's life as a gift can lead to gratitude and contentment.
255 implied HN points 05 Nov 22
  1. Time is precious and cannot be created, only managed.
  2. Use your time wisely as it is limited and always running out.
  3. Focus on what truly matters in life and be present in the moment.
275 implied HN points 27 Sep 22
  1. Asian Americans often face a dichotomy in their relationships with their parents.
  2. There is a need to explore third options that transcend extreme choices with family.
  3. Balancing autonomy and respect for parents is a common struggle for many Asian Americans.
235 implied HN points 29 Oct 22
  1. The story of the hummingbird teaches us to do what we can, no matter how small our efforts may seem.
  2. Focusing on what we can do right now can reduce anxiety and help us tackle problems effectively.
  3. Small efforts, similar to the hummingbird's actions, can lead to significant positive changes over time.
452 implied HN points 12 Mar 22
  1. Writing from a genuine place of intense emotions can help overcome writer's block.
  2. Nourishing your soul through writing is essential for happiness and feeling alive.
  3. Becoming a writer involves persistence, routine, and self-payment in words and pages.
314 implied HN points 16 Jul 22
  1. The author shares strategies to make money from online content.
  2. Small victories and connections made along the journey can be just as valuable as financial success.
  3. Balancing taking oneself seriously with enjoying the creative process is important in content creation.
137 implied HN points 19 May 23
  1. The post is about reflections on an essay about the author's dad.
  2. The author is considering whether paid subscriptions for their content should exist.
  3. Readers can sign up for a 7-day free trial to access the full post archives.
137 implied HN points 14 Jan 23
  1. The author writes about their family, rather than their usual content due to personal struggles.
  2. The post is only available for paid subscribers, with an opportunity for a 7-day free trial.
  3. The author is honest about their challenges and shifts focus to what truly matters to them.
117 implied HN points 12 Feb 23
  1. The post discusses the concept of slowing down and other February updates
  2. Shoutouts are made to Joseph Lam for his work connecting people with their parents and to Pavel S for his thoughtful writing on humanity
  3. The post prompts readers to subscribe for a 7-day free trial to access more content
137 implied HN points 26 Dec 22
  1. Valerie shared a detailed review of her year
  2. The post requires a paid subscription to access
  3. There is a 7-day free trial available to read more
117 implied HN points 28 Jan 23
  1. Being successful requires willingness to change routines.
  2. Consider your potential and make necessary adjustments.
  3. Explore the idea of a trial subscription for more insights.
98 implied HN points 30 Mar 23
  1. Don't let perfectionism stop you from publishing your work.
  2. On the internet, it's better to be consistent and promote your content.
  3. Being a 'doer' is more important than endlessly perfecting your work.
255 implied HN points 14 May 22
  1. You have what it takes to start a blog, no matter who you are.
  2. Starting a blog is easy and you can express yourself shamelessly.
  3. It's normal to feel scared about sharing your blog, but surround yourself with supportive people.